Dan Mennill's Publications

2000 | 2001 | 2002 | 2003 | 2004 | 2005 | 2006 | 2007 | 2008 | 2009 | 2010 | 2011 | 2012 | 2013 | 2014 | 2015 | 2016  | 2017 | 2018 | 2019 | 2020 | 2021 | 2022

* Asterisks indicate students or researchers in my laboratory

Aubin JA*, Dobney SL*, Foreman SAM*, SM Doucet, DR Norris, H Williams, Mennill DJ (2024) Birds respond more strongly to locally-common versus locally-rare songs: a playback experiment with Savannah sparrows. Animal Behaviour 212:127-135. [PDF]

Gardner KA*, Mennill DJ, Newman AEM, Doucet SM (2023) Stress, corticosterone, and colour change in a toad with dynamic sexual dichromatism. Behaviour 1-18. [PDF]
Gardner KA*, Mennill DJ, Doucet SM (2024) Male-male competition in a toad with dynamic sexual dichromatism: males react similarly to robotic models that vary in colour. Journal of Herpetology in press.

Mennill DJ (2024) Field tests of small autonomous recording units: An evaluation of in-person versus automated point counts and a comparison of recording quality. Bioacoustics 2:1-21. [PDF]
Sanchez N*, Mennill DJ (2024) Behavioural consequences of conspecific density: a systematic literature review of the effects of neighbours on avian vocal communication. Journal of Ornithology in press.
Sanchez N*, Vargas-Valverde I, Espejo-Uriba MJ, Mennill DJ (2004) Male and female tropical wrens vary their vocal behaviour when local density changes: a multi-speaker density experiment. Behavioral Ecology accepted.

Sharma SPS*, Dobney SL*, Norris DR, Doucet SM, Newman AEM, Burant JB, Moran IG*, Mueller SD, Spina HA, Woodworth B, Mennill DJ (2024) Effects of age, breeding strategy, population density, and number of neighbors on territory size and shape in Passerculus sandwichensis (Savannah Sparrow).  Ornithology 141:1-10. [PDF]

Williams H, Dobney SL*, Robins C, Norris DR, Newman AEM, Doucet SM, Mennill DJ (2023) Familiarity and homogeneity affect the discrimination of a local song dialect. Animal Behaviour 209:9-20. [PDF]

Aubin JA*, Mikus M-A, Michaud R, Mennill DJ, Vergara V (2023) Fly with care: belugas show evasive responses to low altitude drone flights. Marine Mammal Science 39:718-739. [PDF]

Bircher N*, Mennill DJ, van Oers K, Naguib M (2023) Singing interactions among territorial neighbors and their relation to visual ornaments, parental care, and breeding success in the great tit (Parus major). Ethology 129:322-333. [PDF]

Dobney SA*, Bornais MK*, Norris DR, Newman AEM, Williams H, Doucet SM, Mennill DJ (2023) Quiet in the nest: the nest environment attenuates song in a grassland bird. Avian Research 14:100148. [PDF]

166. Gayk ZG*, Mennill DJ (2022) Acoustic similarity of flight calls corresponds with composition and structure of mixed-species flocks of migrating birds: Evidence from a 3-D microphone array. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London, Series B: Biology 378:20220114. [PDF]
Burant JB, Heisey EW, Wheelwright NT, Newman AEM, Whelan S, Mennill  DJ, Doucet SM, Mitchell GW, Woodworth BK, Norris DR (2022) Natal experience and pre-breeding environmental conditions affect lay date plasticity in Savannah sparrows. Ecology 103:e03575. [PDF]

Graham BA*, DD Heath, PC Pulgarin, RP Walter, M Mark, Mennill DJ (2022) Habitat connectivity, gene flow, and population genetic structure in a Neotropical understory insectivore, the Rufous-and-white Wren. Ornithology 139:ukac030. [PDF]

Hensel AJL*, Dobney S*, Doucet SM, Norris DR, Newman AEM, Williams H, Mennill DJ (2022) Microgeographic variation in bird song: Savannah Sparrows exhibit microdialects in an island population. Animal Behaviour 188:119-131. [PDF]

Hensel ALJ*, Dobney S*, Moran I*, Thomas IP*, Burant JB, Woodworth BK, Doucet SM, Newman AEM, Norris DR, Williams H, Mennill DJ (2022) Passive acoustic monitoring provides predictable and reliable underestimates of population size and longevity in wild Savannah Sparrows. Ornithological Applications 124:1-11. [PDF]

Shangi N*, Gardner KS*, Mennill DJ, Doucet SM (2022) Is color related to parasite load in a sexually dichromatic Neotropical toad? Herpetologica 78:235-243. [PDF]

Williams H, Scharfab A, Rybaac A, Norris DR, Mennill DJ, Newman AEM, Doucet SM, Blackwood J (2022) Cumulative cultural evolution and mechanisms for cultural selection in wild bird songs. Nature Communications 13:1-11. [PDF]

Gardner K*, Mennill DJ, Savi L*, Shangi N*, Doucet SM (2021) Sexual selection in a neotropical toad: Do female toads choose brighter males in a species with rapid colour change? Ethology 127:475-483. [PDF]

Gayk ZG*, Simpson RK*, Mennill DJ (2021) The evolution of Wood Warbler flight calls: species with similar migrations produce acoustically similar calls. Evolution 75:719-730. [PDF]

Graham BA*, Heath DH, Mennill DJ (2021) Female and male song exhibit both parallel and divergent patterns of
cultural evolution: A long-term study of song structure and diversity in tropical wrens. Ornithology 138:1-16. [PDF]

