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2009 Mennill Lab Photos

Science Celebration of Success 2009
Dan and Stephanie pose with their award-winning graduate students at the Dean of Science's Celebration of Success 2009: Katie Rievley (OGS winner), Van La (OGS winner), Sarah Douglas (OGS winner), Anneka Osmun, Dan Mennill, Roberto Sosa (CONACyT winner), Stephanie Doucet, Melissa Abdellah (NSERC winner), Kara Ward (NSERC winner).
Photo by Kevin Johnson: Nov 2009, Windsor

Science Celebration of Success 2009
Trevor Pitcher, Oliver Love, and Stephanie Doucet at the Dean of Science's Celebration of Success 2009.
Photo: Nov 2009, Windsor

Science Celebration of Success 2009
Five winners of the 2009 Dean's Excellence award: Dan Mennill, Stephanie Doucet, Ejaz Ahmed, Arunita Jaekel, and Rob Shurko.
Photo by Kevin Johnson: Nov 2009, Windsor

Party for Podos
Dan, Jeff, and Stephanie celebrate Jeff Podos' visit to the University of Windsor.
Photo: Nov 2009, Windsor

Party for Podos
Celebrating Jeff Podos' visit to the University of Windsor.
Photo: Nov 2009, Windsor

Party for Podos
Celebrating Jeff Podos' visit to the University of Windsor.
Photo: Nov 2009, Windsor

Hallowe'en 2009
The Mennill Lab costumes up for Halloween 2009.
Photo: Oct 2009, Windsor

Marathon Session
A dinner at World Marathon Ethiopian Restaurant in honour of Karan Odom's MSc defense.
Photo: Aug 2009, Windsor

Marathon Session
A dinner at World Marathon Ethiopian Restaurant in honour of Karan Odom's MSc defense.
Photo: Aug 2009, Windsor

A Night Before the Museum
Celebrating Karan Odom's MSc defense before she departs for a research assistantship at the American Museum of Natural History (at Phog -- Canada's best live music venue).
Photo: Aug 2009, Windsor

Darwin Day Finches
The Mennill Lab grads adaptively radiate for Darwin Day 2009.
Photo: Feb 2009, Windsor

Pelee Point Counts
Sarah Baldo with Leonardo Cabrera (Point Pelee National Park) and Denis Lepage (Bird Studies Canada) collecting point count data at Point Pelee.
Photo: June 2009, Point Pelee

Pelee Point Counts
Dan, Leonardo, Sarah, and Denis at Point Pelee National Park.
Photo: June 2009, Point Pelee

Behavioural Ecologist in the Mist
Van La kayaks into the sunset, looking for loons, on Lake Opinicon at Queen's University Biological Station.
Photo: May 2009, QUBS

Aviary Research
Dave Wilson monitors an aviary experiment at Queen's University Biological Station.
Photo: May 2009, QUBS

Recording in style
Dave records black-capped chickadees at Queen's University Biological Station, raising the bar for field research fashion in his James Bond-inspired dawn chorus outfit.
Photo: May 2009, QUBS

Black-capped Chickadee
One of the first chickadees of the 2009 field season poses for a photo before release.
Photo: January 2009, Queen's University Biology Station

Hanging by a thread
Suspended by guy ropes 40 feet in the air, Dave checks the status of a black-capped chickadee nest.
Photo: May 2009, QUBS,

Baby Antshrike
Julie with a nestling female antshrike.
Photo: June 2009, Costa Rica

Nestling Antshrikes
Two nestling antshrikes, all pin feathers and no eyes.
Photo: June 2009, Costa Rica

Quiet in the forest
Anneka, Julie, and Sarah in the Costa Rican cloud forest.
Photo: May 2009, Costa Rica

Perfect Parfait
An evening off at Ginger's Restaurant, Costa Rica.
Photo: May 2009, Costa Rica

Holy Shrike!
Dan reacts to the vice-like bite of an antshrike.
Photo: May 2009, Costa Rica

No creature comforts for field biologists
This supermarket ad demonstrates just how tough tropical field work can be.
Photo: May 2009, Costa Rica

2009 Research Awards
Dan Mennill, Stéphanie Doucet, and Trevor Pitcher receive awards for their contribution to research, scholarship, and creative activity at the University of Windsor.
Photo: February 2009, University of Windsor

2009 Research Awards
Stéphanie receives special recognition for her CFI Award from Alan Wildeman, Ranjana Bird, and Neil Gold, with fellow honouree Melania Cristescu.
Photo: February 2009, University of Windsor

