Cross Index Sporomusa
SuperSet Prokaryote, Eubacteria Gram-Negative, Anaerobic, Straight, Curved, and Helical Bacteria AND Spore forming bacteria
Compare Gram negative anaerobic rods

Acetivibrio Acetoanaerobium noterate , Acetofilamentum rigidum, Acetogenium kivui, Acetomicrobium, Acetothermus paucivorans,, Acidaminobacter hydrogenoformans, Anaerbioospirillum succiniciproducens, , Anaerorhabdus furcosus ,Anaerovibrio, Bacteroides, Butyrivibrio, Centipeda periodontii, Fervidobacterium, Fibrobacter, Fusobacterium Haloanaerobium praevalens, Halobacteroides halobius, Ilyobacter, Lachnospira multparus Leptotrichia buccalis, Malaonomonas rubra, Megamonas hypermega, Mitsuokella, Oxalobacter formigenes, Pectinatus, Pelobacter Porphyromonas, Provotella, Propionigenium modestum, Propionispira arboria, Rikenella microfusus, Roseburia ceciola, Ruminobacter amylophilus, Sebaldella termitidis, Selenomonas, Sporomusa, Succinimonas amylolytica, Succinivibrio dextrinosolvens, Syntrophobacter wolinii, Syntrophomonas, Thermobacteroides, Thermosipho africanus, Thermotoga, Tissierella praeacuta, Wolinella, Zymophilus

Spore Formers

Amphibacillus xylans, Bacillus, Clostridium, Desulfotomaculum, Oscillospira guilliermondii, Pasteuria Sarcina Sporocytophaga myxococcoides Sporohalobacter,Sporichthya polymorpha Sporolactobacillus insulinus,Sporomusa, Sporosarcina, "Sporospirillum"Sulfidobacillus therm osulfooxidans, Syntrophospora bryantii Thermoactinomyces,

Contrast Archaea


Morphology Sporomusa
Staining Gram-negative..
Morphology Curved to helical rods, usually0.5-1.0 x 1-8 um. The ends are usually tapered and rounded to give short kidney- to crescent-shaped or vibroid cells.
Motility Motile with active tumbling; flagella (up to 15) are arranged linearly as a tuft near the center of the concave side
Specialized structures Form round or oval endospores that are terminal or subterminal. The spores withstand 80oC for at least 10 min
Solid surface  


Growth Parameters Sporomusa
Tropism Chemoorganotrophic, having a fermentative type of metabolism. chemolithotrophic
Oxygen Strictly anaerobic.
Products the major product of fermentation is acetate
Unique features Can use M-methyl compounds, amino acids, alcohols, hydroxy fatty acids and other organic acids. Hydrogen plus carbon dioxide can be used as growth substrates Sulfate is not reduced.
Habitat river mud, alcohol factory waste and the termite gut


Genome Sporomusa
G+C Mol %  


Reference Sporomusa
First citation Moller et al. 1984 Arch Microbiol 139: 388-396
Moller et al. 1985 IJSB 35: 224
The Prokaryotes p
Bergey's Determinative p 302-303