Cross Index Selenomonas
SuperSet Prokaryote, Eubacteria Gram-Negative, Anaerobic, Straight, Curved, and Helical Bacteria
Compare Acetivibrio Acetoanaerobium noterate , Acetofilamentum rigidum, Acetogenium kivui, Acetomicrobium, Acetothermus paucivorans,, Acidaminobacter hydrogenoformans, Anaerbioospirillum succiniciproducens, , Anaerorhabdus furcosus ,Anaerovibrio, Bacteroides, Butyrivibrio, Centipeda periodontii, Fervidobacterium, Fibrobacter, Fusobacterium Haloanaerobium praevalens, Halobacteroides halobius, Ilyobacter, Lachnospira multparus Leptotrichia buccalis, Malaonomonas rubra, Megamonas hypermega, Mitsuokella, Oxalobacter formigenes, Pectinatus, Pelobacter Porphyromonas, Provotella, Propionigenium modestum, Propionispira arboria, Rikenella microfusus, Roseburia ceciola, Ruminobacter amylophilus, Sebaldella termitidis, Selenomonas, Sporomusa, Succinimonas amylolytica, Succinivibrio dextrinosolvens, Syntrophobacter wolinii, Syntrophomonas, Thermobacteroides, Thermosipho africanus, Thermotoga, Tissierella praeacuta, Wolinella, Zymophilus
Contrast Archaea


Morphology Selenomonas
Staining Gram-negative..
Morphology Curved to helical rods, usually 0.9-1.1 by 3.0-6.0 um. The ends are usually tapered and rounded to give short kidney- to crescent-shaped or vibroid cells. Long cells and chains of cells are often helical.
Motility Motile with active tumbling; flagella (up to 16) are arranged linearly as a tuft near the center of the concave side in the area of cell fission
Specialized structures Capsules are not formed. Resting stages are not known.
Solid surface  


Growth Parameters Selenomonas
Tropism Chemoorganotrophic, having a fermentative type of metabolism.
Oxygen Strictly anaerobic.
Temperature Optimum temperature, 35-40`C; maximum 45`C; minimum, 20-30`C.
Products Carbohydrates and sometimes amino acids and lactate can serve as fermentable substrates. Fermentation of glucose yields chiefly acetic acid, propionic acid, CO2 and/or lactate. Small amounts of H2 and succinate may be produced
Enzymes Catalase-negative
Unique features  
Habitat found mainly in the huamn buccal cavity, the rumen of b\herbivores and the cecum of pigs and several rodents. Selenomonas acidaminopila has been isolated from a commercial anaerobic digestor and Selenomonas lacticifex from brewery yeast


Genome Selenomonas
G+C Mol % 54-61 (Bd)


Reference Selenomonas
First citation Von Prowazek, S. 1913. Zur Paraitologie von Westafrika. Zentralbl. Bakteriol. Parasitenkd. Infektionskr. Hyg. Abt. I. Orig. 70: 32-36
The Prokaryotes p
Bergey's Systematatic p 650
Bergey's Determinative p 301