view . spring2017
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While theCo-op, Career andEmployment Services office is
themost comprehensive of its kindon theUWindsor campus,
theOdette School of Business and theFacultyof Law alsohave
career centres geared towards their own students and alumni.
KerryGray, director of OdetteCareer Services, says that,
“in today’s rapidly changingworkforce, helpingalumni to redefine
andbuildon their strengths in response is of vital importance.”
Windsor lawyerJ.P.KaramDual JD ’12.
OdetteCareer Services gives students and recent alumni
access to:
• Resumé development and cover letter preparation
• Job search exploration and employment strategies
• Educational options
• Mock interview sessions
• Skill assessment tools and
• Career leader resumé clinics.
AlumnaDanielleGiffordBA ’14, BComm ‘16, a business
developmentmanager at ParetoBusinessGroup, startedher
relationshipwith theOdetteCareer Services office early inher
UWindsor days.
“Throughoutmy academic career atOdette, career advisor
Phil Baluyotwas always available to talk andprovided great
insights intodifferent options after graduation,” she says.
Today, Gifford stillmaintains close contactwithher advisor.
“Since finishingmydegree, I have been in contactwithPhil on
amonthlybasis. I find value in every conversationwith
him—fromdiscussingpotential career opportunities tohow to
approach specific situations atwork like negotiatingwages.
We have even spoke about long-termplans such aswhether
or not aPhDwouldbe the right decision.”
Gifford emphasizes how important it is to approach the
Career Services office early. “Many studentswait until thirdor
even fourth year before they start to get guidance. Today the job
market is arguably themost competitive it has ever been. Tobe
successful, youmust be an active agent in your role.”
TheFacultyof Law’sCareer ResourceCentre also goes the
extramile to assist its students and alum. It offers:
• Individual career coaching
• Career panels andworkshops
• Job search strategies
• Assistancewith resumé and cover letter preparation and
application review
• Mock interviews and interview coaching
• Assistancewithnetworking skills
• Self-assessment tools.
“Over the last few years, the legal jobmarket has changed
significantly,” saysAnnaMariaDeCia-Gualtieri, the centre’s
director of career services. “Lawyers are facing farmore
competition for coveted jobs.We provide our law students
and recent alumni with career tools and advice tohelp them
navigate these changes and thrive despite these new challenges.