Green Travel

Getting to the conference

A train, in general, contributes to environmental health by reducing air pollution, road noise, traffic congestion, and accidents if it successfully gets people out of single occupancy vehicle (SOV) car trips.

Carpooling with only one other person automatically cuts commuting costs and the pollution created by a trip by 50 percent. Carpooling is a great way to reduce stress since it gives you someone else to talk to, or time to catch up on some reading. If you are interested in Carpooling to Windsor, fill out the form below and we will try to match you with another interested carpooler.

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Where are you coming from?

Interested in calculating your emissions for the trip to Windsor? Click here.

Getting around in Windsor

Driving short distances creates relatively large amounts of air pollution because pollution control systems on cars do not operate efficiently until the engine is at normal operating temperature, which can take a few minutes. For short trips, probably the simplest and healthiest alternative is to walk or run.

The distance from the hotels to the university, is about 3 kilometers and offers a stunning view of the Detroit skyline along the riverside. Finding a “buddy” to walk or run with can make it more enjoyable.

To read about Bike Riding, including the possibility of renting a bike, click here.

Both the Radisson and Hilton are offering a complimentary shuttle service to the university campus on conference days.

Public Transportation
Buses are an important component of a sustainable transportation system. A single bus can eliminate up to 50 single-occupancy vehicles and save 9 tons of air pollution each year. Read Transit Windsor's environmental commitment.

If you're thinking about taking a cab, try sharing it with another conference attendee.