Owen KC*, Mennill DJ (2021) Singing in a fragmented environment: the effects of neighbours, time of day, and seasonal variation on vocal behaviours of female and male tropical wrens. Journal of Ornithology 162:881-893. [PDF]

Simpson RK*, Wilson DR, Mistakidis A, Mennill DJ, Doucet SM 2021) Sympatry drives colour and song divergence in wood-warblers (Parulidae). Proceedings of the Royal Society of London, Series B: Biology 288:20202804. [PDF]

Thomas IP*, Doucet SM, Norris DR, Newman AEM, Williams H, Mennill DJ (2021) Vocal learning in Savannah sparrows: Acoustic similarity to neighbours shapes song development & territorial aggression. Animal Behaviour 176:77-86. [PDF]

Demko AD*, Sosa-Lopez JR, Simpson RK, Doucet SM, Mennill DJ (2020). Divergence in plumage, voice, and morphology indicates speciation in Rufous-capped Warblers (Basileuterus rufifrons) Auk: Ornithological Advances 137:ukaa029. [PDF]

Gardner KM*, Mennill DJ, Newman AEM, Doucet SM (2020) Social and physiological drivers of rapid colour change in a tropical toad. General and Comparative Endocrinology 285:113292. [PDF]

Gayk ZG*, Mennill DJ (2020) Pinpointing the position of flying songbirds with a wireless microphone array: three-dimensional triangulation of warblers on the wing. Bioacoustics 29:375-386. [PDF]

Landsborough BL*, Wilson DA, Mennill DJ (2020) Variation in chick-a-dee call sequences, not in the fine structure of chick-a-dee calls, influences mobbing behaviour in mixed-species flocks. Behavioral Ecology 31:54-62. [PDF]

Owen KC*, Melin AD, Campos FA, Fedigan LM, Gillespie TW, Mennill DJ (2020) Bioacoustic analyses reveal that bird communities recover with forest succession in tropical dry forests. Avian Conservation and Ecology 15:25. [PDF]

Araya-Salas M, Vidaurre GS, Mennill DJ, Gonzalez-Gomez PL, Cahill H, Wright TF (2019) Social group signatures provide evidence of learning in visual displays. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London Series B: Biology 286:20190666. [PDF]

Demko A*, Sosa-López JR, Mennill DJ (2019). Subspecies discrimination on the basis of acoustic signals: a playback experiment in a Neotropical songbird. Animal Behaviour 157:77-85. [PDF]

Demko AD*, Mennill DJ (2019) Rufous-capped Warblers Basileuterus rufifrons show seasonal, temporal, and annual variationin song use. Ibis 161:481-494. [PDF]
Landsborough BL*, Foote JR, Mennill DJ (2019) Decoding the "Zeep" complex: Quantitative analysis of interspecific variation in the nocturnal flight calls of nine wood warbler species (Parulidae spp.). Bioacoustics 28:555-574 [PDF]
Mennill DJ, Doucet SM, Newman AEM, Williams H, Moran IG*, Thomas IP*, Woodworth BK, Bornais M*, Norris DR (2019) Eavesdropping on adult vocal interactions does not enhance juvenile song learning: an experiment with wild songbirds. Animal Behaviour 155:67-75. [PDF]

Moran IG*, Lukianchuk KC*, Doucet SM, Newman AEM, Williams H, Norris DR, Mennill DJ (2019) Diel and seasonal patterns of variation in the singing behaviour of Savannah Sparrows (Passerculus sandwichensis). Avian Research 10:16. [PDF]

Moser-Purdy C*, Kahn ZA*, Graham BA*, Mennill DJ (2019) Male and female Rufous-and-white Wrens do not song type match during simulated territorial intrusions. Journal of Avian Biology 50:7. [PDF]

Williams H, Robins CAW, Norris DR, Newman AEM, Freeman-Gallant CR, Wheelwright NT, Mennill DJ (2019) The buzz segment of Savannah Sparrow song is a population marker. Journal of Ornithology 1:217-227. [PDF]

Demko AD*, Mennill DJ (2018) Male and female signaling behavior varies seasonally during territorial interactions in a tropical songbird. Behavioral Ecology & Sociobiology 72:84. [PDF]

Demko AD*, Mennill DJ (2018) Nest description and nesting behavior of the Rufous-capped Warbler (Basileuterus rufifrons).  Ornitologia Neotropical 29:167-174. [PDF]

Graham BA*, Heath DD, Walter RP, Mark MM, Mennill DJ (2018) Parallel evolutionary forces influence the evolution of male and female songs in a tropical songbird. Journal of Evolutionary Biology 31:979-994. [PDF]

Graham BA*, Heath DD, Walter R, Mennill DJ (2018) Immigrant song: males and females learn songs post-dispersal in a tropical bird. Behavioral Ecology 7:10089-10102. [PDF]

Hedley RW, Logue DM, Benedict L, Mennill DJ (2018) Assessing the similarity of song syntax among birds: Evidence for inter-species variation. Animal Behaviour 140:161-170. [PDF]

Kahn ZA*, Moser-Purdy CE*, Mennill DJ (2018) Sing and do not stray: Male Rufous-and-white Wrens use duets and physical behaviours to guard their mates. Animal Behaviour 143:35-42. [PDF]

Mennill DJ, Doucet SM, Newman AEM, Williams H, Moran IG*, Thomas IP*, Woodworth BK, Norris DR (2018) Wild birds learn songs from experimental vocal tutors. Current Biology 28:3273-3278. [PDF]
This paper was the cover article of Current Biology volume 28 issue 20.

