Office of the Registrar

Web Services

University Calendars 

Admissions & Liaison 

Student Self Service 
Main Page

Class Lists

Records Information: 
Course Schedules, 

Statistical Data:
Current Enrolment, 
Graduation Counts, 
Course Enrolments

Student Self Services - 
Hours of Operation

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Application Centre

Registrar Services
Graduation Counts 
June 1997 Convocation Totals by Faculty 
October 1997 Convocation Totals by Faculty 
June 1996 Convocation Totals by Faculty 
October 1996 Convocation Totals by Faculty 
June 1995 Convocation Totals by Faculty 
October 1995 Convocation Totals by Faculty 
June 1994 Convocation Totals by Faculty 
October 1994 Convocation Totals by Faculty 
Graduation Totals by Major Since 1983(Undergraduate) (Includes October '97 Convocation) 
Graduation Totals by Major Since 1983(Graduate Studies) (Includes October '97 Convocation) 
Graduation Totals by Degree 1988-1992 
Graduation Totals by Degree 1993-1997 (Includes October '97 Convocation) 

PAGEMASTER: Gary Ryckman at 



©1997 University of Windsor
Although care has been taken in preparing the information in this site the University of Windsor cannot guarantee its accuracy.