Home Page of Dr. Myron Hlynka,
Queueing Theorist

Co-ordinator, Master of Actuarial Science Program, University of Windsor.
2021 MActSc Orientation Slides
I have created a new web site "Queueing and COVID-19" accessible at
April 20, 2020. Co-recipient of WE-SPARK Igniting Discovery COVID-19 Rapid
competition grant from WE-SPARK Health Institute (together with Edwin Tam
(lead) Anneke Smit, Tirupati Bolisetti, Mohamed Belalia)
Most recent update: April 2, 2021.
CanQueue 2017 Conference took place in
Windsor, Ontario!! August 18-19, 2017.
Myron Hlynka's Queueing Theory
Co-ordinator, Master of Actuarial Science Program, University of Windsor.
Information on M.Act.Sc.
"Web Resources for Actuarial Exam P" can be
found HERE(P).
"Web Resources for Actuarial Exam FM" can be found HERE(FM).
"Web Resources for Actuarial Exam IFM" can be found HERE(IFM).
"Web Resources for Actuarial Exam LTAM" can be found HERE(LTAM).
"Web Resources for Actuarial Exam STAM" can be found
2020 Society of Actuaries Exam Dates
2019 Society of Actuaries Exam Dates
SOA Exam Approved Calculators.
For information on undergraduate courses at the University of Windsor that
help to
prepare for SOA Actuarial Exams, see
Math Institute Videos.
M. Hlynka timetable (Sept-Dec., 2019)
- To see Dr. Hlynka's Reasons for Selecting the
University of
Windsor to Study Undergraduate Mathematics and Statistics, click on
Choose U. of Windsor Math. & Stat.
- To see reasons to study actuarial science at the
University of
Windsor, see
Give an
of a word in the English language with five consecutive vowels.
The answer is QUEUEING!
(Please do NOT use the alternative spelling QUEUING.)
Q: If you had a preemptive priority system with seven low priority
customers in the system, and a high priority customer arrived and
bumped the low priority customer from service, what name (from a
Disney movie) would be appropriate to describe this situation?
A: No Wait and the Seven Dwarfs!
For more queueing levity, click HERE.
For other math humor, visit
Myron Hlynka's Math Jokes.
Dr. Myron Hlynka
Dept. of Math. & Stat.
University of Windsor
Windsor, Ontario, Canada N9B 3P4
Phone (519)-253-3000 Extension 3014
Fax: (519)-971-3649
URL: http://web2.uwindsor.ca/math/hlynka/index.html
Office Address: 9114 Lambton Tower
For my photo, click
For a CV, click on
M. Hlynka CV.
For Fall Term, 2021 (September-December, 2021)
I will be teaching Math 3980/ACSC 8020 (Theory of Interest) plus
Stat 8410/Stat 4410 (Stochastic Processes) and I am currently supervising
2 Master's degree students.
I am the academic co-ordinator of the M.ActSc program. I am also the
person in charge with
locally supervising the Soc. of Actuaries exams. I am working on various
projects and continue with my other regular administrative duties.
Professional Accreditation and Memberships:
P. Stat. (Professional Statistician).
Canadian Operations Research Society (CORS)
(This links to the CORS home page.)
Statistical Society of Canada (S.S.C.)
(This links to the SSC home page.)
INstitute For Operations Research and Management Sciences(INFORMS)
(This links to the INFORMS home page.)
American Statistical Association (A.S.A.)
(This links to the ASA home page.)
Mathematical Association of America (M.A.A.)
(This links to the MAA home page.)
Research Interests
My research interests in queueing theory include control of
queueing systems, parallel queues, queue joining strategies,
queueing applications in health (cholesterol,
attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder), queueing applications
in sports (when to remove a goalie in a hockey game),
double ended queues, reversible queues, queueing applications in
telecommunications, and queueing applications in health services.
I also have research interests in inventory theory,
robustness, random truncation, Markov Chain Monte Carlo methods,
preprocessing, and the "secretary problem."
