The Retirees' Newsletter Page 5

The Retirees's Association ( Faculty, Librarian, Administrator), University of Windsor, Windsor, Ont. Canada

Vol X I, No. 4, December 2001

Association News

The report was distributed. It is not known how much interest there is in involvement. There were 15 responses to the October 1999 questionnaire. Datta Pillay suggested that the President and Vice-President-Academic be asked where they need help - that it be their initiative instead of the retirees.

C. Report on Associate Membership - Jerry Malone

A background report was prepared last summer followed by the distributed report . An Associate Membership subcategory was discussed for those nearing retirement to gain some insights and also benefit WUFA and WURA. The report was moved, seconded and carried. It was agreed that it is important to sensitize members of the Faculty Association as most faculty are unaware of what retirement means. A column in each newsletter was suggested. There was consensus that something needs to be done and the constitutional issue be taken into account.

D. Bursary Fund Report - Wilf Innerd

Three bursaries were awarded at $1,000 each and thank-you letters were received.

E. D7 Committee Report - Alan Metcalfe

The real problems were taken to the D7 Committee and next year solutions are expected. A report will be submitted by July 1st and retirees will receive it by e-mail.

9. CAERA (Canadian Association of Emeriti and Retired Academics) A one day conference will be held in Toronto May 31. Alan Metcalfe will represent WURA..

10. Other Business

As mentioned previously, the major topic will be communication at the next executive meeting of WURA. This will include distributing information on the Pension Plan, the on -going survey of retirees benefits and a column in the WUFA Newsletter. WUFA will be asked for a mailed copy of the Newsletter. The dates have been set for the next three years for the retirees dinner and retirees will be informed early in the Fall.

11. Adjournment

The meeting adjourned at 3:40.

Minutes of a Meeting of the Executive Committee of the Retirees' Association Thursday, May 9, 2002, Human Kinetics Building Conference Room .

Present: Alan Metcalfe (Chair), Don Briggs, Stan Cunningham, Wilfrid Innerd, James Linton, Jerry Malone, John Meyer, Phyllis Nolan, Jane Black Regrets: John Drake.

Minutes : The minutes of April 3, 2002 were approved as circulated.

CAERA ( Canadian Association of Emeriti and Retired Academics)

A. Metcalfe will represent WURA at the one-day meeting May 31 in Toronto. He will report to the committee by email or phone. There was agreement on items of concern: restructuring, name and finances. Action on membership will be held pending approval from the executive and WURA membership.

Communications: J. Linton led discussion on this critical area that is both immediate and long-term. It was agreed that there will be four issues of the newsletter: Spring, Summer, Fall and Winter, and that a regular communication flow is important to and from the membership. There is a need to ensure communication with those not on a computer and non-members, so that everyone who wants communication has access. Alan is trying to obtain a complete list of retirees from Jim Butler, including those on email. A basic list will be developed before the end of July of terms and their meaning, e.g., Trust Fund and D7, and these terms will be repeated in the newsletters, along with a list of whom to contact for what in bold print. The larger question is other audiences than WURA and the need to develop a strategy. It was agreed that Jim will make overtures to explore this as a topic for a class exercise. The most recent issue of the WUFA newsletter included an article on the wall of past presidents at the Kerr House and a page on pension and benefits submitted by J. Meyer.

Associate Membership (Postponed)

Positions: A replacement is required for the Faculty Association Council and the need for a membership person on the executive was mentioned.

A volunteer is needed to write a column in the next WUFA newsletter.

Executive: A. Metcalfe will be in town July 21-29 and August 27-7 Sept. If there is a need for a meeting in June, S. Cunningham will be interim chair. Otherwise, the next executive meetings will be held Wed. July 24 at 1:30 and Sept. 4 at 1:30.

Other business: J. Meyer initiated a discussion regarding input for and the monitoring of future contract negotiations of WUFA and the University in 2004. Decisions are pending future meetings of various WUFA committees and our representation thereon.

The Fall General Meeting is planned for October 16 and P. Nolan will contact IONA.

The next executive meeting will include the appointment of a nomination committee and the revised WUFA Handbook which J. Meyer has prepared with the assistance of J. Malone.

Minutes of a Meeting of the Executive Committee of the Retirees' Association Wednesday, July 24, 2002, Human Kinetics Building Conference Room

Present: Alan Metcalfe (Chair), Don Briggs, Stan Cunningham, Wilfrid Innerd, Jerry Malone, John Meyer, Jane Black

Regrets: Phyllis Nolan

Minutes: The minutes of May 9, 2002 were approved as circulated.

Announcement : J. Drake and J. Linton have resigned from the Executive Committee. J. Linton will do the next issue of the newsletter.

Website: Motion: Items of interest to retirees will be allowed on the website on an issue per issue basis. Carried. An amendment was added to include a disclaimer saying that this is not an official endorsement. S.Cunningham will confer with the Law School on the wording of the disclaimer.

Newsletter: Motion: Three issues of the newsletter will be published per year. Carried. D. Pillay has agreed to do the newsletter and the committee has volunteered to provide any help he might need. D. Pillay and R. Hermiston will work out the flow of information.

CAERA (Curac): A. Metcalfe attended the conference in Toronto May 31. The issues are: who are the voting members - the nature of the constitution - membership fees - committee representation? A Constitution, rules and procedures are in development. The motion to join CURAC was tabled until the next executive meeting in Sept. CURAC is still small; 18 out of 44 universities have given their general support. A. Metcalfe will contact CURAC to get some answers in terms of our involvement.

Discussion on the future: Postponed
What's Inside

P 1. Fall General Meeting/Pres's Message

P 2. Campus News

P 3. Campus News

P 4. Association News

P 4a. Association News

P 5. Association News

P 5a. Association News

P 6. Membership News

P 7. Association News

P 8. Editorial News

P 9. Membership List