Moran IG, Doucet SM, Newman AEM, Norris DR, Mennill DJ (2018) Quiet violence: Savannah Sparrows respond to playback-simulated rivals using low-amplitude songs as aggressive signals. Ethology 124:724-732. [PDF]

Woodworth B, Norris RD, Graham BA*, Kahn ZA*, Mennill DJ (2018) Hot temperatures during the dry season reduce survival of a resident tropical bird. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London Series B: Biology 285:20180176. [PDF]

131. Araya-Salas M, Wojczulanis-Jakubas K, Phillips EM, Mennill DJ, Wright TF (2017) To overlap or not to overlap: context-dependent coordinated singing in lekking long-billed hermits. Animal Behaviour 124:57-64. [PDF]

130. Foote JR, Fitzsimmons LP*, Lobert LM, Ratcliffe LM, Mennill DJ (2017) A population-level analysis of morning song: exploring the implications for point counts. Canadian Field-Naturalist 131:10-18. [PDF]

Graham BA*, Heath DD, Mennill DJ (2017) Dispersal influences genetic and acoustic spatial structure for both males and females in a tropical songbird. Ecology and Evolution 7:10089-10102. [PDF]

Graham BA*, Sandoval LA*, Dabelsteen T, Mennill DJ (2017) A test of the Acoustic Adaptation Hypothesis in three types of tropical forest: degradation of male and female Rufous-and-white Wren songs. Bioacoustics 26:37-61. [PDF]
127. Moser-Purdy CE*, MacDougall-Shackleton EA, Mennill DJ (2017) Enemies aren't always dear: male song sparrows adjust dear enemy effect expression in response to female fertility. Animal Behaviour 93:47-52. [PDF]

Moser-Purdy CE*, MacDougall-Shackleton S, Bonier F, Graham BA*, Boyer A, Mennill DJ (2017) Male song sparrows have elevated testosterone in response to neighbors versus strangers. Hormones and Behavior 93:47-52. [PDF]

Rehberg-Besler N*, Doucet SM, Mennill DJ (2017) Overlapping vocalizations produce far-reaching choruses: a test of the signal enhancement hypothesis. Behavioral Ecology 28:494-499. [PDF]
This paper was the cover article of Behavioral Ecology volume 28 issue 2.

Roach SP, Mennill DJ, Phillmore L (2017) Operant discrimination of relative frequency ratios in black-capped chickadee song. Animal Cognition 20:961-973. [PDF]

Sandoval L*, Epperly K, Klicka J, Mennill DJ (2017) The biogeographic and evolutionary history of an endemic clade of Middle American sparrows: Melozone and Aimophila (Aves: Passerellidae). Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 110:50-59. [PDF]

Sandoval L*, Bitton P-P, Doucet SM, Mennill DJ (2017) Phenotypic variation and vocal divergence reveals a species complex in White-eared Ground-sparrows (Cabanis) (Aves: Passerellidae). Zootaxa 4291: 155-170. [PDF]

Sosa-López JR*, Mennill DJ, Renton K (2017) Sexual differentiation and seasonal variation in response to conspecific and heterospecific acoustic signals. Ethology 123:460-466. [PDF]

120. Hahn AH, Hoeschele M, Guillette LM, Hoang J, McMillan N, Congdon JV, Campbell KA, Mennill DJ, Otter KA, Grava T, Ratcliffe LM, & Sturdy CB (2016) Black-capped chickadees categorize songs based on features that vary geographically. Animal Behaviour 112:93-104. [PDF]

119. Harris AJ*, Wilson DR*, Graham BA*, Mennill DJ (2016) Estimating repertoire size in a songbird: A comparison of three techniques. Bioacoustics 1-14. [PDF]

Hick KG*, Doucet SM, Mennill DJ (2016) Tropical wrens rely more on acoustic signals than visual signals for inter- and intraspecific discrimination. Animal Behaviour 118:153-163. [PDF]

Masco C, Allesina S, Mennill DJ, Pruett-Jones S (2016) The Song Overlap Null model Generator (SONG): a new method for distinguishing between random and non-random song overlap. Bioacoustics 25:29-40. [PDF]

Moser-Purdy CE*, Mennill DJ (2016) Large vocal repertoires do not constrain the dear enemy effect: a playback experiment and comparative study of songbirds. Animal Behaviour 118:55-64. [PDF]

Rehberg-Besler N*, Doucet SM, Mennill DJ (2016) Vocal behaviour of the explosively breeding Neotropical yellow toad, Incilius letkenii. Journal of Herpetology 50:502-508. [PDF]

114. Roach SP, Lockyer AC, Yousef T, Mennill DJ, Phillmore LS (2016) Vocal production and playback of altered song do not affect ZENK expression in black-capped chickadees (Poecile atricapillus). Behavioural Brain Research 298:91-99. [PDF]
Sandoval L*, Méndez C, Mennill DJ (2016) Vocal behaviour of White-eared Ground-sparrows (Melozone leucotis) during the breeding season: repertoires, diel variation, behavioural contexts, and individual distinctiveness. Journal of Ornithology 157:1-12. [PDF]
Sosa-López JR*, Martinez Gomez J, Mennill DJ (2016) Divergence in mating signals correlates with genetic distance and behavioural responses to playback. Journal of Evolutionary Biology 29:306-318. [PDF]