Graduate Students Supervised
Andrew LUONG, M.Sc.(Statistics), University of Alberta, 1983
Master's Paper: Some Results in Reliability Using Death-Immigration
and Renewal Processes
- Wai-Hang POON, M.Sc.(Computer Science),
University of Windsor, 1991, co-supervised with Dr. Henry Toews
Master's Thesis: Dynamic Scheduling Strategies for Pseudo Parallel
Queues: Observing Queues Before Joining
- Richard SCHELL, M.Sc. (Statistics),
University of Windsor, 1994
Master's Paper: A Queueing Model for Cholesterol
(University of Windsor Gold Medalist - October, 1995)
M.Sc. (Statistics), University of Windsor, 1995
Master's Paper: Conditional Maximum Distributions and Random
Currently a professor in the Dept of Statistics and Actuarial Sciences at
the University of Waterloo.
Kirk ROY, M.Sc. (Statistics), University of Windsor, 1997.
Master's Thesis: A Probabilistic Interpretation of Laplace
- co-supervised with Dr. Richard Caron
M.Sc. (Statistics), University of Windsor, 1997.
Master's Thesis: A Situational Analysis of the Sacrifice Bunt
in Baseball
- Luat BUI,
M.Sc. (Mathematics), University of Windsor, 1997.
Master's Thesis: New Results in Partition Theory
M.Sc. (Statistics), University of Windsor, 1997.
Master's Thesis: A Two Dimensional Bin Packing Algorithm.
- co-supervised with Dr. Richard Caron
Wayne HORN, M.Sc. (Statistics), 1999.
Master's Thesis: Laplace Transforms of Order Statistics of Erlang
Random Variables
- co-supervised with Dr. Percy Brill.
Yingchun LUO
M.Sc. (Statistics), 2000.
Master's Major Paper: A Doubly Stochastic Inventory Model.
- Matthew HAEHNEL. M.Sc. (Math), 2001.
Master's Major Paper: A Modified Runs Test and the Stock Market.
Bashar ZOGHEIB. M.Sc. (Stat), 2002.
Master's Major Paper: SAS and Approximations to the Standard Normal
Cumulative Distribution Function.
- Yong Xiang WU. M.Sc. (Stat), 2003.
Master's Major Paper: M/M/c/c Queueing Systems and Parking Lots.
- Huiling XIONG. M.Sc. (Stat), 2003.
Master's Major Paper: Inequalities for a Parking Lot Queueing Model.
- Yi Bei ZHANG. M.Sc. (Stat), 2004. (co-supervised with T. Traynor)
Master's Major Paper: Convergence and Stochastic Stability of One Step
Methods for Stochastic Differential Delay Equations.
- Wen MIN. M.Sc. (Stat), 2005.
Master's Major Paper:
Exploratory Statistical Study of E-Bay Textbook Auctions.
- Xiaoyong WU. Ph.D. (Stat), 2005. (co-supervised with P. Brill)
Some Retrial Queueing Models.
- Jing TANG. M. Sc. (Stat.) 2005. Control of Queues with Unknown
Completion Time.
- Chinthanie RAMASUNDARAHETTIGE. M.Sc. (Stat). A Comparison of
Several Queueing Software Packages. 2006.
- Dongfang CHANG. M.Sc. (Stat.) 2006.
Major Paper:
Queues which Form Prior to Opening of Service Facility.
- Tolulope SAJOBI. M.Sc. (Stat.) 2008.
Thesis. Markov Transition Matrices and
Fibonacci Numbers (126 pp.)
(Vanier Scholarship Winner)
- Qianying WU. M.Sc. (Stat.) 2008.
Major Paper: Some
Properties of First Passage Distributions.
- Warkas Zaber. M.Sc. (Stat.) 2009.
Major Paper:
A Survey of Markov Applications to Medical
Conditions. 2009.
- Rifat JAHAN. M.Sc. (Stat.) 2009.
