Meet the Mennill Lab
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Dan Mennill  Professor, Associate Dean of Science
Email: dmennillATuwindsorDOTca

Dan's research interests include bioacoustics, animal behaviour, and animal migration, with a special focus on field studies of birds, whales, and frogs. Dan received a BArtSci from McMaster University, a PhD from Queen's University, and conducted post-doctoral research at Cornell University and Auburn University. He joined the University of Windsor in 2005; he was granted tenure in 2008 and became a Full Professor in 2018. Dan is a Fellow and an Elected Councillor of the American Ornithological Society, and a lifetime member of the Society of Canadian Ornithologists and the Animal Behavior Society. Dan has served as Associate Editor at Biology Letters, Condor: Ornithological Applications, and Acta Ethologica. Since 2017 Dan has served as the Associate Dean of Science, Graduate Studies and Research. Dan received the Alumni Award for Distinguished Contributions to University Teaching, and on three occasions he received the Award for Excellence in Scholarship, Research, and Creative Activity.  Dan lives with his wife and children in Lasalle.


Natalie V. Sánchez  Postdoctoral Researcher
Email: natalie.sanchezulateATuwindsorDOTca

Natalie joined the Mennill Lab in 2022 as a postdoctoral researcher, supported by a MITACS Accelerate Grant; her postdoctoral position is supported, in part, by our collaborators at Birds Canada ( and Wildlife Acoustics ( Natalie received her Bachelor's degree from the University of Costa Rica, her Master's degree from the National University of Costa Rica, and her PhD from University of Alberta. Her research in the Mennill Lab focuses on bioacoustic monitoring of migratory birds, conservation of tropical dry forests, and behavioural ecology of resident and migratory birds in Costa Rica. She is also studying the behavioural ecology of tropical wrens. Natalie is an active leader within the Guanacaste Dry Forest Conservation Fund, and a regular instructor of tropical field courses.

Erin Wall  Postdoctoral Researcher
Email: ewallATuwindsorDOTca

Erin joined the Mennill Lab in 2023 as a postdoctoral researcher studying Humpback Whales. Erin's position is supported by a Mitacs Elevate Grant including contributions from our partners Raincoast Conservation Foundation ( and Northcoast Cetacean Society ( Erin received her Bachelor's degree from the University of Florida and her PhD from McGill University. Her research focuses on vocal learning in migratory Humpback Whales on Canada's west coast.

Graduate Students

Connor Acorn  M.Sc. Student
Email: acorncATuwindsorDOTca

Connor joined the Mennill Lab in the fall of 2023 as a Master’s student co-supervised by Dr. Jenn Foote of Algoma University. Connor received his BSc. from Algoma University, where he studied the singing behaviour of Ovenbirds (Seiurus aurocapilla). His graduate studies focus on the amplitude of migratory Ovenbird songs in relation to social contexts and time of day.

Jaclyn Aubin  Ph.D. Candidate
Email: aubinjATuwindsorDOTca
Jaclyn's Website

Jaclyn joined the Mennill Lab in 2020 as a doctoral student. Jaclyn received her Bachelor's and Master's degree from Memorial University of Newfoundland, where she worked in the laboratory of Eric Vander Wal. For her doctoral studies, Jaclyn is studying behavioural ecology and conservation biology of Beluga Whales in the St. Lawrence seaway, including a focus on acoustic communication and noise pollution. Jaclyn is co-supervised by Valeria Vergara of Ocean Wise Canada, and her research is supported by a research collaboration with Groupe de Recherche et d'Education sur les Mammifères Marins (GREMM).

Michelle Bondy  Ph.D. Student
Email: mobondyATuwindsorDOTca

Michelle joined the Mennill Lab in 2024 as a doctoral student, under the co-supervision of Dr. Isabelle Barrette-Ng, studying the ecology of birds in Essex County and the educational impact of community science and outreach programs. Michelle received her Bachelor's degree from University of Windsor, and her Master's degree from University of Western Ontario. She works as a faculty member in the School of the Environment at University of Windsor.

Cameron Chevalier  M.Sc. Student
Email: cheval31ATuwindsorDOTca

Cameron joined the Mennill Lab in 2024 as a Master's student after completing his Bachelor's degree from the Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry at University of Windsor. Cameron's research focuses on the birds of Essex County, rarity, and historical records of bird migration.

Sarah Dobney  Ph.D. Candidate
Email: dobneyATuwindsorDOTca

Sarah joined the Mennill lab in 2020 as a Master's student, and then transferred into the PhD program in January 2022. Sarah received her undergraduate degree from the University of Guelph. Her graduate studies focus on song quality of migratory Savannah Sparrows in relation to reproductive fitness and natal neighbour density.

Nelsy Nino  Ph.D. Student
Email: nioATuwindsorDOTca

Nelsy joined the Mennill Lab in the fall of 2023 as a doctoral student. Nelsy is a Colombian biologist and anthropologist from Universidad Javeriana (Bogotá, Colombia). She is interested in bio- and eco-acoustics, and sound in general, sharing knowledge in the field with local communities, and creating dialogues between the social sciences, arts, and biology inside and outside academia. Nelsy has served as a copyeditor at Ornitología Neotropical since 2019, and she is a cocreator of the “Red de Ornitólogas Colombianas” (Colombian female ornithologist network).

Pedro Santos Ph.D. Student
Email: comingsoonATuwindsorDOTca

Pedro is a doctoral student at the Universidade do Porto in Portugal under the co-supervision of Dr. Gonçalo Cardoso. Pedro's research focuses on the responses of birds to anthropogenic noise as well as the effect of noise on avian social behaviour, including the use of microphone arrays for studying social interactions. Pedro's research and his visits to Canada are supported by a scholarship from the Foundation for Science and Technology, Portugal.

Click here to see former Mennill Lab graduate students.
Click here to see photos of Mennill researchers in action.
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Undergraduate Research Students

Reagan Anger   Undergraduate research volunteer (2024-2025)

Reagan joined our lab in winter 2024. She is working with Nelsy on a study of female song in Colombian birds. Reagan is a student in the University of Windsor's Behaviour, Cognition, and Neuroscience program.

Victoria Ballo  Oustanding Scholar Student (2022-2024)

Victoria joined our lab in the fall of 2022 with the support of the Outstanding Scholar program. Victoria is in the second year of her undergraduate studies in the Behaviour, Cognition, and Neuroscience Program.  She works with Sarah to study the behaviour of Savannah Sparrows.

Samantha Blackwell   IGNITE Student (2022) and Undergraduate Researcher (2022-2023) and Honours Thesis Student (2023-2024)

Sam joined our lab in the winter semester of 2022, with the support of the IGNITE program. Sam is an undergraduate student in Biological Sciences program. She first conducted research on Beluga Whales under the mentorship of Jaclyn. Then she began studying the songs of Savannah Sparrows for her Honours Thesis in the summer of 2023

Madison Bygrove   Undergraduate Research Volunteer (2023); IGNITE Student (2023-2024)

Madison joined our lab in the winter semester of 2023, studying the vocal behaviour of Savannah Sparrows. In 2023-2024, with the support of the IGNITE program, Madison joined the Beluga Whale research team, working with Jaclyn on acoustic analyses of beluga behaviour.