Watson MJ*, Wilson DR*, Mennill DJ (2016) Anthropogenic light is associated with increased vocal activity by nocturnally migrating birds. Condor: Ornithological Applications 118:338-344. [PDF]

Wilson DR*, Ratcliffe LM, Mennill DJ (2016) Black-capped chickadees (Poecile atricapillus) avoid song overlapping: evidence for the acoustic interference hypothesis. Animal Behaviour 114:219-229. [PDF]

Baldo S*, Mennill DJ, Guindre-Parker S, Gilchrist HG, Love OP (2015) The oxidative cost of acoustic signals: testing steroid versus aerobic-activity hypotheses in a wild bird. Ethology 121:1081-1090. [PDF]

Battiston MM*, Wilson DR*, Graham BA*, Kovach KA*, Mennill DJ (2015) Rufous-and-white Wrens (Thryophilus rufalbus) do not exhibit dear enemy effects towards conspecific or heterospecific competitors. Current Zoology 61:23-33. [PDF]
Caselli CB*, Mennill DJ, Bicca-Marques JC, Setz WZF (2015) Playback response of socially monogamous black-fronted titi monkeys to simulated solitary and paired intruders. American Journal of Primatology 77:1135-1142. [PDF]
This paper was the cover article of the American Journal of Primatology volume 77 issue 11.

Hick KA*, Doucet SM, Mennill DJ (2015) Interspecific vocal discrimination in neotropical wrens: responses to congeneric signals in sympatry and allopatry. Animal Behaviour 109:113-121. [PDF]

Maynard DF*, Ward K-AA, Doucet SM, Mennill DJ (2015) Telemetric and video assessment of female response to male vocal performance in a lek-mating manakin. Behavioral Ecology 26:65-74. [PDF]

Rehberg-Besler N*, Mennill DJ, Doucet SM (2015) Dynamic Sexual Dichromatism produces a sex signal in an explosively breeding Neotropical toad: a model presentation experiment. Behavioural Processes 121:74-79. [PDF]

Sandoval L*, Dabelsteen T, Mennill DJ (2015) Transmission characteristics of solo songs and duets in a neotropical thicket habitat specialist bird. Bioacoustics 24:289-306. [PDF]
Baldo S*, Mennill DJ, Guindre-Parker S, Gilchrist HG, Love OP (2014) Snow Buntings sing individually distinctive songs and show inter-annual variation in song structure. Wilson Journal of Ornithology 126:333-338. [PDF]

Bruni A*, Mennill DJ, Foote JR (2014) Dawn chorus start time variation in a temperate bird community: relationships with seasonality, weather, and ambient light. Journal of Ornithology 155:877-890. [PDF]

Caselli CB*, Mennill DJ, Bicca-Marques JC, Setz WZF (2014) Vocal behavior of black-fronted titi monkeys (Callicebus nigrifrons): acoustic properties and behavioral contexts of loud calls. American Journal of Primatology 76:788-800. [PDF]

Gough DC, Mennill DJ, Nol E (2014) Singing seaside: Pacific Wrens (Troglodytes pacificus) change their songs in the presence of natural and anthropogenic noise. Wilson Journal of Ornithology 126:269-278. [PDF]

Hanna DEL, Wilson DR*, Blouin-Demers G, Mennill DJ (2014) Noise affects call structure in spring peepers, Pseudacris crucifer. Current Zoology 60:438-448. [PDF]

Kovach KA*, Hall ML, Vehrencamp SL, Mennill DJ (2014) Timing isn't everything: responses of tropical wrens to coordinated duets, uncoordinated duets and alternating solos. Animal Behaviour 95:101-109. [PDF]

Mennill DJ (2014) Variation in the vocal behavior of common loons (Gavia immer): insights from landscape-level recordings. Waterbirds 37:26-36. [PDF]

Sanders CE*, Mennill DJ (2014) Acoustic monitoring of nocturnally migrating birds accurately predicts the timing and magnitude of migration through the Great Lakes. Condor 116:371-383. [PDF] [Online Supplement]

Sanders CE*, Mennill DJ (2014) Acoustic monitoring of migratory birds over Lake Erie: avian responses to barriers and the importance of islands. Canadian Field-Naturalist 128:135-144. [PDF]

Sandoval L*, Méndez C, Mennill DJ (2014) Individual distinctiveness in the fine structural features and repertoire characteristics of the songs of white-eared ground-sparrows. Ethology 120:275-286. [PDF]

Sandoval L*, Bitton P-P, Doucet SM, Mennill DJ (2014) Analysis of plumage, morphology, and voice reveals species-level differences between two subspecies of Prevost’s Ground-sparrow Melozone biarcuata (Prévost and Des Murs) (Aves: Emberizidae). Zootaxa 3895:103-116. [PDF]

Sandoval L*, Mennill DJ (2014) A quantitative description of the vocalizations and vocal behaviour of Rusty-crowned Ground-sparrow (Melozone kieneri). Ornitologia Neotropical 25:219-230. [PDF]

Sosa-Lopez JR*, Mennill DJ (2014) Continent-wide patterns of divergence in acoustic and morphological traits in the house wren species complex. Auk: Ornithological Advances 131:41-54. [PDF]