Major Paper:
Queueing Control and Laplace Transforms.
-co-supervised with Percy Brill
- Shan XU. M.Sc. (Stat.) 2010.
Major Paper:
Some Results on Transient Queues.
- Qian JIANG. M.Sc. (Stat.) 2011.
Major Paper:
Construction of Transition Matrices for Reversible Markov Chains
- Mubeen HUSSAIN. M.Sc. (Stat.) 2011.
Major Paper:
Time to Ruin for Loss Reserves.
- Victoria CHERNOUKHOVA. M.Sc. (Stat). 2012-2013.
Major Paper:
Markov Chain Analysis for Vehicular Left-Turning
- Qianqian WANG. M.Sc. (Stat), 2012-2013.
Major Paper:
Comments on Level Crossing Methods
co-supervised with Percy Brill
Bingsen YAN. M.Sc. (Stat), 2012-2014.
Major Paper:
Laplace Transforms of Busy Periods in Queues
- Zishan HUANG, M.Sc. (Stat), 2014-2015.
Major Paper:
Probabilistic Laplace Transform Inversion.
- Ziwen AN, M.Sc. student 2014-15. Major Paper: Reliability Results
using Probabilistic Interpretation of Laplace Transforms.
- Dongrui LU. M. Sc. student 2015-2016. Major Paper: A Queueing
Model with Interruptions.
- Chong LIU. M. Sc. student 2015-2016. Major Paper: The Coupon
Collecting Problem via Laplace Transforms.
- Xinwei LIU. M. Sc. student 2015-2016. Major Paper: Replacing
Human Service Queues by Kiosks.
- Chi Ho (Alex) CHEUNG, PhD student. 2011-2017.
co-supervised with Percy Brill
Analysis of Fluid Queues Using Level Crossing Methods
- Minjian YUAN, MSc. student 2016-2017.
Major Paper:
Two Strategies
for a Bus Queueing Model.
- Robert Aidoo, MSc. student 2016-2018.
Major Paper:
Queues With Server Utilization Of One.
- Yelyzaveta Chetina, MSc. student 2017-2018.
Major Paper:
Geometric Model of Roots of Stochastic Matrices.
co-supervised with Percy Brill
- Yiyan Ni, M.Sc. student 2017-2018.
co-supervised with Percy Brill.
Major Paper: Urn Models, Infinite Sums and Infinite Products
- Zhanxuan Ding, M.Sc. student 2017-2018.
co-supervised with Percy Brill
Level Crossing Simulation of a Queueing Model
Yiping ZHANG. M.Sc. student. 2018-2019.
co-supervised with Percy Brill
Extension of First Passage Probability.
Jarrett NANTAIS. M.Sc. student 2019-2020.
Major Paper: Task Interrupted by a Poisson Process.
Ranveer KAUR. M.Sc. student. 2019-2020.
Thesis: Probability Study of Medical Clinic Scheduling Procedures
Jointly supervised by M. Hlynka and P.H. Brill.
Xintong CHEN. M.Sc. student. 2019-2021.
Public Restrooms and Queueing.
Jointly supervised by M. Hlynka and P.H. Brill
Undergraduate NSERC/ MITACS Summer Award Students Supervised
- Wai-hang POON, 1989
- Karen LUCIER Hill, 1990
- Nicole LEMIRE, 1990, co-supervised with Dr. R. Caron
- Kar WONG, 1992
- Steve DREKIC, 1993
- Kirk ROY, 1995, co-supervised with Dr. R. Caron
- Jon CASEY, 2002.
- Deborah LOACH, 2005, co-supervised with Dr. R. Caron
- Laura HURAJT, 2006.
- Anna CYLWA, 2007.
- Michelle CYLWA, 2008.
- Samantha MOLINARO, 2009.