Theresa Chao   Undergraduate Research Volunteer (2023); IGNITE Student (2023-2024)

Theresa joined our lab in the winter semester of 2023, studying the vocal behaviour of Savannah Sparrows. In 2023-2024 she joined the Savannah Sparrow IGNITE team, conducting bioacoustic studies of variation in the vocal behaviour of Savannah Sparrows of Kent Island.

Callia Collard   IGNITE Research Student (2022-2024)

Callia joined our lab in the fall of 2022 as an undergraduate IGNITE research student. Callia is in the second year of her undergraduate studies. She is working with Dan and Sarah on the Savannah Sparrow project, studying the singing behaviour of sparrows on Kent Island.

Sarah Foreman   IGNITE Research Student (2022-2024), Summer Research Technician (2023)

Sarah joined our lab in the fall of 2022 as an undergraduate IGNITE researcher. She is in the Integrative Biology program and is interested in studies related to marine biology. Through the IGNITE program and the mentorship of Jaclyn Aubin, Sarah will be studying Beluga Whales in the St Lawrence seaway. 

Stephanie Gamboa   Outstanding Scholar Student (2022-2024), Summer NSERC USRA Student (2023)

Stephanie joined our lab in the fall of 2022 with the support of the Outstanding Scholar program. Stephanie is in the second year of her undergraduate studies, and works with Natalie to study the vocal behaviour of tropical birds of the Guanacaste Conservation Area. In the summer of 2023, Stephanie received an NSERC USRA scholarship and conducted research on avian biodiversity in the urban noise of Paris. This line of investigation continues in her Outstanding Scholar position in 2023-24.

Kristine Kamensky   Undergraduate research volunteer (2024)

Kristine joined our lab in winter 2024. She is working with Nelsy on a study of female song in Colombian birds. Kristine is a student in the University of Windsor's Biological Science undergraduate program.

Danielle Robinson   Undergraduate Researcher (2022-2023), IGNITE Research Student (2023-2024)

Danielle joined our lab in the fall of 2022, conducting volunteer research working with Natalie to study the vocal behaviour of tropical wrens in the Guanacaste Conservation Area. In 2023-2024 Dani joined our IGNITE supported research team, investigating vocal variation in Savannah Sparrows.

Sarika Sharma   IGNITE Research Student (2022-2023) and NSERC USRA Student (2022); Undergraduate Research Associate (2023-2024)

Sarika joined our lab in the winter semester of 2022, with the support of the IGNITE program. Sarika is an undergraduate student in the Environmental Sciences program. Sarika is studying the breeding behaviour of Savannah Sparrows, using a GIS. In the summer of 2022 Sarika conducted an NSERC USRA placement in our lab, conducting independent research on the territories of Savannah Sparrows.

Are you a University of Windsor undergraduate interested in volunteering in our lab to gain experience in a research environment?  Are you interested in working in our lab through the Work Study program?  Please write to Dan and introduce yourself: dmennill[at]uwindsor[dot]ca.

Previous Mennill Lab Members

Previous Postdoctoral Fellows

Dr. Alana Demko  Postdoctoral Researcher and Lab Manager (2019)
After completing her PhD, Alana took a six-month position as a postdoctoral researcher in the lab, studying vocal behaviour in multiple species of tropical birds. She was also the Mennill Lab manager at this time. Alaba went on to work with Environment and Climate Change Canada as a postdoctoral researcher.

Dr. Lauren Fitzsimmons  NSERC Postdoctoral Fellow (2013-2015)
Lauren conducted NSERC-funded postdoctoral studies in the Mennill Lab in 2013-2015, focused on studying the influence of anthropogenic noise on the communication strategies of Canadian wildlife.

Dr. Jennifer Foote  NSERC Postdoctoral Fellow (2010)
Jenn conducted NSERC-funded postdoctoral research in the Mennill Lab in 2010 on dawn chorus singing behaviour in songbirds. Jenn moved on to a faculty position in the Biology Department at Algoma University in Sault Ste Marie.

Dr. Rick Simpson Postdoctoral Researcher and Lab Manager (2019-2021)
Rick conducted postdoctoral research in the Mennill and Doucet Labs in 2019-2021, also serving as Lab Manager of the Mennill Lab in 2020-2021. Rick went on to a permanent position with a nature conservation non-profit organization in Ontario. 

Dr. Roberto Sosa  Postdoctoral Researcher (2014)
After completing his PhD, Roberto held a s postdoctoral research position in the lab, studying vocal behaviour of wrens and parrots, in collaboration with the Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico. After his postdoctoral position concluded, Roberto went on to a faculty position and research chair at CIIDIR in Oaxaca City, Mexico.

Dr. David Wilson  Postdoctoral Fellow (2009-2014)
Dave conducted postdoctoral studies in the Mennill Lab from 2009-2014, supported by an NSERC Postdoctoral Fellowship, and by Ontario's Ministry of Research and Innovation.  His research focused on diverse topics in the field of animal communication, including detailed studies of black-capped chickadees (Poecile atricapillus). He went on to a faculty position in the Psychology Department at Memorial University of Newfoundland. 

Previous Doctoral Students

Dr. Alana Demko  (2011-2016)
Alana conducted Doctoral studies on vocal behaviour and behavioural ecology of Rufous-capped Warblers, conducting field work in both Costa Rica and Mexico. Alana received the University of Windsor's Graduate Research Excellence Award, and was the Department of Biological Sciences' nominee for the CAGS-Proquest Distinguished Dissertation Award for her outstanding thesis. Alana went on to a postdoctoral position in our lab.

Dr. Zachary Gayk  (2017-2021)
Zach condcuted Doctoral studies on flight calling behaviour of migratory birds, with a special focus on birds migrating through the Great Lakes. Zach received the University of Windsor's Chris Wysiekierski Memorial Scholarship, and he was nominated for the Governor General's Gold Medal, for his outstanding dissertation research. Zach's doctoral studies were supported by a Trillium Scholarship from the Government of Ontario and the University of Windsor.

Dr. Brendan Graham  (2011-2016)
Brendan conducted Doctoral studies on vocal behaviour and population genetics of neotropical Rufous-and-white Wrens. Brendan received the University of Windsor's Graduate Research Excellence Award, recognizing his strong contribution to research, teaching, and service within our Department of Biological Sciences. Brendan went on to a postdoctoral position at University of Lethbridge.

Dr. Luis Sandoval  (2010-2014)
Luis conducted Doctoral studies on the vocal behaviour and vocal divergence in Central American Melozone ground-sparrows. During his program, Luis won the University of Windsor's Graduate Research Excellence Award, our university's highest research honour for a graduate student. After completing his PhD, Luis went on to a faculty position at the University of Costa Rica.

Dr. Roberto Sosa  (2009-2014)
Roberto conducted Doctoral studies on the evolution and vocal behaviour of Troglodytes wrens. Roberto was nominated for the Governor General's Gold Medal on the occasion of his defense. After completing his PhD, Roberto conducted postdoctoral studies at Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico -- jointly supported as a visiting postdoctoral fellow in the Mennill Lab -- and then on to a faculty position and research chair at CIIDIR in Oaxaca City, Mexico.

Dr. Katrina Gardner (nee Switzer) (2016-2023)
Katy conducted Doctoral studies on the behavioural ecology of dynamic sexual dimorphism in Neotropical Yellow toads (Incilius luetkenii). Her dissertation research was co-supervised by Stéphanie Doucet.  During her doctoral studies Katy was awared the Biology Department's Graduate Student Excellence Award, and she was the winner of the University of Windsor Three Minute Thesis competition.