Sosa-Lopez JR*, Mennill DJ (2014) The vocal behaviour of the Brown-throated Wren (Troglodytes brunneicollis): Song structure, repertoires, sharing, syntax, and diel variation. Journal of Ornithology 155:435-446. [PDF]
Sosa-López JR*, Mennill DJ (2014) Vocal behaviour of the island-endemic Cozumel Wren (Troglodytes aedon beani): Song structure, repertoires, and song sharing. Journal of Ornithology 155:337-346. [PDF]
Wilson DR*, Battiston M*, Brzustowski J, Mennill DJ (2014) Sound Finder: A new software approach for localizing animals recorded with a microphone array. Bioacoustics 23:99-112. [PDF]

Wilson DR*, Bitton P-P, Podos J, Mennill DJ (2014) Uneven sampling and the analysis of vocal performance constraints. American Naturalist 183:214-228. [PDF]

Foote JF, Palazzi E, Mennill DJ (2013) Songs of the Eastern Phoebe, a suboscine songbird, are individually distinctive but do not vary geographically. Bioacoustics 22:137-151. [PDF]
84. Hahn AH, Guillette LM, Hoeschele M, Mennill DJ, Otter KA, Grava T, Ratcliffe LM, Sturdy CB (2013) Dominance and geographic information contained within black-capped chickadee (Poecile atricapillus) song. Behaviour 150:1601-1622. [PDF]

Koloff J*, Mennill DJ (2013) The responses of duetting antbirds to stereo duet playback provide support for the joint territory defense hypothesis. Ethology 119:449-539. [PDF]
This paper is the cover article of Ethology volume 119 issue 6.

Koloff J*, Mennill DJ (2013) Vocal behaviour of barred antshrikes, a Neotropical duetting suboscine songbird. Journal of Ornithology 154:51-61. [PDF]

Sandoval L*, Mendez C, Mennill DJ (2013) Different vocal signals, but not prior experience, influence heterospecific from conspecific discrimination. Animal Behaviour 85:907-915. [PDF]
Sandoval L*, Mennill DJ (2013) Morphometric measurements permit accurate sexing of three species of Mesoamerican ground-sparrow (genus: Melozone). Wilson Journal of Ornithology 125:471-478. [PDF]

Sosa-López JR*, Mennill DJ, Navarro-Sigüenza AG (2013) Geographic variation and the evolution of song in Mesoamerican rufous-naped wrens (Campylorhynchus rufinucha). Journal of Avian Biology 44:27-38. [PDF]
Baker TM*, Wilson DR*, Mennill DJ (2012) Vocal signals predict attack during aggressive interactions in black-capped chickadees. Animal Behaviour 84:965-974. [PDF]

Douglas SB*, Heath DD, Mennill DJ (2012) Low levels of extra-pair paternity in a neotropical duetting songbird, the rufous-and-white wren. Condor 114:393-400. [PDF]
This paper is the cover article of Condor volume 114 issue 2.

76. Kamtaeja S*, Sitasuwan N, Chomdej S, Jatisatienr A, Mennill DJ (2012) Species-distinctiveness in the vocal behaviour of six sympatric bulbuls (genus Pycnonotus) in Southeast Asia. Emu - Austral Ornithology 112:199-208. [PDF]
Maynard DF*, Ward KA, Doucet SM, Mennill DJ (2012) Calling in an acoustically competitive environment: Duetting male long-tailed manakins avoid overlapping neighbours but not playback-simulated rivals. Animal Behaviour 84:563-573. [PDF]

74. Mennill DJ, Battiston M*, Wilson DR*, Foote JR, Doucet SM (2012) Field test of an affordable, portable, wireless microphone array for spatial monitoring of animal ecology and behaviour. Methods in Ecology and Evolution 3:704-712. [PDF] [YouTube]
Mennill DJ, Doucet SM, Ward KAA, Maynard DF*, Otis B, Burt JM (2012) A novel digital telemetry system for tracking wild animals: a field test for studying mate choice in a lekking tropical bird. Methods in Ecology and Evolution 3:663-672. [PDF] [YouTube]
Odom KA*, Mennill DJ (2012) Inconsistent geographic variation in the calls and duets of Barred Owls across an area of genetic introgression. Auk 129:387-398. [PDF]

Sandoval L*, Mennill DJ (2012) Breeding biology of White-eared Ground-sparrows (Melozone leucotis) with a description of a new nest type. Ornitologia Neotropical 23:225-234. [PDF]

Sosa-López JR*, Martinez-Gomez JE, Mennill DJ (2012) Description of the nest, eggs, and parental behavior of the Clarion Wren (Troglodytes tanneri), a vulnerable island-endemic song bird. Ornitologia Neotropical 23:291-298. [PDF]

Toth CA, Mennill DJ, Ratcliffe LM (2012) Evidence for multi-contest eavesdropping in chickadees. Behavioral Ecology 23:836-842. [PDF]
This paper is the cover article of Behavioral Ecology volume 23 issue 4.

Baldo S*, Mennill DJ (2011) Vocal behavior of Great Curassows, a vulnerable Neotropical bird. Journal of Field Ornithology 82:249-258. [PDF]

Blumstein DT, Mennill DJ, Clemins P, Girod L, Yao K, Patricelli G, Deppe JL, Krakauer AH, Clark C, Cortopassi KA, Hanser SF, McCowan B, Ali AM, Kirscehl ANG (2011) Acoustic monitoring in terrestrial environments using microphone arrays: applications, technological considerations, and prospectus. Journal of Applied Ecology. 48:758-767. [PDF]
This paper was featured as “Editor’s Choice” in the May 2011 issue of Journal of Applied Ecology. Read the feature here.