- Sheng BI, 2015. (MITACS intern from Nanjing University, July-Sept, 2015)
- Nian LIU, 2018. (MITACS intern from Central South University
July-Sept, 2018)
- Kexin Xie, 2019. (Mitacs intern from Dalian University of Technology., July-Sept, 2019)
- Janhavi Prabhu, 2021. Mitacs intern from
Birla Institute of Technology and Science, Goa, India.
Refereed Publications:
- Hlynka, M. and Sheahan, J., 1986, Optimal Control
Relating to the Excess of one Poisson Process over Another,
Utilitas Mathematica, pp. 217-230.
- Hlynka, M. and Sheahan, J., 1987, Controlling Rates
for a Double Queue, Naval Logistics Research Quarterly, V.
34, pp. 569-577.
- Hlynka, M. and Sheahan, J., 1988, The Secretary
Problem for a Random Walk, Stochastic Processes and Their
Applications, V. 28, pp. 317-325.
- Hlynka, M., Sheahan, J. and Wiens, D.P, 1990, On the
Choice of Support of Re-Descending Psi-Functions in Linear
Models with Asymmetric Error Distributions, Metrika, V. 37,
pp. 365-381.
- Caron, R.J., Hlynka, M. and McDonald, J.F., 1992, On
the Best Case Performance of Hit and Run Methods for
Detecting Necessary Constraints, Mathematical Programming V.
54. pp. 233-249.
- Khasnabish, B., Ahmadi, M., Hlynka, M. and Shridhar,
M., 1993, Trading Nodal Storage Capacity with Incremental
Transmission Capacity IEEE Transactions on Communications.
Vol. 41, pp. 1147-1150.
- Khasnabish, B., Ahmadi, M., Hlynka, M. and Shridhar,
M., 1993, Trading Nodal Storage Capacity with Incremental
Transmission Capacity in Supra-high-speed Packet-switching
Nets, Canadian Journal of Electrical and Computer
Engineering, Vol. 18, pp. 71-80.
- Hlynka, M. and Wang, T., 1993. Comments on Duality
of Queues with Finite Buffer Size, Operations Research
Letters, V. 14, pp. 29-33.
- Hlynka, M., Stanford, D., Poon, W. and Wang, T.,
1994. Observing Queues before Joining, Operations Research,
V. 42, pp. 365-342.
- Khasnabish, B., Ahmadi, M., Hlynka, M., and Shridhar, M.
1994. Design and Evaluation of a Smart Congestion -Level Indicator
for a Large Group of Queues in ATM Networks, Proceedings of 1994
IEEE GLOBECOM, (refereed) V. 1, pp. 156-161.
- Stanford, D. and Hlynka, M., 1996. Observing
General Service Queues Before Joining, Operations Research
Letters, V. 18, pp. 237-245.
- M. Hlynka, S. Drekic and G. McPhail, 1997, A Non-
Monotone Waiting Time Queueing Model,
Utilitas Mathematica, 52, 83-89.
- P.H. Brill and M. Hlynka, 1998, A Single Server N-Line
Queue in which a Customer May Receive Special Treatment,
Stochastic Models. 14, 905-931.
- P.H. Brill and M. Hlynka, 2000. "An Exponential Queue with Competition
for Service," European Journal Of Operational Research (126)3 (2000) pp.
- J.C. Fedoruk, D. Paterson, M. Hlynka, K.Y. Fung, M. Gobet, W. Currie,
2002. "Rapid On-Site Defibrillation versus Community Program." Prehospital
and Disaster Medicine, V. 17:2, pp. 102-106.
- M. Hlynka and L. Mandziuk. 2002. A Queueing Model for Attention-
Deficit / Hyperactivity Disorder. Proceedings
of SCI 2002, The 6th World Multi-Conference on SYSTEMICS, CYBERNETICS AND
INFORMATICS. Orlando, Florida. July 14-16, 2002, Volume IV, 243-248.
- P. Brill and M. Hlynka, 2002. A Geometric Interpretation of 2x2
Transition Matrices. Missouri Journal of Mathematical Sciences. Volume 14,
2002. 159-174.