Previous Master's Students

Tyne Baker  M.Sc. Student (2010-2012)
Tyne conducted Master's research on vocal interactions in Black-capped Chickadees (Poecile atricapillus). After completing her MSc, Tyne went on to work as a research technician at the University of Manitoba and then as an environmental consultant in Alberta.

Sarah Baldo  M.Sc. Student  (2010-2012)
Sarah conducted research in the Mennill Lab throughout her undergraduate degree at the University of Windsor, culminating in an Honours Thesis on the vocal behaviour of Great Curassows in 2010. Then Sarah completed an MSc (co-supervised by Dr. Oliver Love) on acoustic communication in Snow Buntings. She went on to teacher's college at the University of Windsor and then to work for the Essex Region Conservation Authority.

Dr. Nicole Barker  M.Sc. Student (2006-2008)
Nicole conducted Master's research on sound transmission in neotropical habitats, including a detailed study of male versus female song transmission in Rufous-and-white Wrens (Thryothorus rufalbus). After completing her MSc, Nicole went on to the PhD program at Université Laval, and then into government research with the Boreal Avian Monitoring project.

Dr. David Bradley  M.Sc. Student (2006-2008)
David conducted Master's research on vocal behaviour of Rufous-naped Wrens (Campylorhynchus rufinucha), a cooperatively breeding neotropical bird. After completing his MSc, David went on to the PhD program at the University of Waikato, New Zealand, and then to a permanent position with Bird Studies Canada.

Dr. Adrianna Brunni  M.Sc. Student  (2012-2013)
Adrianna conducted Master's research on the dawn chorus dynamics of temperate songbird communities, and the influence of light pollution on singing behaviour. After completing her MSc, Adrianna went on to the Northern Ontario School of Medicine.

Dr. Sarah Douglas  M.Sc. Student (2008-2011)
Sarah conducted Master's research on paternity and duetting behaviour in Rufous-and-white Wrens (Thryothorus rufalbus). After completing her MSc, Sarah went on to work as a naturalist at Pinery Provincial Park and then into naturopathic medicine in Toronto. She is now a practicing Doctor of Naturopathic Medicine.

Dr. Lauren Fitzsimmons  M.Sc. Student (2005-2007)
Lauren conducted Master's research on network-level communication behaviour in Black-capped Chickadees (Poecile atricapillus). She received the prestigious Governor General's Gold Medal for her Master's research. After completing her MSc, Lauren went on to a PhD program at Carleton University.

Abby Hensel  M.Sc. Student (2020-2021)
Abby conducted Master's research that used passive acoustic monitoring to study Savannah Sparrows, both from the perspective of population mointoring, and assessing geographic variation. After completing her MSc, Abby went on to the graduate program at Western University, studying epidemiology.

Kristina Hick  M.Sc. Student  (2013-2015)
Kristina conducted Master's research on vocal and visual communication in neotropical Thryophilus wrens, co-supervised by Dr. Stephanie Doucet. After completing her MSc, Kristina became a full-time research scientist and lab manager for the Mennill Lab.  She then took on a position as a scientist with the Canadian Wildlife Service.

Zachary Kahn  M.Sc. Student (2015-2017)
Zach conducted Master's research on duetting behaviour in Rufous-and-white Wrens (Thryophilus rufalbus), focusing on the relationship between duets and parental beahviour and paternity guarding. After completing his MSc, Zach worked for the Credit River Conservation Authority.

Julie Koloff  M.Sc. Student (2008-2010)
Julie conducted Master's research on both descriptive and experimental aspects of the vocal behaviour of Barred Antshrikes (Thamnophilus doliatus). After completing her MSc, Julie worked as a research technician in Windsor and an environmental consultant in Alberta.

Dr. Kristin Kovach  M.Sc. Student (2011-2013)
Kristin conducted Master's research on the vocal behaviour of tropical wrens, focusing on the importance of coordination in the duets of three tropical wren species, and the importance of duets near the nest in Rufous-and-white Wrens. After completing her MSc, Kristin worked as an avian research technician in Minnesota, studying loons.

Dr. Van La  M.Sc. Student (2008-2010)
Van conducted Master's research on landscape-scale communication networks in Common Loons (Gavia immer). After completing her MSc, Van went on to the PhD program at the University of Guelph in Dr. Tom Nudds' laboratory.

Blaine Landsborough  M.Sc. Student (2015-2017)
Blaine conducted Master's research on nocturnal flight calls in migratory Canadian songbirds. After completing his MSc, Blaine went on to the PhD program at McMaster University in Dr. Jim Quinn's laboratory.

Dugan Maynard  M.Sc. Student (2009-2012)
Dugan conducted Master's research on vocal communication in Long-tailed Manakins (Chiroxiphia linearis). After completing his MSc, Dugan worked for tropical biologists at Florida State University and Drexel University before working as an environmental consultant in Alberta.

Dr. Ines Moran  M.Sc. Student (2015-2017)
Ines conducted Master's research on the vocal behaviour of Savannah Sparrows (Passerculus sandwichensis) and how their vocal behaviour changes over time, and in response to territorial intruders. After completing her MSc, Ines worked in environmental consulting in British Columbia.

Christopher Moser-Purdy  M.Sc. Student (2014-2016)
Chris conducted Master's research on neighbour-stranger discrimination and the dear enemey effect, studying both Song Sparrows (Melospiza melodia) and Red-eyed Vireos (Vireo olivaceous) at Queen's University Biological Station. After completing his MSc, Chris worked for a variety of ornithologists around the globe.

Dr. Karan Odom  M.Sc. Student (2007-2009)
Karan conducted Master's research on vocal behaviour of Barred Owls (Strix varia). After completing her MSc, Karan went to work on a research fellowship at the American Museum of Natural History and then the PhD program at University of Maryland in Kevin Omland's laboratory.

Anneka Osmun  M.Sc. Student (2008-2010)
Anneka conducted Master's research on repertoire use by duetting birds, focusing on vocal behaviour Rufous-and-white Wrens (Thryothorus rufalbus). After completing her MSc, Anneka went on to travel and work in New Zealand and Korea, attending teacher's college, and then became a teacher at a college in Florida.

Kiirsti Owen  M.Sc. Student (2018-2020)
Kiirsti conducted Master’s research on bird community recovery and Rufous-and-white Wren vocal behavior in regenerating tropical dry forests in Costa Rica. After completing her MSc, Kiirsti started a PhD on bird conservation in Atlantic wetlands at the University of New Brunswick.

Nick Rehberg-Besler  M.Sc. Student  (2013-2015)
Nick conducted Master's research on acoustic and visual communication in Neotropical Yellow Toads (Incilius luetkenii), co-supervised by Dr. Stephanie Doucet. After completing his MSc, Nick went on to law school at the University of Alberta.

Camille Rondeau Saint-Jean  M.Sc. Student (2021-2023)
Camille joined our lab in 2021, as a Master's student co-supervised by Dr. Timothée Poisot at the Université de Montréal. Her graduate studies focus on machine learning and automated methods for studying the vocal behaviour of migratory Savannah Sparrows. After completing her M.Sc., Camille went on to the PhD program at the University of Southern Denmark.