66. Bradley DW*, Mennill DJ (2011) Rufous-naped Wren (Campylorhynchus rufinucha). Birds of the World (T. S. Schulenberg, Ed.). Ithaca: Cornell Lab of Ornithology. [Online]

Fitzsimmons LP*, Barker NK*, Mennill DJ (2011) Further analysis supports the conclusion that Screaming Piha (Lipaugus vociferans) songs are individually distinctive and bear a lek signature. Auk 128:790-792. [PDF]
Foote JR*, Fitzsimmons LP*, Mennill DJ, Ratcliffe LM (2011) Male black-capped chickadees begin dawn chorusing earlier in response to simulated territorial insertions. Animal Behaviour 81:871-877. [PDF]

Hanna D, Blouin-Demers G, Wilson DR*, Mennill DJ (2011) Anthropogenic noise affects song structure in Red-winged Blackbirds (Agelaius phoeniceus). Journal of Experimental Biology 214:3542-3548. [PDF]
This paper is the cover article of Journal of Experimental Biology volume 214 issue 21, and is featured in "Inside JEB" (read the feature here).

Koloff J*, Mennill DJ (2011) Aggressive responses to playback of solos and duets in a neotropical antbird. Animal Behaviour 82:587-593. [PDF]
Koloff J*, Mennill DJ (2011) Barred Antshrike (Thamnophilus doliatus). Birds of the World (T. S. Schulenberg, Ed.). Ithaca: Cornell Lab of Ornithology. [Online]
Lapierre JM, Mennill DJ, MacDougall-Shackleton EA (2011) Spatial and age-related variation in use of locally common song elements in dawn singing of song sparrows Melospiza melodia; old males sing the hits. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 65:2149-2160. [PDF]
Martin JP*, Doucet SM, Knox RC*, Mennill DJ (2011) Body size correlates negatively with frequency of distress calls and songs in Neotropical birds. Journal of Field Ornithology 82:259-268. [PDF]

Mennill DJ (2011) Individual distinctiveness in avian vocalizations and the spatial montioring of behaviour. Ibis 153:235-238. [PDF]

Osmun AE*, Mennill DJ (2011) Acoustic monitoring reveals congruent patterns of territorial singing behaviour in male and female tropical wrens. Ethology 117:385-394. [PDF]
Wilson DR*, Mennill DJ (2011) Duty cycle, not signal structure, explains conspecific and heterospecific responses to the calls of black-capped chickadees (Poecile atricapillus). Behavioral Ecology 22:784-790. [PDF]
55. Doucet SM, Mennill DJ (2010) Dynamic sexual dichromatism in an explosively breeding Neotropical toad. Biology Letters 6:63-66. [PDF]
Douglas SB*, Mennill DJ (2010) A review of acoustic playback techniques for studying avian vocal duets. Journal of Field Ornithology 81:115-129. [PDF]

Foote JR*, Mennill DJ, Ratcliffe LM, Smith SM (2010) Black-capped chickadee (Poecile atricapillus). Birds of the World (T. S. Schulenberg, Ed.). Ithaca: Cornell Lab of Ornithology. [Online]

Foote JR*, Fitzsimmons LP*, Mennill DJ, Ratcliffe LM (2010) Black-capped chickadee dawn choruses are interactive communication networks. Behaviour 147:1219-1248. [PDF]

Naguib M, Mennill DJ (2010)  The signal value of bird song: empirical evidence suggests song overlapping is a signal. Animal Behaviour 80:e11-e15. [PDF]

Odom KJ*, Mennill DJ (2010) Vocal duets in a nonpasserine: an examination of territory defense and neighbour-stranger discrimination in a neighbourhood of Barred Owls. Behaviour 147:619-639. [PDF]

Odom KJ*, Mennill DJ (2010) A quantitative description of Barred Owl vocalizations and vocal activity. Condor 112:549-560.  [PDF]

48. Wilson DR*, Mennill DJ (2010) Black-capped chickadees (Poecile atricapillus) use individually distinctive songs to discriminate between conspecifics. Animal Behaviour 79:1267-1275.  [PDF]

Barker NK*, Mennill DJ (2009) Song perch height in rufous-and-white wrens: Does behaviour enhance effective communication in a tropical forest? Ethology 115:897-904. [PDF]
Barker NK*, Dabelsteen T, Mennill DJ (2009) Degradation of rufous-and-white wren songs in a tropical forest: Effects of sex, perch height, and habitat. Behaviour 146:1093-1122. [PDF]
Bradley DW*, Mennill DJ (2009) Solos, duets, and choruses: The vocal behaviour of the Rufous-naped Wren, a cooperatively breeding neotropical songbird. Journal of Ornithology. [PDF]

Bradley DW*, Mennill DJ (2009) Strong ungraded responses to playback of solos, duets, and choruses in a cooperatively breeding neotropical songbird. Animal Behaviour. [PDF]

43. Hennin HL*, Barker NK*, Bradley DW*, Mennill DJ (2009) Bachelor and paired male rufous-and-white wrens use different singing strategies. Behavioral Ecology & Sociobiology. [PDF]