- M. Mandelbaum and M. Hlynka, 2003. Job Sequencing Using An
Expert. International Journal of Production Economics, 85, 389-401.
M. Hlynka and M. Mandelbaum, 2003. Improving Computer Processing
Efficiency by Sequencing. Chapter 33, of monograph High Performance Computing
Systems and Applications, Kluwer Publishers, edited by Robert Kent and
Todd Sands, pp. 313-327. Proceedings of the 2001 15th Annual Symposium on High Performance
Computing Systems and Applications.
- X. Wu, M. Hlynka, P. Brill, J. Wang. 2005. "An M/G/1 Retrial Queue
with Balking and Retrials during Service." IJOR (International
Journal of Operational Research), V. 1, 30-51.
- M. Mandelbaum, M. Hlynka, P. Brill. 2007. "Nonhomogeneous
Geometric Distributions with Relations to Birth and Death Processes."
TOP (Journal of the Spanish Society of Statistics and Operations
Research). Volume 15, pp. 281-296.
If your university has access to Springer publications, you can view a
copy at
- M. Hlynka and T. Sajobi. 2008. "A Markov Chain Fibonacci Model."
Missouri Journal of Mathematical Sciences.
Volume 20. No. 3. pp. 186-199.
- M. Hlynka, W. Horn, R.Schell. 2008.
Branching Processes with a Common Extinction Probability.
International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics. V. 45, No. 2,
C.K. Cavas, L. Cavas, M.B. Yokes, M. Hlynka, R. Schell, and
K. Yurdakoc
2008. A Novel Application of Queueing Theory on the Caulerpenyne Secreted
by Invasive Caulerpa taxifolia (Vahl) C.Agardh (Ulvophyceae, Caulerpales):
A Preliminary Study.
Mediterranean Marine Science, VOLUME 9, NUMBER 1, JUNE 2008. pp. 67-75
- M. Mandelbaum and M. Hlynka (2008) Examples of Applications of
Queueing Theory in Canada. INFOR, 46(4) 29-46.
- M. Hlynka, L. Hurajt, M. Cylwa. 2009. Transient
Results for M/M/1/c Queues via Path Counting.
International Journal of Mathematics in Operational Research.
Volume 1, 2009, 20-36.
- P.H. Brill, M.L. Huang, M.Hlynka. 2009.
Note on an
Inventory System with Decay. IAENG International
Journal of Applied Mathematics, Volume 39 Issue 3, 171-174.
- M. Hlynka, P.H. Brill, W. Horn. 2010. A Laplace Transform Method for
Order Statistics of Erlang Random Variables.
Probability and Statistics Letters. V. 80, 9-18.
Jerome Cohen, Xue Han, Anca Matei, Vara Parameswaran, Robert Zuniga, Myron
Hlynka. 2010. Rats' Visual-Spatial Working Memory: New Object Choice
Accuracy as a
Function of Number of Objects in the Study Array.
Learning and Motivation, v 41 pp. 125-140.
Marvin Mandelbaum and Myron Hlynka. 2009. A History of Queueing in
Canada before 1980. INFOR. 47, pp. 335-353.
Hlynka, M. 2011. The M/M/1 Queue. Wiley Encyclopedia of Operations Research and Management Science.
Percy H. Brill, Myron Hlynka. 2012.
Server Workload in an M/M/1 Queue with Bulk Arrivals and Special Delays.
Applied Mathematics, 2012, 3, 2174-2177. Vol.3 No.12A
- Myron Hlynka. 2014. Queueing Theory. Encyclopedia of Social Network
Analysis and Mining. Springer. 1472-1483.
- Sheng BI and Myron Hlynka. 2016.
Preprocessing and Cross Border Traffic. Applied Mathematical Sciences,
Vol. 10, 2016, no. 1, 13 - 22
Myron Hlynka. 2017.
MCMC and the Fibonacci distribution.