Claire Sanders  M.Sc. Student (2011-2013)
Claire conducted Master's research on night flight call monitoring of birds in Essex County, including the importance of geographic features in the migration patterns of migrants over the western basin of Lake Erie. After completing her MSc, Claire went on to work for the Essex Region Conservation Authority, coordinating the Detroit River Cleanup project.

Lincoln Savi  M.Sc. Student (2016-2019)
Lincoln conducted Master's research on the singing behaviour and vocal repertoires in Rufous-and-white Wrens. Lincoln also assisted in creating 3D-printed models for other studies in our lab. After completing his MSc, Lincoln started his own business -- SaviMade -- which specializes in creating 3D-printed animal models:

Nicole Shangi  M.Sc. Student (2019-2021)
Nicole conducted Master's research in the Mennill Lab on frog colouration and parasitism in Neotropical Yellow Toads.

Kyle Swiston  M.Sc. Student (2006-2007)
Kyle conducted Master's research on analytical techniques for processing long digital field recordings, including a search for Ivory-billed Woodpeckers (Campephilus principalis) in Florida. After completing his MSc, Kyle worked as computer technician and a laboratory technician, before beginning teacher's college at the University of Western Ontario.

Stephanie Topp  Master's Student (2005-2007)
Steph conducted Master's research on seasonal variation in the vocal behaviour of Rufous-and-white Wrens (Thryothorus rufalbus). After completing her MSc, Steph worked with an NGO in Ecuador and several field research jobs before beginning teacher's college in Toronto.

Ian Thomas  Master's Student (2017-2019)
Ian conducted Master's research on vocal learning in young Savannah Sparrows (Passerculus sandwichensis). During his program Ian won the Univeristy of Windsor's Three Minute Thesis competition. After completing his MSc, Ian worked with an NGO to protect old growth forests on Vancouver Island.

Previous Visiting Researchers

Dr. Nina Bircher   Visiting Researcher (2018)
Nina was a visiting researcher in the Mennill Lab in fall of 2018, studying population-level vocal interactions in tits. Her term as a visiting scientist was funded by the government of the Netherlands, and supported by her PhD supervisor Marc Naguib.

Dr. Christini Caselli   Visiting Researcher (2012)
Tina was a visiting researcher in the Mennill Lab for six months in 2012, studying the ecology and vocal behaviour of Black-fronted Titi Monkeys. Her six-month term as a visiting scientist was funded by a generous grant from the Government of Brazil to Christini.

Dr. Stephanie Doucet  Visiting Researcher (2005-2006)
Stephanie was a visiting researcher in the Mennill Sound Analysis Lab while she wrote her dissertation under the supervision of Dr. Geoff Hill at Auburn University. Stephanie is now an Associate Professor at the University of Windsor.

Sandra Gallo  Visiting Researcher (2008-2009)
Sandra conducted research in the Mennill Lab starting in 2008-2009, studying Rock Wrens (Salpinctes obsoletus). Sandra returned to Mexico where she continued to study bird songs and sound scapes from both a scientific and artistic perspective.

Dr. Somboon Kamtaeja  Visiting Researcher (2010-2011)
Somboon spent a year in the Mennill Lab as a visiting research scientist supported by a Strategic Scholarships Fellowship from the Thailand Frontier Research Networks.  As a PhD at Chiang Mai University in Thailand, he studied the songs of Pycnonotus bulbuls in the lab. Somboon returned to Thailand to complete his PhD and is now a professor in Thailand.

Dr. Sandra Valderrama  Visiting Researcher (2006)
Sandra was a visiting researcher in the Mennill Sound Analysis Lab in 2006 studying the critically endangered Niceforo's Wren (Thryothorus nicefori) with support from a grant from the Association of Universities and Colleges of Canada. Sandra went on to the PhD program at the University of Waikato, New Zealand.

Former Honours Thesis Students

Sarah Baldo  Undergraduate Researcher (2006-2009), Honours Thesis Student (2009-2010)
Sarah conducted research in the Mennill Lab throughout her undergraduate degree, including a summer co-op position, an Ivory-billed Woodpecker research technician, and a volunteer researcher. She conducted Honours research on vocal behaviour Great Curassows (Crax rubra). Sarah went on to the MSc program at University of Windsor.

Matt Battiston  Undergraduate Researcher (2010-2012), Summer NSERC Student (2011 & 2012), Honours Thesis Student (2012-2013)
Matt conducted many research projects in the Mennill Lab, including two summer NSERC research positions. His Honours Thesis project was a playback experiment focusing on interspecific neighbour-stranger discrimination in tropical wrens. Matt went on to Medical School at Western University.

Haylee Begin-Dyck   Undergraduate researcher (2018), Honours Thesis Student (2018-2019)
Haylee joined the Mennill Lab in 2018 as a volunteer researcher. She conducted her Honours thesis on the vocal behaviour of nocturnal birds at the Guanacaste Conservation Area. Haylee went on to the MSc program at Univeristy of Western Ontario.

Albana Berberi   Undergraduate researcher (2015-2016), Honours Thesis Student (2016-2017)
Albana studied acoustic communication in temperate sparrows as a Behaviour Cognition and Neuroscience undergraduate research student. She conducted her Honours thesis on the nocturnal migration behaviour of temperate songbirds. She served as President of the Behaviour Cognition and Neuroscience Student Association (BCNSA) in 2016-2017. Albana went on to the MSc program at University of Ottawa.

Natalie Bond  Undergraduate Researcher (2007-2008), Honours Thesis Student (2008-2009)
Natalie conducted research in the Mennill Lab as an Ivorybilled Woodpecker research technician and Summer NSERC student. She conducted Honours research on vocal behaviour of Long-tailed Manakins (Chiroxiphia linearis).

Claudia Bustos  Undergraduate Researcher (2006-2007), Honours Thesis Student (2007-2008)
Claudia conducted research in the Mennill Lab as an Ivory-billed Woodpecker research technician. She conducted Honours research on the vocal behaviour of Howler Monkeys (Alouatta palliata). Claudia went on to work as the Science School Programmer at the Calgary Science Museum.

Jessica Cuthbert  Honours Thesis Student (2005-2006)
Jessica conducted Honours research on descriptive and comparative studies of the vocal behaviour of Plain Wrens (Thryothorus modestus). She went on to the MSc program at University of Windsor.

Sam Dundas  Undergraduate Coop Student (2010); Honours Thesis Student (2010-2011)
Sam conducted research through the University of Windsor's Co-Op program in 2010 and then conducted Honours research on the alarm calling and vocal behaviour of Black-capped Chickadees (Poecile atricapillus). Sam went on to work for an environmental consulting firm in Alberta.

Alex Harris  Summer Research Student (2012), NSERC Undergraduate Student Research Award holder (2013), BCN Research Volunteer (2013-2014); Honours Student (2014-2015)
Alex joined the Mennill Lab in 2012 as a summer research student. He conducted a variety of laboratory-based studies, including two summer NSERC positions. Alex conducted his Honours thesis on the vocal repertoires of tropical birds, under the co-supervision of Dave Wilson. Alex went on to dental school at Western University.

Holly Hennin  Undergraduate researcher (2006-2007), Honours Thesis Student (2007-2008)
Holly conducted research in the Mennill Lab as an Ivory-billed Woodpecker research technician. She conducted Honours research on bachelor male singing behaviour in Rufous-and-white Wrens (Thryothorus rufalbus). She went on to the MSc program at University of Regina, and then the PhD program at University of Windsor.

