The Retirees' Newsletter Page 5

The Retirees's Association ( Faculty, Librarian, Administrator), University of Windsor, Windsor, Ont. Canada

Vol X II, No. 3, September 2002

Association News

Minutes of a Meeting of the Executive Committee of the Retirees' Association - Wednesday, July 24, 2002, 1.30pm Human Kinetics Building Conference Room

Present: Alan Metcalfe (Chair), Don Briggs, Stan Cunningham, Wilfrid Innerd, Jerry Malone, John Meyer, Jane Black

Regrets: Phyllis Nolan

Minutes: The minutes of May 9, 2002 were approved as circulated.

Announcement : J. Drake and J. Linton have resigned from the Executive Committee. J. Linton will do the next issue of the newsletter.

Website: Motion: Items of interest to retirees will be allowed on the website on an issue per issue basis. Carried. An amendment was added to include a disclaimer saying that this is not an official endorsement. S.Cunningham will confer with the Law School on the wording of the disclaimer.

Newsletter: Motion: Three issues of the newsletter will be published per year. Carried. D. Pillay has agreed to do the newsletter and the committee has volunteered to provide any help he might need. D. Pillay and R. Hermiston will work out the flow of information.

CAERA (Curac): A. Metcalfe attended the conference in Toronto May 31. The issues are: who are the voting members - the nature of the constitution - membership fees - committee representation? A Constitution, rules and procedures are in development. The motion to join CURAC was tabled until the next executive meeting in Sept. CURAC is still small; 18 out of 44 universities have given their general support. A. Metcalfe will contact CURAC to get some answers in terms of our involvement.

Discussion on the future: Postponed

Other business:

The Retirees' Handbook was introduced and approved in principle; members of the committee are to communicate comments to J. Meyer. He was assisted by J. Malone and Debbie Noble (WUFA).

Motion: To recommend Howard Pawley as the official WURA representative on the Faculty Association Council to replace Ross Johnson. Carried

The Trust Fund Committee has only met once! A. Metcalfe contacted D. Horniachek who said they are in the process of establishing it!

Nominating Committee: P. Nolan, S. Cunningham, J. Malone. A slate is required for all positions. The position of Vice President needs to come forward in the Fall.

J. Meyer indicated in order to amend the appropriate sections of the WUFA Consitution, 21 days advance notice prior to a general meeting is required. John was asked to prepare new amendments to be submitted to the Sept. WURA executive meeting for approval and implementation.

The meeting adjourned at 2:50. Next meeting : Sept. 4, 2002

Minutes of a Meeting of the Executive Committee of the Retirees' Association - Wednesday, September 4, 2002, 1.30 pm Human Kinetics Building Conference Room

Present: Alan Metcalfe (Chair) , Stan Cunningham, Jerry Malone, Phyllis Nolan, Datta Pillay, Jane Black

Regrets: Don Briggs, Wilfrid Innerd, John Meyer

Minutes: The minutes of July 24, 2002 were approved as circulated.

Submission of amendment to WUFA: Moved by A. Metcalfe, seconded by J. Malone and passed unanimously.

Nominating Committee: The Committee has met once for a preliminary discussion.

J. Butler's departure: Moved by S. Cunningham and seconded by J. Malone that A. Metcalfe meet with Eric Harbottle and indicate the importance to WURA that his successor lend an ear to retirees concerns and that an office be dedicated to Pension and Benefits.

The WURA Fall General Meeting will be held at Iona College at 2pm Oct. 16. The agenda will be discussed at the next executive meeting October 8. Those who will need to provide a report to the membership will be identified.

A. Metcalfe will provide a report for the next newsletter before he leaves for England.

A letter of invitation for new retirees to join the association was provided by D. Pillay and will be mailed by the secretary. Membership stands at 116 currently with 64 defaulters.

The Committee agreed that WURA has three main issues of focus: Health, The Trust Fund and Pension Benefits. This will be moved at the Fall General Meeting.

The meeting adjourned at 2:30. Next meeting will be held Oct. 8, 2002 at 1:30.

Professor Emeritus Dr. Duggal

Department of Mathematics and Statistics has published the following two papers.

K. L. Duggal, Constant scalar curvature and warped product globally null manifolds, Journal of Geometry and Physics, Vol. 43 No. 4 (2002), 327-340.

K.L. Duggal, Null curves and 2-surfaces of globally null manifolds, International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics, Vo. 1 No. 4 (2002), 389-415.
What's Inside

P 1. Fall General Meeting/Pres's Message

P 2. Campus News

P 3. Campus News

P 4. Association News

P 4a. Association News

P 5. Association News

P 5a. Association News

P 6. Membership News

P 7. Association News

P 8. Editorial News

P 9. Membership List