Start of the Chickadee Season
Mennill Lab postdoc Dave Wilson releases his first banded chickadee at QUBS.
Photo: January 2009, Queen's University Biology Station

Downy Woodpecker
Dan and a male Downy Woodpecker at QUBS.
Photo: January 2009, Queen's University Biology Station

2008 Mennill Lab Photos

2008 Celebration of Success
Sarah Tremain (OGS scholarship winner), Sandra Gallo (CONACyT scholarship winner), and Dan (2008 Faculty Performance Award winner) at the Dean of Science's 2008 Celebration of Success.
Photo: December 2008,

2008 Celebration of Success
Stephanie, Sarah, Sandra, and Dan at the Dean's Celebration of Success with departmental visitor Dr. Troy Murphy of Queen's University.
Photo: December 2008,

Mennill Lab Halloween 2008
Photo: October 2008, Photo by Anneka Osmun

Doucet Lab Halloween 2008
Photo: October 2008, Photo by Anneka Osmun

Nicole's Wren Poster at the ISBE
Nicole presents the results of her Rufous-and-white Wren research at the Behavioural Ecology meeting in Ithaca, New York.

Photo: August 2008,

Sarah's Woodpecker Poster at ISBE
Sarah presents her Pileated Woodpecker study at the ISBE meeting.

Photo: August 2008,

Katie's Eye Poster at ISBE
Stephanie and Dan with Katie at her poster describing the evolution of eye size in birds at the ISBE meeting at Cornell University.

Photo: August 2008,

Ithaca is Gorges
Hanging out in Ithaca at the ISBE 2008 meeting.

Photo: August 2008,

ISBE Banquet
Some members of the Mennill and Doucet Labs enjoy the banquet dinner at the conclusion of the ISBE meeting at Cornell University.

Photo: August 2008,

Chickadee Duo at the ISBE
Mennill Lab associates Lauren Fitzsimmons and Jenn Foote celebrate the presentation of two chickadee talks at the ISBE meeting.

Photo: August 2008,

Karan's Barred Owl Talk at the AOU
Karan delivers a spoken paper on her Barred Owl research at the AOU/SCO meeting in Portland.

Photo: August 2008,

David's Rufous-naped Wren Talk
David presents the results of his Rufous-naped Wren research at the AOU/SCO meeting in Oregon.

Photo: August 2008,

If it's not Scottish...
Dan and Stephanie in Edinburgh before Dan presents a plenary talk at the Vocal Communication conference in Scotland.

Photo: July 2008,

Ceilidh for Peter Slater
Dan and Stephanie with Peter and Elizabeth Slater at the closing ceilidh of the Vocal Communication conference.

Photo: July 2008,

Ceilidh for Peter Slater
Dan Mennill, Peter Slater, and Jeff Podos at the Vocal Communication in Birds and Mammals conference in St. Andrews, Scotland.
Photo: July 2008,

Celebration for Rick Caron
Dan and Stephanie celebrate with outgoing Dean of Science, Rick Caron. Rick has helped us establish our research programs at U Windsor and we thank him for everything he has done as our Dean.
Photo: July 2008,

Shotgun recording
Anneka recording wrens in Costa Rica.

Photo: June 2008, Photo by Sarah Tremain

Watch where you point that thing
Sarah recording wrens in Costa Rica.

Photo: June 2008, Photo by Anneka Osmun

Planning the ascent
Anneka and Julie prepare to climb to a rufous-and-white wren nest.

Photo: June 2008, Photo by Sarah Tremain

Nestling banding
Sarah and Julie band and measure a nestling wren.

Photo: June 2008, Photo by Anneka Osmun

Hungry for data and hungry for caterpillars
Julie, Anneka, and Sarah carry ladders through the forest, and climb the rufous-and-white wren nest trees, to band and measure these young nestlings.

Photo: June 2008, Photos by Sarah Tremain

The 2008 rainy season arrives
Water floods the front yard of our field house at the start of the rainy season.

Photo: May 2008, Photo by Sarah Tremain

Climbing the monument
Sarah climbs the trecherous ladder at the Santa Rosa "Monument to the Heroes".

Photo: June 2008, Photo by Sarah Tremain

Monument to the Superheroes
La Machita, Kaptain Kabob, and Dengue Girl protecting the flora and fauna of Costa Rica from villains.

Photo: June 2008, Photo by Sarah Tremain

Monument to the Superheroes
With great beach-towel capes comes great responsibility.