Abby Hensel  Undergraduate Volunteer and IGNITE Undergraduate Researcher (2018-2019), Honours Student (2019-2020)
Abby joined the Mennill Lab in the winter of 2018, studying vocal behaviour of Savannah Sparrows.  In 2018-2020 her research in the Mennill lab was supported by University of Windsor's IGNITE program. In 2019-2020, Abby conducted research on Savannah Sparrow geographic variation for her Honours Thesis..

Justin Johnson  Undergraduate researcher (2014-2016), Honours Thesis Student (2016-2017)
Justin conducted research in the Mennill Lab studying Savannah Sparrows and Nocturnal Flight Calls throughout his undergraduate degree. He conducted Honours research on the effects of anthropogenic light on avian migration. Justin co-founded the Avian Taxidermy Club at the University of Windsor, and was the champion of the 2015 Ornithology Sudden Death Bird-Off. He went on to the MSc program at University of Alberta with Erin Bayne.

Angela Joseph  Honours Thesis Student (2006-2007)
Angela conducted Honours research on diel and seasonal variation in the vocal behaviour of Long-tailed Manakins (Chrioxiphia linearis).

Crystal Kelly  BCN Research Volunteer (2013-2014); Honours Student (2014-2015)
Crystal joined the Mennill Lab in 2013, working for postdoc Dave Wilson studying squirrel vocalizations as a BCN undergraduate research volunteer. She conducted her Honours thesis in the lab on the nocturnal behaviour of tropical animals, under the co-supervision of Dave Wilson. Crystal went on to the MSc program at Trent University.

Sarah Lippold  Undergraduate Researcher (2005-2006), Honours Thesis Student (2006-2007)
Sarah conducted research as an Ivory-billed Woodpecker research technician. She conducted Honours research on victory displays in Black-capped Chickadees (Poecile atricapillus), publishing her work in the journal Acta Ethologica.  Sarah went on to study nursing at Wayne State University.

Jason Mouland  Undergraduate researcher (2005-2006), Honours Thesis Student (2006-2007)
Jason conducted research as an Ivory-billed Woodpecker research technician. He conducted Honours research on the vocal behaviour of Rufous-and-white Wrens (Thryothorus rufalbus). He went on to continue his studies at the University of Guelph.

Sheeva Nakhaie  Honours Thesis Student (2009-2010)
Sheeva conducted Honours research on bioacoustic methods for assessing biodiversity in Ontario forests. She went on to the MSc program at the University of Windsor.

Anneka Osmun  Undergraduate Researcher (2006-2007); Honours Thesis Student (2007-2008)
Anneka conducted research as an Ivory-billed Woodpecker research technician. She conducted Honours research on spatial analyses of territorial behaviour in Rufous-and-white Wrens (Thyothorus rufalbus). Anneka went on the MSc program at University of Windsor.

Liam O'Leary   Honours Thesis Student (2022-2023)
Liam joined our lab in the fall of 2022. He studied the vocal behaviour of Great Curassows in the Guanacaste Conservation Area of Costa Rica for his Honour Thesis project.

Raven Ouellette  Honours Thesis Student (2017-2018)
Ravenconducted Honours research on Savannah Sparrow vocal ontogeny. She went on to the Master's program at Laurentian University studying small mammals with Albrecht Schulte-Hostedde.

Sarah Tremain  Honours Thesis Student (2006-2007)
Sarah conducted Honours research on seasonal variation in the vocal behaviour of temperate woodpeckers, including Pileated Woodpeckers (Dryocopus pileatus). Sarah went on the MSc program at University of Windsor.

Matt Watson  Undergraduate Researcher and Summer Research Student (2010-2013); Honours Thesis Student (2013-2014)
Matt joined the Mennill Lab in 2010 as a research volunteer, and then worked in the lab in the summers of 2012 and 2013 with the generous support from the Caldwell First Nation. Matt conducted his Honours Thesis research on migratory behaviour of birds in Essex County (co-supervised by Dr. David Wilson). Matt went on to the MSc program at Western University.

Alex Wilder  Undergraduate Researcher (2016-2018); Honours Thesis Student (2018-2019)
Alex joined the Mennill Lab in the winter of 2016, studying vocal behaviour of neotropical wrens as well as night flight calls produced by migratory songbirds over the Great Lakes. Alex conducted her Honourst hesis on the vocal behaviour of primates in Guanacaste Conservation Area. She went on to the Master's Program at University of Windsor.

Scott Wonsch  Honours Thesis Student (2010-2011)
Scott conducted Honours Thesis research on diel variation in the vocalizations of neotropical Long-tailed Manakins (Chiroxiphia linearis).

Former Research Students and Research Technicians
Melissa Abdellah  Undergraduate Researcher (2008), Summer NSERC Student (2008)
Melissa worked part time as a sound analysis technician in the Mennill Lab on the Ivory-billed Woodpecker project, and part time in Stephanie Doucet's laboratory in the summer of 2008. Melissa went on to the MSc program at University of Windsor.

Nisreen Al-Farra  Undergraduate Researcher (2010-2011)
Nisreen conducted volunteer research in the Mennill Lab in 2010-2011 studying the vocal behaviour of temperate birds with Mennill Lab postdoc Dave Wilson. She went on to conduct her Honours thesis in Dennis Higgs' laboratory.

Farah Arbab  Work Study Student (2007)
Farah worked in the Mennill Lab in Fall of 2007 as a Work Study student conducting spatial analyses of singing behaviour in temperate and tropical birds.

Alex Bailey Undergraduate Research Volunteer (2015-2018)
Alex conducted research in the Mennill Lab between 2015 and 2018, studying night flight calls produced by migratory songbirds over the Great Lakes, and the vocal behaviour of Savannah Sparrows.

Emily Bailey  Ivorybill Sound Analysis Technician (2006-2007)
Emily conducting volunteer research on Pale-billed Woodpeckers in 2006. In 2007, she joined the Ivory-billed Woodpecker Bioacoustic Team. Emily went on to the Master's program at the University of Western Ontario.

Cassandra Belmore  Work Study Student (2007-2008)
Cassandra worked in the Mennill Lab in Fall of 2007 as a Work Study student conducting comparative analyses of temperate and tropical birds.

Caelin Berek  Undergraduate Research Volunteer (2012-2013)
Caelin joined the Mennill Lab in the Fall of 2012 as an undergraduate research volunteer. Caelin worked with Mennill Lab MSc student Claire Sanders studying migratory birds in Essex County.

Jayd Bodner   Undergraduate Research Volunteer and IGNITE Undergraduate Researcher (2018-2020)
Jayd joined the Mennill Lab in the winter of 2018, studying vocal behaviour of Savannah Sparrows.  In 2018-2019 her research in the Mennill lab wassupported by University of Windsor's IGNITE program.

Anikka Bolender  BCN Student Researcher (2009-2010)
Anikka conducted research in the Mennill Lab in 2009 as a BCN student researcher.  She studied the evolution of duetting behaviour in temperate and tropical birds.