Swiston KA*, Mennill DJ (2009) Comparison of manual and automated cross-correlation methods for identifying target sounds in continuous audio recordings of Pileated, Pale-billed, and putative Ivory-billed Woodpeckers. Journal of Field Ornithology 80:42-50. [PDF]
Fitzsimmons LP*, Foote JR, Ratcliffe LM, Mennill DJ (2008) Frequency matching, overlapping, and movement behaviour in diurnal countersinging interactions of black-capped chickadees. Animal Behaviour 75:1913-1920. [PDF]
Fitzsimmons LP*, Foote JR, Ratcliffe LM, Mennill DJ (2008) Eavesdropping and communication networks revealed through stereo playback and an Acoustic Location System. Behavioral Ecology 19:824-829. [PDF]
Fitzsimmons LP*, Barker NK*, Mennill DJ (2008) Individual variation and lek-based vocal distinctiveness in songs of the Screaming Piha (Lipaugus vociferans), a suboscine songbird. Auk 125:908-914. [PDF]
Foote JR, Fitzsimmons LP*, Mennill DJ, Ratcliffe LM (2008) Male chickadees match neighbours interactively at dawn: support for the social dynamics hypothesis. Behavioral Ecology 19:1192-1199.  [PDF]

Foote JR, Fitzsimmons LP*, Mennill DJ, Ratcliffe LM (2008) Tied to the nest: Male black-capped chickadees decrease dawn chorus movement behaviour when their mate is fertile. Animal Behaviour 76:1227-1233. [PDF]
Lippold S*, Fitzsimmons LP*, Foote JR, Ratcliffe LM, Mennill DJ (2008) Post-contest behaviour in black-capped chickadees (Poecile atricapillus): Loser displays, not victory displays, follow asymmetrical countersinging exchanges. Acta Ethologica 11:67-72. [PDF]
Mennill DJ, Vehrencamp SL (2008) Context-dependent functions of avian duets revealed through microphone array recordings and multi-speaker playback. Current Biology 18:1314-1319. [PDF]
Schubert KA, Mennill DJ, Ramsay SM, Otter KA, Boag PT, Ratcliffe LM, & Kraus KC (2008) Between-year survival and rank transitions in male black-capped chickadees: a multi-strata modelling approach. Auk 125:629-636. [PDF]
Topp SM*, Mennill DJ (2008) Seasonal variation in the duetting behaviour of rufous-and-white wrens (Thryothorus rufalbus). Behavioral Ecology & Sociobiology 62:1107-1117. [PDF]
Tremain SB*, Swiston KA*, Mennill DJ (2008) Seasonal Variation in Acoustic Signals of Pileated Woodpeckers (Dryocopus pileatus).  Wilson Journal of Ornithology 120:499-504. [PDF]
Valderrama S*, Parra J, Davila N, Mennill DJ (2008) The vocal behavior of the critically-endangered Niceforo's Wren (Thryothorus nicefori).  Auk 125: 395-401. [PDF]
Cuthbert JL*, Mennill DJ (2007) The duetting behavior of Pacific coast plain wrens (Thryothrous modestus modestus). Condor 109:686-692. [PDF]
Online supplement: Listen to the songs described in this paper at my interactive Plain Wren Song Page.

Doucet SM, Mennill DJ, Hill GE (2007) The evolution of signal design in manakin plumage ornaments. The American Naturalist 169:S63-S80. [PDF]
Freeberg TM, Baker MC, Bloomfield LL, Charrier I, Gammon DE, Hailman JP, Lee TT-Y, Lucas JR, Mennill DJ, Sturdy CB (2007) Complexities in Vocal Communication. In: Ecology and Behavior of Chickadees and Titmice (Otter KA, ed) 235-240. [PDF]
Mennill DJ, Otter KA (2007) Status signalling and communication networks in black-capped chickadees: Complex communication with a simple song. In: Ecology and Behavior of Chickadees and Titmice (Otter KA, ed) 215-233. [PDF]
Mennill DJ, Burg TM, Curry BL, Martin K, Norris AR, Ratcliffe LM, Reudink MW, Rossano LM, Shubert KA (2007) Parid Reproductive Behaviour. In: Ecology and Behavior of Chickadees and Titmice (Otter KA, ed) 147-150. [PDF]
Ratcliffe LM, Mennill DJ, Schubert KA (2007) Dominance in black-capped chickadees. In: Ecology and Behavior of Chickadees and Titmice (Otter KA, ed) 131-146. [PDF]
Schubert KA, Mennill DJ, Ramsay SM, Otter KA, Boag PT, Ratcliffe LM (2007) Variation in social rank acquisition influences lifetime reproductive success in black-capped chickadees. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 90:85-95. [PDF]
Valderrama S*, Parra J, Mennill DJ (2007) Species differences in the songs of the critically endangered Niceforo's Wren (Thryothorus nicefori) and the related Rufous-and-white Wren (Thryothorus rufalbus). Condor 109:870-878. [PDF]
Online supplement: Listen to the songs described in this paper at my interactive Niceforo's Wren Song Page.

Hill GE, Mennill DJ, Rolek  BW, Hicks TL, Swiston KA (2006) Evidence suggesting that ivory-billed woodpeckers exist in Florida. Avian Conservation and Ecology - Écologie et conservation des oiseaux. [Online access]
Mennill DJ (2006) Aggressive responses of male and female rufous-and-white wrens to stereo duet playback. Animal Behaviour 17:219-226. [PDF]
Mennill DJ, Rogers AC (2006) Whip it good! Geographic consistency in male songs and variability in female songs of the duetting Eastern Whipbird (Psophodes olivaceus). Journal of Avian Biology 37:93-100. [PDF]  
Online supplement: Listen to the songs described in this paper at my interactive Eastern Whipbird Song Page