Photo: June 2008, Photo by Sarah Tremain

Van on Lake Opinicon
Van paddles to the listening stations on Lake Opinicon.

Photo: May 20088

Melanie on Lake Opinicon
Mel spies loons on Lake Opinicon.

Photo: May 2008

2008 QUBS Field Research Crew
Melanie, Dan, and Van pose next to a listening station on the last day of the 2008 field season.

Photo: May 2008

2008 Costa Rica Field Research Crew
Anneka, Sarah, and Julie band a Rufous-and-white Wren in Costa Rica.

Photo: April 2008

Banding a Plain Wren
Anneka, Dan, and Julie band a Plain Wren in the Bosque Humedo.

Photo: April 2008

Mot Mot in the Hand Hand
Sarah poses with a Blue-crowned Mot-Mot.

Photo: April 2008

2008 Barred Owl Field Research Crew
Karan and Tim in South Carolina's Congraee swamp forest studying owls.

Photo: April 2008. Photo by Karan Odom.

Recording in the Swamp
Karan settles down at the base of a cypress tree for a night of recording barred owl duets.

Photo: April 2008. Photo by Karan Odom.

Big Easy Recordings
Karan hikes into the Louisianna swamp forests to collect recordings of Barred Owls.

Photo: March 2008. Photo by Karan Odom.

2008 Choctawhacthee Research Crew
Some of the 2008 search team at the Choctawhatchee River field house in the Florida panhandle.

Photo: Feb 2008. Photo by Karan Odom.

2007 Mennill Lab Photos

The Mennill Lab 2007
Front row (left to right): Sarah Lippold, Trisha Howlett, Matt Deneau, Sarah Tremain, Ellen Green, Emily Bailey, Angela Joseph, James Goettel, Kaite Rievely. Middle row: Jason Mouland, Lauren Reed, Lex Hand, Stan Yavno, Britney Falica, Anneka Osmun, Holly Hennin, Dan Mennill. Back row: Kyle Swiston, Sarah Baldo, Steph Topp, David Bradley, Sylvie Tremblay, Claudia Bustos, Nicole Barker, Allison Mistakidis, Karen Cogliati.
Photo: March 2007, University of Windsor

Dean's Celebration 2007
Dan and Stephanie visit with departmental visitor Ben Evans of McMaster University during the Dean of Science's Celebration of Success.

Photo: November 2007, Photo by Bill Glass

Dean's Celebration 2007
Kle, Nicole, Karan, and Dan at the Dean of Science's annual Celebration of Success.

Photo: November 2007, Photo by Bill Glass

Science Duck
A Wood Duck that broke her wing when she hit a window of the Faculty of Science in November.

Photo: November 2007, Photo by Nicole Barker.

Wings Rehabilitation Center to the Rescue
The Wood Duck is now in the care of Wings Wildlife Rehabilitation Centre, a non-profit rehab centre which cares for injured wildlife in the Windsor area.

Photo: November 2007, Photo by Nicole Barker.

Brian Rolek in Windsor
The Mennill Lab hosts a visit from Auburn University grad student Brian Rolek.
Photo: October 2007.

Wren Talk
Departmental guest Nigel Mann (SUNY Oneonta) talks wrens with David and Dan
Photo: November 2007, Photo by Nicole Barker.

David at the Poster Session at the 2007 SCO
Dan and David at the Society for Canadian Ornithologists meeting poster session.
Photo: September 2007.

Nicole at the 2007 SCO meeting
Nicole presents a paper on Screaming Pihas at the Society for Canadian Ornithologists meeting near Kingston, Ontario.
Photo: September 2007.

Karan at the 2007 SCO meeting
Karan presents a paper on Barred Owl vocalizations at the Society for Canadian Ornithologists meeting near Kingston, Ontario.
Photo: September 2007.

Kyle at the 2007 SCO meeting
Kyle presents a paper on automated sound detection at the Society for Canadian Ornithologists meeting near Kingston, Ontario.
Photo: September 2007.

University of Windsor Represents at a National Ornithological Meeting
Members of the Doucet and Mennill Labs at the Society for Canadian Ornithologists meeting near Kingston, Ontario.
Photo: September 2007.

Prize Winners
Jessica and David hold the book prizes they received as runners-up for awards for best student talk and best student poster at the 2007 SCO meeting near Kingston, Ontario.
Photo: September 2007.

Prize-winning Poster
David shows off his prize-winning poster to a random passer-by.
Photo: September 2007.