Mikayla Bornais IGNITE Research Student (2018-2022), Research Assistant (2022-2023)
Mikayla joined our lab in the fall of 2017, studying vocal behaviour of Savannah Sparrows.  In 2018-2022, her research in the Mennill lab was supported by University of Windsor's IGNITE program. She assisted with many field projects, including field expeditions to the Guanacaste Conservation Area in Costa Rica and Bowdoin Scientific Station in New Brunswick.

Sherry Brew  Biology Undergraduate Research Volunteer (2006)
Sherry conducted research in the Mennill Sound Analysis Lab in the fall semester of 2006.  Sherry conducted a bioacoustic study on the vocal behaviour of temperate and tropical woodpeckers.

Jason Brogan  Biology Undergraduate Research Volunteer (2005)
Jason conducted research the Mennill Sound Analysis Lab between September and December 2005. Jason assisted with research on the visual displays of neotropical birds under the lab's visiting researcher, Stephanie Doucet.

Carolyn Brown   Honours Thesis Student (2021-2022) and Undergraduate Researcher (2022-2023)
Carolyn joined our lab in spring of 2021. She conducted research on tropical bird communities with support of the University of Windsor IGNITE program in the summer of 2021. In fall 2021 Carolyn conducted an Honours Thesis on bioacoustic indicators of diversity in Costa Rica.

Keven Bruce  Undergraduate Research Volunteer (2008-2009)
Keven joined the Mennill Lab in 2008, conducting volunteer research on the ecology and evolution of vocal behaviour in birds.

Cameron Chevalier  IGNITE Research Student (2022-2023)
Cam joined our lab in the fall of 2022 as an undergraduate IGNITE research student. Can worked with Dan and Sarah on the Savannah Sparrow project, studying the song and the mate choice behaviour of sparrows on Kent Island.

Kalie Cavanaugh Undergraduate Research Volunteer (2018-2019)
Kalie conducted research in the Mennill Lab in 2018 and 2019, studying vocal behaviour of Savannah Sparrows.

Karen Cogliati  Ivorybill Sound Analysis Technician (2006-2007)
Karen conducted volunteer research on Pale-billed Woodpeckers in 2006. In 2007, she joined the Ivory-billed Woodpecker Bioacoustic Team. Karen went on to the Master's program at the University of Windsor and the PhD program at McMaster University.

Nabila Cyrene Undergraduate Research Volunteer (2015-2016)
Nabila joined the Mennill Lab in the fall of 2015, studying acoustic communication in migratory birds through the Great Lakes region.

Lindsay Davidson  Biology Undergraduate Research Volunteer (2005)
Lindsay conducted research in the Mennill Sound Analysis Lab between September and December 2005.  Lindsay conducted a bioacoustic study on the vocal behaviour of temperate warblers. Lindsay went on to the doctoral program at Simon Fraser University.

Angela Demarse   Undergraduate Research Volunteer (2012-2013), Research Technician (2015)
Angela joined the Mennill Lab in the summer of 2012 as an undergraduate research volunteer. Angela worked with Mennill Lab MSc student Claire Sanders collecting avian acoustic census data on birds migrating through Essex County. In the summer of 2015, Angela assisted with research on acoustic communication in neotropical Rufous-capped Warblers.

Matt Deneau  Ivorybill Sound Analysis Technician (2006-2007)
Matt conducted volunteer research on Pale-billed Woodpeckers in 2006. In 2007, he joined the Ivory-billed Woodpecker Bioacoustic Team.

Jessica DeRose Outstanding Scholar Research Student (2014-2015)
Jessica worked in the Mennill Lab in 2014 and 2015, studying vocal behaviour of Savannah Sparrows. Her research in the lab was part of the Outstanding Scholars program at the University of Windsor.

Shana Dowdell  Undergraduate Research Volunteer (2008-2009)
Shana joined the Mennill Lab in 2008, conducting volunteer research on the ecology and evolution of vocal behaviour in birds.

Mandy Ehnes  Research Technician (2014-2015)
Mandy worked in the Mennill Lab as a research technicain between summer of 2014 and summer of 2015, as a research technician studying bird migration through the Great Lakes. Mandy's internship project was funded by the Northern Ontario Heritage Foundation, and was co-supervised by Dr. Jenn Foote of Algoma University. Mandy went on to the graduate program at Algoma and Nippissing Universities.

Britney Falica  Ivorybill Sound Analysis Technician (2006-2007), Summer Research Technician (2007)
Britney joined the Mennill Lab in 2006, conducting volunteer research on Pale-billed Woodpeckers. In 2007, she joined the Ivory-billed Woodpecker Bioacoustic Team. In the summer of 2007 she worked as a research technician in the Mennill Lab. Britney went on to the Master's program at the University of Windsor.

Melanie Farquhar  Field and Lab Technician (2008)
Melanie joined the Mennill Lab in the summer of 2008, conducting field research at Queen's University Biological Station, and then as a summer laboratory research technician studying the vocal behaviour of North American wood warblers. She went on to teacher's college in Australia.

Celia Girgenti  Undergraduate Researcher (2010-2012)
Celia joined the Mennill Lab in 2010 conducting volunteer research on the vocal behaviour of tropical birds. She conducted research on Long-tailed Manakins.

James Goettel  Ivorybill Sound Analysis Technician (2006-2007), Work Study Student (2007-2008)
James joined the Mennill Lab in 2006, conducting volunteer research on Pale-billed Woodpeckers. In 2007, he joined the Ivory-billed Woodpecker Bioacoustic Team. In 2007-2008 James worked as a Work Study student in the lab, working with Karan Odom on the Barred Owl project.

Danielle Gough  Work Study Student (2008-2009)
Danielle joined the Mennill Lab in 2008, conducting research on the ecology and evolution of vocal behaviour in birds. Danielle's research project was supported by the Work Study Program. She went on to the Master's program at Trent University.

Rachel Gough  Undergraduate Research Volunteer (2012-2013)
Rachel joined the Mennill Lab in the Fall of 2012 as an undergraduate research volunteer. Rachel worked with Mennill Lab MSc student Claire Sanders studying bird migration through Essex County.

Ellen Green  Ivorybill Sound Analysis Technician (2006-2007)
Ellen joined the Mennill Lab in 2006, conducting volunteer research on Pale-billed Woodpeckers. In 2007, she joined the Ivory-billed Woodpecker Bioacoustic Team. Ellen went on to the Master's program at the University of Windsor.

Lex Hand  Ivorybill Sound Analysis Technician (2006-2007)
Lex joined the Mennill Lab in 2006, conducting volunteer research on Pale-billed Woodpeckers. In 2007, she joined the Ivory-billed Woodpecker Bioacoustic Team.

Keira Harshaw  Undergraduate Research Volunteer (2017)
Keira joined the Mennill Lab in Fall 2017 conducting research on vocal behaviour of Savannah Sparrows.

Rachel Hasson  Undergraduate Research Technician (2015), Graduate Student (2015-2018)
Rachel joined the lab in spring of 2015 as a research technician, and conducted Master's research in the lab between 2015-2018, co-supervised by Dr. Jennifer Foote of Algoma Unviersity, focused on nocturnal migration behaviour of Canadian birds. She went on to teach English in Sweden.

Adam Henkel  Field Research Technician (2010)
Adam joined the Mennill Lab in summer 2010 conducting field studies of wrens in Costa Rica as a research assistant. 