Communications in Statistics - Simulation and Computation Vol. 46 , Iss. 5, 2017,
- Myron Hlynka and Dongrui LU. 2017.
A Queueing Model with Interruption. In "A Tribute to Professor
Medhi" 2017, Gauhati University Press, 13-17.
- Samantha Morin, Myron Hlynka, and Shan Xu. 2017.
Comments on a Two Queue Network. International Journal of Statistics and
Probability. Vol. 6, 2017, No. 6, 43-49.
- Myron Hlynka. 2018. Queueing Theory. entry in Encyclopedia
of Social Network Analysis and Mining, 2nd ed. Springer.
Also see entry for 2014 edition.
- Robert Aidoo and Myron Hlynka. 2018. Queues with Server Utilization
of One.
Academic Journal of Applied Mathematical Sciences. V.4, 2017, pp. 49-52.
Q. Jiang, M. Hlynka, P. H. Brill, C. H. Cheung. 2018.
Reversibility Checking for Markov Chains.
Communications in Stochastic Analysis (COSA). V. 12, No. 2, 2018, 129-135.
Nian Liu, Myron Hlynka. 2018.
A Queueing Model for Sleep as a Vacation.
Applied Mathematical Sciences, Vol. 12, 2018, no. 25, 1239 - 1249
Ahmed Merie, Myron Hlynka. 2019.
Medical Intervention for Disease Stages Using Game Theory,
Markov Chains, and Bayesian Inference.
International Journal of Statistics and Probability. 8:6, 60-67.
- Kexin Xie, Myron Hlynka. 2019.
Forward and Reverse Parking in a Parking Lot.
Applied Mathematical Sciences, Vol. 13, 2019, no. 22, 1091 - 1102
- Yiping Zhang, Myron Hlynka, & Percy H. Brill. 2019.
First Passage and Collective Marks.
International Journal of Statistics and Probability. 8:6, 47-50.
Hlynka, Myron. 2019. Applications of Queueing in Society 5.0.
chapter in book Optimization in Large Scale Problems (Springer, 2019). 23-27.
P.H.Brill, M.L.Huang, M.Hlynka. 2019.
On the service time in a workload-barrier M/G/1 queue with accepted and
blocked customers.
Available online 26 October 2019
List of Technical Reports:
- Hlynka, M. and Sheahan, J., 1987, Optimal strategies
and Poisson Distribution, Technical Report, 4 pp.
- Caron, R.J., Hlynka, M., and McDonald, J.F., 1988,
Minimizing the Expected Number of Trials in the Coupon
Collector's Problem, Windsor Mathematics Report 88-03,
5 pp.
- Hlynka, M., 1988, Perishable Inventory Units with an
Assignment Time, Windsor Mathematics Report #88-06,
(Technical Report), 46 pp.
- Hlynka, M. 1988 A Discrete Analog to the Method of
Stages, Windsor Mathematics Report #88-11, 17 pp.
- Hlynka, M., Sheahan, J.N., and Wiens,D.P, 1989, On
Deleting Influential Responses Under a Model of Asymmetric
Errors in Regression, University of Alberta Technical Report
#89-25, 6 pp.
- Hlynka, M. and Poon, W.H., 1989, A Computer Program
for Parallel Queues, Windsor Mathematics Report #89-11
(Technical Report) 18 pp.
- Hlynka, M. and Poon, W.H., 1989, Properties of the
Steady State Probabilities of Two Parallel Queues, Windsor
Mathematics Report #89-12, (revised July, 1990), 14 pp.
- M. Hlynka and Wang, T., 1990, Comments on Duality of
Queues with Finite Buffer Size, Windsor Mathematics Report
#90-04, 14 pp.
- Wang, T. and Hlynka, M., 1990, Two Parallel Queues
with Partial Jockeying, Windsor Mathematics Report, #90-06,
15 pp.
- Hlynka, M., Poon, W.H., and Wang, T., 1990,
Observing Queues before Joining, Windsor Mathematics Report
#90-07, 24 pp.