Kyle Swiston - Award Winner
Kyle is presented with the Chris Wysiekierski memorial award by Biology Department Head Andy Hubberstey.
Photo: September 2007.

Nicole in Copenhagen
Nicole visits Torben Dabelsteen's lab in Copenhagen.
Photo: October 2007, Photo by Nicole Barker.

Mennill Lab Grad Students 2007
Left to right: Dan Mennill, Steph Topp, Lauren Reed, David Bradley, Kyle Swiston, Nicole Barker.
Photo: March 2007, University of Windsor

Honours Students 2007
Left to right: Jason Mouland, Sarah Lippold, Sarah Tremain, Angela Joseph.
Photo: March 2007, University of Windsor

Woodpecker Sound Team 2007
Click here to meet the Ivory-billed Woodpecker sound analysis team.
Photo: March 2007, University of Windsor

2007 Costa Rica Field Research Crew
Left to right: Stephanie Doucet, Dan Mennill, Celia Chui, Nicole Barker, Jessica Cuthbert, and David Bradley.
Photo: June 2007. Photo by Stephanie Doucet.

Matching colours
Stephanie holds a long-tailed manakin.
Photo: May 2007

A banded wren
Nicole bands a rufous-and-white wren at Santa Rosa National Park in Costa Rica.
Photo: May 2007

Play it back
David conducts a playback experiment in the neotropical dry forest.
Photo: June 2007

Banded Rufous-naped Wren
David holds a newly banded rufous-naped wren prior to release.
Photo: November 2006, Photo by Nicole Barker.

Fotos of the phorest
Niole shoots photos in the neotropical dry forest.
Photo: May 2007, Photo by David Bradley.

Ontario Biology Day 2007
Mennill Lab Honours students Sarah Tremain and Sarah Lippold presented the findings of their Honours theses at Ontario Biology Day at McMaster University.

Ontario Biology Day 2007
Sarah Tremain delivers a spoken presentation on her Honours Thesis at Ontario Biology Day.

Ontario Biology Day 2007
Sarah Lippold delivers a spoken presentation on her Honours Thesis at Ontario Biology Day

Michigan Ivorybill
Dan holds an Ivory-billed Woodpecker skin during a visit to the University of Michigan Museum of Zoology in March 2007.

Sunset in Peru
Some of the Mennill Lab graduate students participated in the 2007 Tropical Ecology of Amazonian Peru field course. Left to right: David Bradley, Lauren Reed, Dan Mennill, Nicole Barker and Kyle Swiston.
Photo: February 2007, Photo by Jessica Cuthbert

Shrouded in mist
David Bradley pokes through the early morning clouds atop Machu Picchu.

Men of Wrens
Peter Slater (University of St. Andrews) and Dan Mennill search for the Inca Wren. Just how similar is its voice to the Plain-tailed Wren?
February 2007, Photo by Jessica Cuthbert

Machu Picchu
Dan and Stephanie climb the ruins at Machu Picchu.
Photo: March 2007, Photo by David Bradley

Recording the sounds of the tropics
Many members of the Mennill Lab focused on recording the sounds of many poorly studied tropical birds. Nicole Barker and Kyle Swiston model the latest in directional microphones, while Jason Mouland and Lauren Reed organize their recordings.
February 2007, Photos by Jessica Cuthbert, Nicole Barker, and Kyle Swiston

Are you whistling at me?
Lauren Reed staking out a lek of Screaming Pihas.
Photo: March 2007, Photo by Jessica Cuthbert

Another Great Duetter
Dan holds a Thrushlike Wren at Explorer's Inn.
Photo: February 2007, Photo by Jessica Cuthbert

Pulling In the Birds
Kyle Swiston, Jessica Cuthbert, and Lauren Reed pull in birds to playback near Aguas Calientes.
Photo: March 2007, Photo by Nicole Barker

Putting the Play in Playback
Nicole Barker, Jessica Cuthbert, and Lauren Reed strike a Charlie's Angels pose in Peru's cloud forest.
Photo: March 2007, Photo by Kyle Swiston

2006 Mennill Lab Photos

Celebration of Success 2006
At the Dean of Science's 2006 Celebration of Success, Mennill Lab grad students Lauren Reed (left) and Nicole Barker (right) were honoured for their provincial and federal scholarships. Dan was honoured for his research, teaching, and service.
Photo: November 2006, Photo by Sean Hooper.

Jackson in the House
No Mennill Lab party is complete without an impromptu reading from Jerry Jackson's "In Search of the Ivory-billed Woodpecker".
Photo: November 2006, Photo by Nicole Barker.