Trisha Howlett  Ivorybill Sound Analysis Technician (2006-2007)
Trisha joined the Mennill Lab in 2006, conducting volunteer research on Pale-billed Woodpeckers. In 2007, she joined the Ivory-billed Woodpecker Bioacoustic Team. Trisha went on to study nutrition sciences at Wayne State University in Detroit.

Dani Jamieson  Biology Undergraduate Research Volunteer (2005)
Dani conducted research in the Mennill Sound Analysis Lab in the fall semester of 2006. Dani conducted a bioacoustic study on the vocal behaviour of temperate and tropical woodpeckers.

Irtiah Kahn  Work Study Student (2015-2016)
Irtiah joined the Mennill Lab in the fall semester of 2015, studying acoustic communication in temperate songbirds. Irtiah's position in the Mennill Lab was funded by the Work Study program.

Celine Lajoie  Undergraduate Research Volunteer (2012-2013)
Celine joined the Mennill Lab in the summer of 2012 as an undergraduate research volunteer. Celine worked with Mennill Lab MSc student Claire Sanders censusing the diversity of migratory birds over Essex County. She went on to the Master's program at the University of Windsor.

Kajal Laroia  Undergraduate Research Volunteer (2016-2018)
Kajal conducted research in the Mennill Lab in the fall of 2016 through to the winter of 2018, studying night flight calls produced by migratory songbirds over the Great Lakes.

Katrina Lukianchuk  Research Technician (2014-2015)
Katrina joined the Mennill Lab in spring of 2014 as a research technician studying the vocal behaviour of Savannah Sparrows. She went on to work as a research technician in the laboratory of Dr. Jan Ciborowski, and then for a wildlife consulting company in Alberta.

Jasneel Mahal Undergraduate Researcher and Work Study Student (2011-2012)
Jasneel joined the Mennill Lab in August 2011 conducting volunteer research on duetting behaviour in tropical birds. He continued as a Work study student in 2011-2012.

Dean Mailloux Undergraduate Research Volunteer (2014-2015)
Dean volunteered in the Mennill Lab in 2014-2015, studying vocal behaviour of Savannah Sparrows.  Dean went on to the Veterinary Medicine Program at University College in Dublin.

Amanda Mamo  Undergraduate Research Volunteer (2012-2013)
Amanda joined the Mennill Lab in the Fall of 2012 as an undergraduate research volunteer. Amanda worked with Mennill Lab MSc student Claire Sanders censusing the diversity of migratory birds over Essex County. Amanda was zpart of the University of Windsor's Volunteer Internship Program.

Joshua Martin  Biology Undergraduate Research Volunteer (2005)
Joshua conducted research in the Mennill Sound Analysis Lab in the fall semester of 2006. Joshua conducted a bioacoustic study on the vocal behaviour of temperate and tropical woodpeckers. Josh went on to a Master's program at the University of Windsor.

Loren Mastracci Undergraduate Researcher (2010-2012)
Loren joined the Mennill Lab in 2010 conducting volunteer research on the vocal behaviour of temperate and tropical birds.

Katherine McGuire  Lab Manager  (2017-2018)
Katherine was the Mennill Lab manager from 2017-2018, conducting research on vocal behaviour of Savannah Sparrows, Rufous-and-white Wrens, and nocturnal flight calls, both in the field and in the lab. Katie went on to a Master's program at Dalhousie University.

Laraib Mehdi Undergraduate Researcher and Work Study Student (2011-2012)
Laraib joined the Mennill Lab in 2011 conducting volunteer research on the vocal behaviour of tropical wrens. Laraib is working with Mennill Lab grad student Roberto Sosa as well as other lab projects. She is a third year student in the Department of Biological Sciences at the University of Windsor.

Zeina Merheb  Work Study Student (2016-2018)
Zeina conducted research in the Mennill Lab in the fall of 2016 through the winter of 2018, studying Savannah Sparorws as well as nocturnal flight calls of migratory birds. Her research in our lab was supported by the Work Study Program / IGNITE Program.

Josh Minos   IGNITE Undergraduate Researcher (2020-2021)
Josh joined the lab in the fall of 2020, studying colour evolution in hummingbirds with post-doc Rick Simpson. In 2020-21, his research in the Mennill lab is supported by the University of Windsor’s IGNITE program.

Allison Mistakidis  Ivorybill Sound Analysis Technician (2006-2007)
Allison joined the Mennill Lab in 2006, conducting volunteer research on Pale-billed Woodpeckers. In 2007, she joined the Ivory-billed Woodpecker Bioacoustic Team.  Allison went on to the Master's program at the University of Windsor.

Tiffany Olsen  Costa Rica Field Research Technician (2014)
Tiffany joined the Mennill Lab in spring of 2014 as a research technician studying the vocal behaviour of wrens and warblers.

Rachel Noble  Outstanding Scholar Research Student (2008-2009)
Rachel joined the Mennill Lab in 2008, investigating the ecology and evolution of duetting behaviour in temperate songbirds. Rachel's research project was supported by the Outstanding Scholar Undergraduate Program.

Brad Poisson Undergraduate Researcher and Work Study Student (2010-2013)
Brad joined the Mennill Lab in 2011 conducting volunteer research on the vocal behaviour of both temperate and tropical birds.  Brad has worked on several different projects in the lab, including research with Mennill Lab MSc student Claire Sanders collecting avian acoustic census data in Essex County. Brad's research in the lab has involved two Work Study positions.

Blue Raasch  Undergraduate Research Volunteer (2008-2009)
Blue joined the Mennill Lab in 2008, conducting volunteer research on the ecology and evolution of vocal behaviour in birds.

Katie Rieveley  Ivorybill Sound Analysis Technician (2006-2007)
Katie joined the Mennill Lab in 2006, conducting volunteer research on Pale-billed Woodpeckers. In 2007, she joined the Ivory-billed Woodpecker Bioacoustic Team. Katie went on to the Master's program at the University of Windsor.

Alina Rizvi  Undergraduate Research Volunteer (2015-2016)
Alina joined the Mennill Lab in the fall semester of 2015, studying acoustic communication in migratory birds moving through the Great Lakes. 

Stephanie Saad  Work Study Student (2009)
Stephanie joined the Mennill Lab in 2009 as a Work Study student. She worked on a combined Mennill/Doucet Lab effort to study the evolutionary biology of birds using the specimen collection at the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor.

Aya Saeed  Outstanding Scholar Student (2017-2019)
Aya joined the Mennill Lab in nfall of 2017, studying Savannah Sparorws under the University of Windsor's Outstanding Scholars Program. Aya held two Outstanding Scholars positions in the lab (2017-2018, 2018-2019) studying vocal communication in sparrows.

Jacob Schilling  Undergraduate Research Volunteer (2016-2017)
Jacob joined the Mennill Lab in the fall semester of 2016, studying acoustic communication in migratory birds moving through the Great Lakes. 

Kelly Schoenberger  Outstanding Scholar Research Student (2015-2016)
Kelly joined the Mennill Lab in the fall of 2015, studying acoustic communication in temperate sparrows. Kelly's research in the Mennill Lab was supported by the Outstanding Scholars Program.

Fatima Serhan  Work Study Student (2015-2018)
Fatima, a Mennill Lab undergraduate superstar, conducted research in the Mennill Lab between 2015 and 2018. Fatima's position in the Mennill Lab included volunteer research, a Work Study position, and Summer Research Experience positions.

