view . spring2017
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CareerServices forAlumni
Applying formedical school canbe an intimidating,
rigorous process. One aspect that some applicants dread
most is the face-to-face interview.
Therefore, whenUWindsor alumnaDemaKadri BSc ’10
decided shewanted to apply to the SchulichSchool of Medicine
andDentistry—Windsor Program, one of the things she did to
preparewas to contact theUniversityof Windsor Co-op, Career
andEmployment Services office.
“I hadbeenpreparing formymedical school interviews and
hadbeen looking for preparation resources other than talking
out loud tomyself,” says the alumna.
“Iwent at the recommendationof many individualswhohad
found it a veryhelpful anduseful tool.”
The staff were happy tooblige her. “I completed twomock
interviews,” saysKadri. “The questions askedwere relevant
and the feedbackwas outstanding andhonest. It provided an
DemaKadriBSc ’10.