All the bomb frostings
In honour of Michael Kasumovic's visit to University of Windsor's Behaviour Cognition and Neuroscience program, Claudia Bustos (right) baked cupcakes to celebrate Michael's study organism: the Australian Red-backed Spider.
Photo: November 2006, Photo by Nicole Barker.

Raise a glass to our sponsor
The 2007 Woodpecker team enjoys a bottle of Pelee Island Winery Merlot Cabernet; the southern Ontario winery is helping support the 2007 search for Ivorybills in Florida.
Photo: November 2006, Photo by Nicole Barker.

Cupcake show
Michael enacts a cupcake show for Daniel Hanley and Stephanie Doucet. Impressed by Michael's antics, Daniel decides to join the Doucet Lab as a graduate student.
Photo: November 2006, Photo by Nicole Barker.

Dr. John Burt
In October 2006, Dr. John Burt, author of Syrinx-PC Sound Analysis Software and researcher at University of Washington, delivered a Departmental Seminar on song sparrow vocal learning.
Photo: October 2006, Photo by Nicole Barker.

Hallowe'en 2006
John's visit coincided with the grad student hallowe'en party. Inspired by the colourful wigs and hats, John will be redesigning the colour palate of Syrinx in hot pink and turquoise.
Photo: October 2006, Photo by Nicole Barker.

Hallowe'en 2006
A swashbuckling John Burt with the Mennill and Doucet labs.

Roost Tree
Incorrectly recognized as treebeard, Kyle Swiston's costume was in fact an Ivory-billed Woodpecker roost tree.

Mennill Lab Birding Trip - September 2006
Jim Quinn (Departmental Visitor and professor at McMaster University), David Bradley, Stephanie Doucet, Sandra Valderrama, Trevor Pitcher, Peter Christie (Special Guest Star and journalist from Kingston), Kyle Swiston, Jessica Cuthbert, Dan Mennill, Nicole Barker and Sarah Tremain (left to right).
Photo: September 2006, Point Pelee, Photo by Nicole Barker.

Sandra at the tip of Point Pelee.
Photo: September 2006, Point Pelee, Photo by Nicole Barker.

Jessica hides behind her NGS.
Photo: September 2006, Point Pelee, Photo by Nicole Barker.

Birding at Point Pelee and Pinery Provincial Park.
Photos: August and September 2006, Point Pelee and Pinery Provincial Park, Photo by Nicole Barker.

David and Sandra at Point Pelee.
Photo: September 2006, Point Pelee, Photo by Nicole Barker.

Practical uses for Sibley by Sarah.
Photo: September 2006, Point Pelee, Photo by Nicole Barker.

The Mennill Lab and friends at Point Pelee.
Photo: September 2006, Point Pelee, Photo by Nicole Barker.

Jim eyes Dan suspiciously: "What is that clever fellow up to?"
Photo: September 2006, Point Pelee, Photo by Nicole Barker.

David and Sandra at Holiday Beach.
Photo: October 2006, Holiday Beach.

Sarah and Kyle climb down the tower at Pelee marsh.
Photo: September 2006, Point Pelee, Photo by Nicole Barker.

Mennill/Doucet Lab Grad Student Retreat - August 2006
Kyle Swiston, Jessica Cuthbert, Stephanie Doucet, Steph Topp, Lauren Reed, Sandra Valderrama, Dan Mennill, Nicole Barker, and David Bradley (left to right).
Photo: August 2006, Pinery Provincial Park, Photo by Nicole Barker

Hiking in Pinery Provincial Park.
Photo: August 2006, Pinery Provincial Park, Photo by Nicole Barker.

Birding at Pinery Provincial Park.
Photo: August 2006, Pinery Provincial Park, Photo by Nicole Barker.

Lauren, a hammock, and the Saturday Globe.
Photo: August 2006, Cedar Bank Cottage, Photo by Nicole Barker.

The Mennill/Doucet Lab retreat at Cedar Bank cottage.
Photo: August 2006, Cedar Bank Cottage, Photo by Nicole Barker.