Nicole Shangi  Undergraduate researcher (2017-2019)
Nicole joined the Mennill Lab in the fall semester of 2017, studying the behaviour of Neotropical Yellow Toads. In the Fall of 2018 Nicole conducted an Undergraduate Research Experience course in the lab on yellow toad social behaviour.

Reem Srour  Work Study Student (2015-2016)
Reem joined the Mennill Lab in the fall semester of 2015, studying acoustic communication in temperate songbirds. Reem's position in the Mennill Lab was funded by the Work Study program.

Lauren Szucki  IGNITE undergraduate Researcher (2019-2021)
Lauren joined the lab in winter of 2019, conducting sound analysis of Savannah Sparrow recordings and also creating science art in connection to the Unviersity of Windsor's "Science Meets Art" (SMArt) group. In 2019-2021 her research in the Mennill lab was supported by University of Windsor's IGNITE program. Lauren went on to a graduate program in Science Communication.

Justyn Stahl  Ivorybill Field Research Technician (2006-2007)
Justyn Stahl joined the Mennill Lab in 2007 as the lead field research assistant on the Ivory-billed Woodpecker bioacoustics project in Florida. Justyn received his MSc from University of Florida in Gainesville, where he studied Acorn Woodpeckers under Madan Oli and Walt Koenig.

Grayson Tellier  IGNITE Research Student (2022-2023)
Grayson joined our lab in the fall of 2022 as an undergraduate IGNITE research student. In the final year of his undergraduate studies, Grayson worked with Jaclyn to study the behaviour of beluga  whales in the St. Lawrence seaway.

Sylvie Tremblay  Sound Analysis Technician (2005-2006 and 2006-2007)
Sylvie joined the Mennill Sound Analysis Lab in January 2006. Sylvie played an important role as a sound analysis technician for the ivory-billed woodpecker project in 2006, and re-joined the Ivory-billed Woodpecker Bioacoustics Team in 2007. Sylvie went on to the Master's program at the University of Guelph.

Madeline Tregenza  Research Technician (2014)
Maddie joined the Mennill Lab in the spring of 2014 as a research technician studying temperate songbird communities in the forests around Peterborough with Mennill Lab PDF Lauren Fitzsimmons. Maddie went on to continue her Bachelor's degree at the University of Guelph.

Thiranya Weerakoon  Honours Thesis Student (2021-2022) IGNITE Research Student (2022-2023)
Thiranya joined the Mennill Lab in the fall or 2021.  She studied the vocal behaviour of animals and the acoustic adaptation of animal sounds for her Honours Thesis project. In 2022 she assisted with the Savannah Sparrow project with the support of the IGNITE program.

Amy Weinz  Undergraduate Research Volunteer (2012-2013)
Amy joined the Mennill Lab in the Fall of 2012 as an undergraduate research volunteer. Amy worked with Mennill Lab MSc student Claire Sanders studying bird migration through Essex County.

Stephanie Wilson  BCN Student Researcher (2005-2006)
Stephanie was a BCN student research volunteer in the Mennill Sound Analysis Lab during the 2005-2006 school year, conducting research on geographic variation in the songs of male and female tropical birds.

Kathryn Winger  NSERC Summer Research Student (2006)
Kathryn conducted research in the Mennill Sound Analysis Lab in the summer of 2006. Kathryn played an important role as a sound analysis technician for the Ivory-billed Woodpecker project. Kathryn also conducted spatial analyses of wrens during the summer of 2006 as an NSERC Undergraduate Summer Research Award recipient. Kathryn went on to vet school at the University of Guelph.

Stan Yavno  Ivorybill Sound Analysis Technician (2006-2007)
Stan joined the Mennill Lab in 2006, conducting volunteer research on Pale-billed Woodpeckers. In 2007, he joined the Ivory-billed Woodpecker Bioacoustic Team. Stan went on to the MSc program at the University of Windsor and the PhD program at Trent University.

Daria Zajac  Research Volunteer (2008)
Daria joined the Mennill Lab in the summer of 2008. She is conducting an independent study on diurnal variation in the singing behaviour of temperate songbirds. Daria went on to a graduate program at the University of Western Ontario, and then to medical school at University of Windsor.

Group Photos

The Mennill Lab 2018
Front row (left to right): Zeina Merheb, Aida Rezene, Kalie Cavanaugh, Mikayla Bornais, Ian Thomas, Zach Gayk, Abby Hensel, Haylee Begin-Dyck, Kiirsti Owen, Katherine McGuire, Nicole Shangi. Back row (left to right): Jayd Bodner, Kajal Laroia, Fatima Serhan, Lincoln Savi, Alex Bailey, Alana Demko, Alex Wilder, Katy Switzer, Raven Ouellette, Aya Saeed, Dan Mennill, Rachel Hasson..
Photo: April 2018, University of Windsor

Click here for more photos of the Mennill Lab

The Mennill Lab 2016
Front row (left to right): Albana Berberi, Justin Johnson, Alex Bailey, Katie Tracey, Ines Moran, Rachel Hasson, Alana Demko, Reem Srour, Brendan Graham, Vivian Hui, Nabil Sherghin. Back row (left to right): Kelly Schoenberger, Raven Ouellette, Dan Mennill, Zach Kahn, Fatima Serhan, Blaine Landsborough, Kristina Hick, Chris Moser-Purdy, Cody Fields, Sayf  Al-Khazraji, Irtiah Kahn.
Photo: August 2016, University of Windsor

Click here for more photos of the Mennill Lab

The Mennill Lab 2011
Front row (left to right): Matt Watson, Laraib Mehdi, Kristin Kovach, Matt Battiston, Brad Poisson, Sarah Baldo, Claire Sanders, Celia Girgenti, Jasneel Mahal. Back row: Dan Mennill, Roberto Sosa, Brendan Graham, Dave Wilson, Dugan Maynard, Tyne Baker, Luis Sandoval, Loren Mastracci. 
Photo: November 2011, University of Windsor

Click here for more photos of the Mennill Lab

The Mennill Lab 2009
 Left to right: Sarah Douglas (nee Tremain), Van La, Roberto Sosa, Karan Odom, Dave Wilson, Julie Koloff, Anneka Osmun, Sarah Baldo, Dan Mennill, Sheeva Nakhaie.
Photo: July 2009, University of Windsor

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The Mennill Lab 2007
Front row (left to right): Sarah Lippold, Trisha Howlett, Matt Deneau, Sarah Tremain, Ellen Green, Emily Bailey, Angela Joseph, James Goettel, Kaite Rievely. Middle row: Jason Mouland, Lauren Reed, Lex Hand, Stan Yavno, Britney Falica, Anneka Osmun, Holly Hennin, Dan Mennill. Back row: Kyle Swiston, Sarah Baldo, Steph Topp, David Bradley, Sylvie Tremblay, Claudia Bustos, Nicole Barker, Allison Mistakidis, Karen Cogliati.
Photo: March 2007, University of Windsor
Click here for more photos of the Mennill Lab

The Mennill Lab 2005
Left to right: Dan Mennill, Jason Brogan, Jessica Cuthbert, Lauren Reed, Lindsay Davidson, Steph Topp, Stephanie Doucet, Kyle Swiston, Stephanie Wilson (absent: Angela Joseph).
Photo: December 2005, University of Windsor
Click here for more photos of the Mennill Lab

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