Cross Index Vibrionacae
SuperSet Prokaryote, Eubacteria Facultatively Anaerobic Gram-Negative Rods Vibrionacae,
Compare Enterobacteriaceae, Arsenophonus nasoniae, Buttiauxella agrestis, Cedecea, Citrobacter, Edwardsiella, Enterobacter, Erwinia, Escherichia, Ewingella americana, Hafnia alvei, Klebsiella, Kluyvera, Leclercia adecarboxylata, Leminorella, Moellerella wisconsensis, Morganella morganii, Obesumbacterium proteus, Pantoea, Pragia fontium Proteus, Providencia, Rahnella aquatilis, Salmonella, Serratia, Shigella, Tatumella plyseos, Xenorhabdus, Yersina, Yohenella regensburgei

Pasteurellaceae, Actinobacillus, Hemophilus, Pasteurella

Calymmatobacterium granulomatis, Cardiobacterium hominis, Chromobacterium, Eikenella corrodens, Gardnerella vaginalis, Streptobacillus moniliformis, Zymomonas

Contrast Archaea
Subset Aeromonas, Enhydrobacter aerosaccus, Photobacterium, Plesiomonas shigelloides, Vibrio


Morphology Vibrionacae
Staining Gram-negative
Morphology straight or curved rods
Motility . Motile by means of polar flagella. Under certain conditions of cultivation (eg. on solid) additional lateral flagella may be synthesized which differ in length from the polar flagellum and may number from a few to 100 flagella/ cell
Specialized structures Do not form endospores or microcysts
Solid surface  


Growth Parameters Vibrionacae
Tropism Chemoorganotrophs
Oxygen facultative anaerobes capable of respiratory fermentative metabolism. Oxygen is a universal electron acceptor
Requirements All utilize D-glucose sole or principal source of carbon and energy. Most utilize ammonium salts as sole sources of nitrogen. A few have relatively simple organic growth factor requirements. Most species require a 2-3% NaCl seawater base for optimum growth..
Products Do not denitrify
Enzymes Most are oxidase-positive
Unique features .
Habitat Primarily aquatic inhabitants found in sea- and freshwater and in association with aquatic organisms
Pathogenicity Several species are pathogenic for man, fish, eels, and frogs, as well as other vertebrates and invertebrates


Genome Vibrionacae
G+C Mol % 38-63


Reference Vibrionacae
First citation Veron, M.M. (1965) La position taxonomique de Vibrio et des certaines bacteries comparables. C.R. Acad. Sci.Paris 261:5243-5246.
The Prokaryotes p
Bergey's Systematatic p 516 P. Baumann and R. H. W. Schubert
Bergey's Determinative p 190