2006 Chickadee Field Research Crew
Laurene Ratcliffe, Dominique Potvin, Lauren Reed, Jenn Foote, Ryan Jones, Sarah Lippold, Kathryn Winger, Dan Mennill (left to right).
Photo: May 2006, Queen's University Biology Station

2006 Costa Rica Field Research Crew
Dan Mennill, Stephanie Doucet, Steph Topp, Jessica Cuthbert, Jason Mouland, Roz Dakin (left to right). Absent: David Bradley.
Photo: June 2006, Monteverde, Costa Rica

Banding Rufous-and-white Wren Nestlings
Jason Mouland and Steph Topp measure a nestling in the Humid Forests of Costa Rica.
Photo: June 2006, Santa Rosa National Park, Costa Rica

Rufous-naped Wren Capture
David Bradley holds a wiley Rufous-naped Wren.
Photo: May 2006, Santa Rosa National Park, Costa Rica

The Plainest of Wrens
Jessica Cuthbert modestly holds a Plain Wren.
Photo: June 2006, Santa Rosa National Park, Costa Rica

Ascending an ant-ridden acacia
Steph Topp carefully extracts a nestling as Jason Mouland steadies the ladder and gently bends the tree.
Photo: June 2006, Santa Rosa National Park, Costa Rica

River Crossing
The 2006 Costa Rica field crew at Rincon de la Vieja National Park.
Photo: June 2006, Costa Rica

Monteverde Canopy Bridge
Dan and Stephanie at the sight of the discovery of the Ruddy Treerunner nest. It's still active 2 years later!
Photo: June 2006, Monteverde, Costa Rica

Quebrada Lunch Break
Peanut Butter and Chickies at Rincon de la Vieja National Park.
Photo: June 2006, Costa Rica

Digitizing the Forest
Kyle Swiston with a shotgun microphone and a solid-state digital recorder.
Photo: January 2006, not too far from Windsor, Ontario

Peeking in the cavities
Lauren Reed uses a dentist's mirror to sneak a peek into a black-capped chickadee nest cavity.
Photo: April 2006, Queen's University Biology Station

The Winter 2006 Sound Analysis Team
Sylve Tremblay, Jason Mouland, Jessica Cuthbert, and Sarah Lippold scan recordings that are beamed back to the lab from our field site.

Photo: January 2006, Mennill Sound Analysis Lab

2005 Mennill Lab Photos

The Mennill Lab - 2005
Dan Mennill, Jason Brogan, Jessica Cuthbert, Lauren Reed, Lindsay Davidson, Steph Topp, Stephanie Doucet, Kyle Swiston, Stephanie Wilson (left to right). Absent: Angela Joseph.
Photo: December 2005, University of Windsor

The 2005 Costa Rica Field Research Crew
Dan Mennill, Cheryl Calaustro, Stephanie Doucet, Julia Marko, Steph Topp (left to right)
Photo: April 2005, Santa Rosa National Park

The 2005 Wren Research Team
Cheryl Calaustro, Steph Topp, Dan Mennill (left to right)
Photo: April 2005, Santa Rosa National Park

The 2005 Ontario Field Research Crew
Dominique Potvin, Laurene Ratcliffe, Ann McKellar, Lauren Reed, Jenn Foote, Dan Mennill (left to right)
Photo: May 2005, Queen's University Biology Station

2005 Chickadee Recording Session
Davin Carlson of the Queen's Biological Communication Center looks on as Jenn Foote (blue hat) and Lauren Reed (other blue hat) record chickadees
Photo: May 2005, Queen's University Biology Station

The Residents visit the array
Ann McKellar, Jenn Foote, Dominique Potvin, Lauren Reed (left to right)
Photo: May 2005, Queen's University Biology Station

Setting up the array
Jenn Foote, Dominique Potvin, Ann McKellar, Lauren Reed (left to right)
Photo: May 2005, Queen's University Biology Station

2005 Grad Student Retreat
Mennill lab birding trip to Pinery Provincial Park
Photo: August 2005, Pinery Provincial Park

2005 Grad Student Retreat
Kyle Swiston, Steph Topp, Lauren Reed, Stephanie Doucet (left to right)
Photo: August 2005, Pinery Provincial Park

The Mennill Sound Analysis Lab
Kyle Swistin and Lauren Reed run sound analyses on the recordings they collected in the field.
Photo: October 2005, Mennill Sound Analysis Lab

The Mennill Sound Analysis Lab
Jason Brogan scores behaviour of birds videotaped in Costa Rica.
Photo: October 2005, Mennill Sound Analysis Lab

The Mennill Sound Analysis Lab
Jason Mouland, Jessica Cuthbert, and Sarah Lippold hard at work at the sound analysis workstations.
Photo: January 2006, Mennill Sound Analysis Lab

The Mennill Sound Analysis Lab
Lauren Reed, a computer, and 50 hours' worth of mutli-channel sound recordings.
Photo: October 2005, Mennill Sound Analysis Lab