Page 4 The Retirees' Newsletter

The Retirees's Association ( Faculty, Librarian, Administrator), University of Windsor, Windsor, Ontario, Canada

Vol X II , No. 4, September 2002

Association News

Minutes of the Spring General Meeting held on April 30th, 2002 at 2:30 p.m. in Hoffman Auditorium, IONA College.

Members Present: Jane Black, Don Briggs, Om Chandna, Sek Chee, Olga Crocker, Stan Cunningham, Ed Crowley, George Crowell, Krishan Duggal, RC Ferraro,Wendy Fraser, Edwin Habib, Joan Hackett, Nigel Hedgecock, Frank Holuj, John Huschilt, Wilf Innerd, John Lagaipa, Jim Linton, Louis MacKendrich, Joan Magee Jerry Malone, Malcolm Matthew, Eugene McNamara, Alan Metcalfe, John Meyer, Helen Moore, Ralph Nelson, Phyllis Nolan, Gordon Olafson, Bill Phillips, Datta Pillay, Kenneth Pryke, Idalia Rappe, Edward Rosenbaum, Stuart Selby, Norman Shklov, Lois Smedick, Cormac Smith, Robert Stager, Moshe Starets, Don Stewart, Alan Watson, Bob Whitehurst.

1. Minutes of the Fall General meeting of October 16th, 2001 - It was moved and seconded that the minutes be approved as distributed. Carried.

2. Remarks from President Ross Paul - Dr. Paul opened his remarks saying he wishes to respond to retirees' concerns and questions. He briefly outlined the state of the university. Only one-half of the provincial funding promised was received, and nothing is known beyond this year. The double cohort (grade 12-13) will occur in 2003. There is a place, however, for qualified students in exchange for full cost funding. The University is second in the province with its increase in applications which are twice the projection. Provincial funding did not take into account enrolments which have exceeded projections. The increase is due to people trying to beat the double cohort, and, an increased participation rate in secondary education. To balance 2001-02, the government needs to contribute $28.8 million for the provincial system, and $77 million over two years. This is not a huge amount. We are doing with 47 cents per dollar while fighting for money we thought we had. Budgeting for the upcoming year is a problem. There will be two budgets- one fiscally responsible and one with full cost funding.

3. Remarks of Brian Brown , WUFA President - Prof. Brown said he is interested in questions. The Trust Fund has held one meeting. The Faculty Association Retirees and Benefits Committee moved to join the newly formed National Association of University Teachers. He is the interim Vice President. There are 14 Universities across Canada involved. This will allow the Faculty Association to join the Labour Council. They will look at the different benefits and programs within the CLC. The first conference meets in June with a week of policy preparation to bring post secondary education to the forefront. It will be a lobby group. The WUFA Retirement and Benefits Committee asked that it be brought forward at the conference that retirees are important. Brian said the Retirees Dinner was a highlight and expressed thanks to Gordon Olafson, Alan Metcalfe and members of the committee. The dinner will be in the Ambassador Lounge next year

4. Remarks of Mr. Jim Butler - Director of Human Resources - Mr. Butler said the unofficial total pension performance as of June 31, 2001 was approximately $6 million of which approximately 1/3 will go into the Trust fund. The consulting firm of Watson, Wyatt and Jackson are to draft a governance document which will include who votes, how is it structured, how the money is distributed, what are the parameters, and legality? The pension holiday and GST savings are to be invested right away and the Trust Fund Committee agreed to get the monies on hand into a restricted account. There were concerns about the availability of the pension performance results ( WUFA receives these on a quarterly basis) and the need to know the amount of pension payment for the following year ( Jim is looking into indexing).

5. Business arising from the minutes - none

6. Report of the Treasurer

Professor Phyllis Nolan presented the Report.

Bank Balance (01-10-16) $2,036.27

Memberships $2,071.54


Printing $390.50

Postage 291.08

Supplies 75.31

Misc. 50.15

Meeting 50.00


$ 857.04

Bank Balance (02-04-03) $3,250.77

Phyllis Nolan, Treasurer

With the change from Toronto Dominion to Canada Trust, the account is now a commercial one and the statements are received later than before. The number of members is down from last year at 140. The report was moved and seconded. Carried.

7. President's report-Alan Metcalfe

Alan thanked the WURA Executive and mentioned his report which is printed in the newsletter. The retirees' dinner was magnificent, with 320 people attending. Gifts were presented to Datta Pillay, Stan Cunningham and Bob Chandler for their service to the retirees. Ray Hermiston has agreed to be the new webmaster. Alan said that the real problem for the retirees is that there is no real power, only moral persuasion. Dr. Paul, Brian Brown and Jim Butler have been concerned. He saw a little change with the couple category now in the health plan and the Trust Fund which is the first breakthrough. There is a communication problem with only 50% of the retirees on email. He is trying to get a full list of retirees and communication will be the considered at the next Executive Committee meeting. Members will be informed by email as the Trust Fund progresses.

8. Committee Reports:

A. Pension and Benefits - John Meyer

The Comparative Analysis of Individual Health Benefit Plans For & From WURA was presented. A vote was held on the three recommendations:

No. 1 - Keep current "luxury" plan but get more contractual subsidies in next collective agreement comparable to many other universities. Carried.

No. 2- Continue to explore the feasibility of an academic retiree's national or provincial plan that would provide lower premiums. Carried.

No. 3- Continue the feasibility study of the 10 Green-Shield-University health benefit plans with an objective of a potential for unification of plans and thereby increasing volume and lowering premiums. Carried. (The reality is, however, that Human Resources is depleted and there has been no replacement for J. Skinner in over one year. The flow of information is retarded)

J. Meyer is putting together a handbook for retirees. He was thanked for his enormous work on the comparison.

B. Report on Retirees involvement in the University - Don Briggs
What's Inside

P 1. Fall General Meeting/Pres's Message

P 2. Campus News

P 3. Campus News

P 4. Association News

P 4a. Association News

P 5. Association News

P 5a. Association News

P 6. Membership News

P 7. Association News

P 8. Editorial News

P 9. Membership List