prepared by
Dr. Myron
Hlynka, Dept. of Math. &
Stat, U. of Windsor.
January, 2021.
If you are interested in the U. Windsor professional Master's program in
Science (7th intake in Fall, 2021), see
If you are interested in the undergraduate actuarial major or the math
program with actuarial courses within the Department of Mathematics and
Statistics, read below.
The University of Windsor
- has a number of courses that prepare students
directly for actuarial professional examinations,
- is an official exam site of the Society of Actuaries (SOA),
- has SOA approval for University of Windsor courses for all three VEE (Validation by
Educational Equivalent) subjects,
- has annual informational visits
to the Department of Mathematics and Statistics by Willis Towers Watson, a
nearby major actuarial consulting company, and by Canada Life
- has very strong relations with
several major actuarial consulting companies in Michigan,
- has preparation seminars for the first two SOA actuarial examinations,
- has a long history of placing University of Windsor
graduates in careers as actuaries,
- has two upper level courses taught by a practicing actuary
- has opportunities for strong undergraduate students to receive
actuarial summer internships (at the end of second or third year).
If an undergraduate student is interested in preparing for a career as an
through the University of Windsor, the following provides a path.
- A student should register as a
Mathematics and Statistics or Actuarial Sceince
- Recommended courses for first year - term 1
Math 1720 (Differential Calculus), Math 1250 (Linear Algebra),
Econ 1100 (micro Economics), Comp 1400 (Programming I), Stat 2910
(Statistics for the Sciences);
- Recommended courses for first year - term 2
Math 1730 (Integral Calculus), Math 1020 (Mathematical
Foundations), Econ 1110 (macro Economics), Comp 1410 (Programming II),
ACCT 1510 (Accounting) ;
Stat 2910 will not count as a math course, but is useful as it includes
material that is not covered later in Stat 2950, and Stat 2910 must be taken
before Stat 2920 or it will not count at all. ACCT 1510 is part of Society of
Actuaries VEE requirements.
- Recommended courses for second year - term 1
Math 2780 (Vector Calculus), Math 2250 (Linear Algebra II),
Stat 2920 (Probability), Math 3980 (Theory of Interest); FINA 2700
(Business Finance I, may
need special permission from Business prof)
- Recommended courses for second year - term 2
Math 2790 (Differential Equations), Math 2251 (Linear Algebra III),
Stat 2950 (Statistics), Math 4980 (Actuarial Math I), one option
- By the end of the second year, students should have all courses needed
for all 3 VEE requirements of the SOA.
During the second year, students should attend Exam P and Exam FM
preparation sessions. Students should attempt SOA exam FM in February
after taking the Thoery of Interest course in the previous term. Students
should attempt exam P in summer term after finishing Stat 2950.
Students should apply for summer internships in Fall term (hopefully with
some passed SOA exams).
- At the beginning of their third year, if students have not yet
passed FM exam, they should attempt Exam FM in November. They should apply for a summer internship with Willis
Towers Watson in November of their third year (especially if they
have passed 2 SOA exams).
- Recommended courses for third year - term 1
Math 3580 (Analysis I), Stat 3920 (Probability),
Math 3981 (Actuarial Math II), Math 3200 (Algebra),
one option
- Recommended courses for third year - term 2
Math 3581 (Analysis II), Math 3590 (Complex Variables),
Stat 3950 (Statistics),
Stat 3960 (Stochastic Operational Research), one option (Regression if
- Students should attempt SOA Exam LTAM in May after
their third year.
- Recommended courses for fourth year - term 1
2 courses in economics to complete Arts requirements,
(IFM topics, see Dr. Hlynka to see if an independent study course can be
arranged), take Stat Learning course (if offered), more math (math
programming is good)
- Recommended courses for fourth year - term 2
(Regression/ Time Series) if offered, Regression (if available), more math or stat courses
(especially statistical learning), options. Note: (Regr/Time Series or Regr) plus Stat Learning should be
enough prep for exam SRM.
- For optional courses, math students need a total of 4 courses from the Faculty of
Arts and Social Science (This allows Economics courses, although Economics courses are
now listed as Science courses). (The Economics courses Econ 1100 and Econ 1110 meet two of those
requirements.) The recommended list of Math & Stat courses totals 22.
Students may wish to take additional Math and Stat courses in order to leave other
options open (e.g. grad school in Math or Stat, Faculty of Education, Grad School in
Industrial Engineering). The total number of courses required for a B. Math degree
is 40.
- Other valuable courses for a future actuary include Math 3960 (Linear
Programming), Regression, Survival Analysis,
Time Series, Stochastic Processes, Functional Analysis and Measure Theory, Computer Science
courses (anything involving programming is good) .
- The course selection as listed above provides the earliest
reasonable prospect for passing SOA actuarial exams. As
these examinations are very challenging, it may be necessary to take
some of them more than once. There is a fair amount of flexibility
possible and some of the courses listed can be delayed for a year in
order to allow room of other courses of interest to the student.
The VEE (Validation by Educational Equivalent) courses are as
follows. Note that all three VEE requirements have been included in
the recommended course plan suggested. The following courses have been
approved by SOA.
VEE Economics: 41-110, 41-111 ECON 1100, ECON 1110.
VEE Math Stat - 65-251 STAT 2950
VEE Finance/Accounting: 72-270, 70-151 (FINA 2700, ACCT 1510)
Courses STAT 2920 and STAT 2950 cover almost all the topics for SOA
Exam P.
Course MATH 3980 covers 90% of the topics needed for SOA Exam
Courses MATH 4980 and MATH 4981 cover the topics for SOA Exam LTAM.
The University of Windsor is an exam site for the paper and pencil
version of SOA exams P, FM, IFM, SRM, LTAM, STAM. These exams are more commonly
available as computer based exams and the closest site for a computer
based version (which has the major advantage of immediate pass/fail
information) is Detroit (accessible by tunnel bus; Canadians need their passport, international students need vistor
visa to USA). The LTAM exam is paper and pencil format everywhere.
SOA: http://soa.org
Be An Actuary:
Allowable Calculators: (only Texas Instruments calculators allowed)
BA-35, BA II Plus, BA II Plus Professional, TI-30X,
TI-30X II, TI-30X IIB, TI-30XS MultiView, TI-30XB MultiView
For Exam FM, BA II Plus is needed. You are allowed more than one calculator.
U. of Windsor Dept. of Math & Stat:
U of Windsor SOA Exam dates:
For more information on actuarial study at the University of
Windsor, contact
Dr. Myron Hlynka,
Department of Mathematics and Statistics
University of Windsor
Windsor, Ontario N9B 3P4
519-253-3000 (ext 3014)
Dr. Richard Caron, Chair
Department of Mathematics and Statistics
University of Windsor
Windsor, Ontario N9B 3P4