Mennill DJ, Badyaev AV, Jonart LM, Hill GE (2006) Male house finches with elaborate songs have higher reproductive performance. Ethology 112:174-180. [PDF]
Mennill DJ, Burt JM, Fristrup KM, Vehrencamp SL (2006) Accuracy of an acoustic location system for monitoring the position of duetting tropical songbirds. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 119:2832-2839. [PDF]
Doucet SM, Mennill DJ, Montgomerie R, Boag PT, Ratcliffe LM (2005) Achromatic plumage reflectance predicts reproductive success in male black-capped chickadees. Behavioral Ecology 16:218-222. [PDF]
Doucet SM, Mennill DJ (2005) First description of the nest of the Round-tailed Manakin (Pipra chloromeros).  Ornithologia Neotropical 16:433-434. [PDF]
Mennill DJ, Vehrencamp SL (2005) Sex differences in the singing and duetting behavior of neotropical Rufous-and-white Wrens (Thryothorus rufalbus). Auk 122:175-186. [PDF]
Online supplement: Listen to the songs described in this paper at my interactive Rufous-and-white Wren Song Page.

Mennill DJ, Doucet SM (2005) First description of the nest of the Ruddy Treerunner (Margarornis rubiginosus). Cotinga 24:109-110. [PDF]
Christie PJ, Mennill DJ, Ratcliffe LM (2004) Pitch shifts and song structure indicate male quality in the dawn chorus of black-capped chickadees. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 55:341-348. [PDF]
Christie PJ, Mennill DJ, Ratcliffe LM (2004) Chickadee song structure is individually distinctive over long broadcast distances. Behaviour 141:101-124. [PDF]
Mennill DJ, Ratcliffe LM (2004) Nest cavity orientation in black-capped chickadees Poecile atricapillus: do the acoustic properties of cavities influence sound reception in the nest and extra-pair matings? Journal of Avian Biology 35:477-482. [PDF]
Mennill DJ, Ratcliffe LM (2004) Overlapping and matching in the song contests of black-capped chickadees. Animal Behavior 67:441-450. [PDF]
Mennill DJ, Ramsay SM, Boag PT, Ratcliffe LM (2004) Patterns of extrapair mating in relation to male dominance status and female nest placement in black-capped chickadees. Behavioral Ecology 15:757-765. [PDF]
Mennill DJ, Ratcliffe LM (2004) Do male black-capped chickadees eavesdrop on song contests? A multi-speaker playback experiment. Behaviour 141:125-139. [PDF]
Mennill DJ, Boag PT, Ratcliffe LM (2003) The reproductive choices of eavesdropping female black-capped chickadees, Poecile atricapillus. Naturwissenschaften 90:577-582. [PDF]
Mennill DJ, Doucet SM, Montgomerie R, Ratcliffe LM (2003) Achromatic color variation in black-capped chickadees, Poecile atricapilla: Black and white signals of sex and rank. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 53:350-357. [PDF]
Ramsay SM, Mennill DJ, Otter KA, Ratcliffe LM, Boag PT (2003) Sex allocation in black-capped chickadees. Journal of Avian Biology 34:134-139. [PDF]
Mennill DJ, Ratcliffe LM, Boag PT (2002) Female eavesdropping on male song contests in songbirds. Science 296:873-873. [PDF] [download supplementary materials]
Mennill DJ (2001) Song characteristics and singing behaviour of the mangrove warbler (Dendroica petechia bryanti). Journal of Field Ornithology 72:327-337. [PDF]
Mennill DJ, Ratcliffe LM (2000) A field test of Syrinx sound analysis software in interactive playback. Bioacoustics 11:77-86. [PDF]
Ramsay SM, Otter KA, Mennill DJ, Ratcliffe LM, Boag PT (2000) Divorce and extrapair mating in female black-capped chickadees (Parus atricapillus): separate strategies with a common target. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 49:18-23.  [PDF]

Non-refereed contributions to research

Mennill DJ (2011) "Chickadee" and "Black-capped Chickadee" entries in The Canadian Encyclopedia. Historica Foundation, Ottawa, Canada.

Mennill DJ, Smith JNM (2011) "Nuthatch" entry in The Canadian Encyclopedia. Historica Foundation, Ottawa, Canada.

Mennill DJ (2009) Book review: The Atlas of the Breeding Birds of Ontario, 2001-2005. Wilson Journal of Ornithology 121:662-663. [PDF]

Mennill DJ (2006) Book review: Animal Communication Networks. International Society for Behavioral Ecology Newsletter 18:11-12. [PDF]

Rogers AC, Mennill DJ, Hall ML (2002) The function of avian duets: defining hypotheses, discussing advances and clarifying future directions. International Society for Behavioral Ecology Newsletter 14:19-21. [PDF]

Peer-reviwed contributions written by my students

La V* (2012) Diurnal and nocturnal birds vocalize at night: a review. Condor 114:245-257.

Sandoval L*, Wilson DR* (2012) Local predation pressure predicts the strength of  mobbing responses in tropical birds. Current Zoology 58:781-790.

Sosa R* (2011). Socorro Wren (Troglodytes sissonii). Birds of the World (T. S. Schulenberg, Ed.). Ithaca: Cornell Lab of Ornithology. [online]

Barker NK* (2008) Bird song structure and transmission in the neotropics: trends, methods and future directions. Ornitologia Neotropical 19:175-199.

Bradley DW* (2008) Description of the nest and parental behavior of the bare-crowned antbird (Gymnocichla nudiceps). Ornitologia Neotropical 19:153-156.

Valderrama SV*, Parra JE, DaVila N (2007) First description of the nest of the Niceforo's Wren: A critically endangered Colombian endemic songbird. Ornitologia Neotropical 18:313-318.