- A.Atmani, R.Caron, M. Hlynka, R.Lashkari, and N.
Lemire, 1992, School Bus Scheduling, A Preliminary Report.
Windsor Mathematics Report #92-04, 61 pp.
- M. Hlynka and C.K. Wong, 1993, An Improved Queue
Joining Strategy, Windsor Mathematics Report #93-01, 10 pp.
- S.V. Majety, M. Hlynka, and R.S. Lashkari, 1993,
Determining the Number of AGV's in Assembly Line Processes.
- P.H. Brill and M. Hlynka, 1993, The "Who's Next"
Queue with Two Lines, Windsor Mathematics Report, 93-08, 21
- D.A. Stanford and M. Hlynka, 1993, Observing General
Service Queues Before Joining, 16 pp.
- P.H. Brill and M. Hlynka, 1994, A Single Server N-Line
Queue in which a Customer May Receive Special Treatment,
Windsor Mathematics Report, 94-03, 21 pp.
- M. Hlynka, S. Drekic and G. McPhail, 1994, A Non-
Monotone Waiting Time Queueing Model, Windsor Mathematics
and Statistics Report 94-05, 10 pp.
- L. Mandziuk and M. Hlynka, 1995, A Queueing Model for
Attention-Deficit / Hyperactivity Disorder, Windsor
Mathematics and Statistics Report 95-02, 18 pp.
- M. Hlynka, 1995, Statistical Distributions Arising in
Perishable Inventory, Windsor Mathematics and Statistics
Report 95-03, 12 pp.
- K. Roy and M. Hlynka, 1995, Queueing in APL, Windsor
Mathematics and Statistics Report 95-04, 13 pp.
- J. Henderson and M. Hlynka, 1995, Risk Aversion and
the Selection of a Target for Quality, Windsor Mathematics and
Statistics Report 95-05, 11 pp.,
- R.J. Caron, M. Hlynka, and K. Roy, 1995, Warranty
Expense Forecasting using Operations Research, Report to
Chrysler Canada Ltd., Windsor, Ontario. 22 pp. (Propietary)
- K. Roy and M. Hlynka, 1995, Queueing Theory Applied to a
Traffic Light Problem, Windsor Mathematics and
Statistics Report #95-14, 18 pp.
- M. Hlynka, 1995, Book Review of "Weighted Approximations in
Probability and Statistics", by M. Csorgo and L. Lajos.
Interfaces, Sept.-Oct., 1995, pp. 213-214.
- P. Brill and M. Hlynka, 1997, "A Geometric Interpretation of
Markov Transition Matrices", Windsor Math and Statistics Report,
#97-01, 10 pp.
- P. Brill and M. Hlynka, 1997, A Multiple Server "Who's
Next?" Queue, Windsor Math and Statistics Report, #97-03, 14 pp.
- P. Brill and M. Hlynka, 1997, Companion Results to L = lambda W,
Windsor Math and Statistics Report, #98-01, 6 pp.
- M. Hlynka, W. Horn, R. Schell, 1999. Branching Processes and
Fibonacci Numbers. Windsor Math and Statistics Report, #99-02,
9 pp.
- K. Roy, M. Hlynka. and R. Caron, 1999. Laplace Transform for
the Busy Period of an M/G/1 System, Windsor Math and Statistics Report,
#99-05, 7 pp.
- J. Casey and M. Hlynka. 2002. The Parrondo Paradox and Queueing.
Windsor Math and Statistics Report,
#02-02, 13 pp.
- M. Hlynka and D. Loach. 2005. Generating Uniform Random Points in a
Regular $n$ Sided Polygon. WMSR #05-02. 8 pp.
- M. Hlynka. 2006. Introduction to the Statistical Language R.
WMSR #06-04. Revised 2008.
- M. Hlynka. 2007. Some Examples of Graphics in the Statistical
Language R. June 13, 2007.
