Ever think about volunteering at CJAM? Of course you have. So why haven't you? Did you think you had to be a student to do so? You'd be incredibly wrong if you did. ANYONE can volunteer at CJAM. We have volunteers from all parts of the community doing all sorts of things. So get involved, Leonard! Here's how:
1. Fill in a Volunteer Application Form (available at the station).
2. Schedule an appointment with the Spoken Word or Music Director for policy and technical training. More info on policy training can be found in the Training Manual.
3. Come in to CJAM and sign the volunteer contract.
If you have any questions feel free to contact one of CJAM's executives. Coincidentally, their contact info can be found on the "Contact" page.
In addition to volunteering, every year CJAM hosts an annual pledge drive. This pledge drive allows CJAM to be able to purchase equipment, make repairs, and contributes to long term upgrades to our overall service to the Windsor/Detroit community. In order to continue to bring you a magical, life-altering listening experience, CJAM must rely on the kind-hearted and/or deep-pocketed listeners such as yourselves for financial support.
If you would like to make a pledge to CJAM to contribute to the station's future, please take the time to fill out this form. We also have various incentives available. T-shirts, CDs, bumper stickers, etc. If you would like more information, please phone CJAM at (519) 971-3606. Thanks for your support!
If you would like to donate to CJAM by credit card, please go to Paypal . Set up an account and send your money to cjam@cogeco.ca.