- M. Mandelbaum, M. Hlynka and P.H. Brill, 2006. Nonhomogeneous
Geometric Distribution Representations and Queueing. WMSR #06-03.
(appeared in TOP: Spanish Operational Research Society Journal
Volume 15, 2007, pp. 281-296.)
- M. Hlynka and L.M. Hurajt. 2006. "M/M/1 Transient Queues and Path
Counting." WMSR #06-05.
- M. Hlynka and P.H. Brill. 2007. Stability in M/M/1 Queues with
WMSR #07-09
- M. Hlynka and P.H. Brill. 2008. "A Result for a Counter Problem."
WMSR #08-01.
- M. Hlynka and M. Cylwa. 2009.
Observations on the Metropolis-Hastings
Algorithm." WMSR #09-06.
- M. Hlynka and S. Molinaro. 2009.
"Calculating Transient Probabilities of an M/M/1 Queue: R
program and Test Bank." WMSR #09-07.
- S. Molinaro and M. Hlynka. 2009.
Comparing System Times In An Unordered Two Queue network.
WMSR #09-08.
- B. Zogheib and M. Hlynka. 2009.
Approximations of the Standard Normal Distribution. WMSR #09-09.
- S. Molinaro, M. Hlynka, S. Xu. 2011
Two Unordered Queues. ArXiv 1108.1179, 17 pp. WMSR #11.03
- P.H. Brill and M. Hlynka. 2015. Service Time in Variants of
M / G / 1 Queues. WMSR #15-01.
Yiyan Ni, Myron Hlynka, Percy H. Brill. 2018.
Urn Models and Fibonacci Series.
Q. Jiang, M. Hlynka, P. H. Brill, C. H. Cheung. 2018.
Reversibility Checking for Markov Chains.
Nian Liu, Myron Hlynka. 2018.
Scheduling a Rescue.
Nian Liu, Myron Hlynka. 2018.
A Queueing Model for Sleep as a Vacation.
Kexin Xie, Myron Hlynka. 2019.
Forward and Reverse Parking in a Parking Lot
- M. Hlynka, Statistical Packages at the University of Alberta,
1983, 153 pp.
- M. Hlynka, A Brief Introduction to Queueing Theory, 1994,
61 pp.
If you are interested in having Dr. Hlynka as a guest
speaker, please contact him by e-mail
at hlynka@uwindsor.ca
Other Activities:
- Member of the organizational committee for the
ORSA/TIMS Annual Meeting in Detroit in October, 1994.
- Member of the organizational committee for the
Canadian Operations Research Society (CORS) National Convention
in Windsor in 1999.
- Member of the organizing committee for the 16th International
Workshop on Matrices and Statistics. 2007. Windsor, Ontario.
- local organizer from the Putnam Mathematical Competition at the
University of Windsor since 1986. In the earlier years, this was done
jointly with Dr. Michael Selby. After Michael retired, this was done by
MH alone until 2006, after which the Putnam was locally organized
jointly by MH and Dr. Wai Ling Yee.
- Chief organizer of CanQueue 2009 (Canadian Queueing Conference)
in Windsor, August, 2009.
- Chief organizer of CanQueue 2017 (Canadian Queueing Conference)
in Windsor, August, 2017.
- Developed MActSc program at the U of Windsor. It began in Fall, 2015,
and Fall, 2018 cohort is the fourth group.
- Local administrator of the SOA Actuarial Exams, since 2002-2018.
- Arranged annual visits, from 1995-2018, by Willis Towers Watson
personnel to U of W to discuss actuarial careers.
Other Neat Links
- For an interesting set of articles and biographies on the history
of mathematics housed at the University of St. Andrews
in Scotland, click on
Math History.
- Mathematical Geneology (Who was your advisor's advisor?)
- Are there any males out there who have wondered about tying
their ties when they dress up in a suit? See
- For an entertaining online magazine about mathematics, from Cambridge
University, visit
If you enjoy this kind of mathematics, we would enjoy having you as a
student at the University of Windsor.