Contact Us

Request Lines: 971-3630 in Windsor
963-6112 ex: 3630 in Detroit.

Adam Fox - Station Manager
office hours
monday - friday: 10:00 AM - 5:00 PM
519-253-3000 ext.2525
or 519-971-3606
statcjam at

Chris White - Music Director
office hours
monday - thursday: 10:00 AM - 3:00 PM
tracking hours: mondays 10:30am-3:00pm
519-253-3000 ext.2527
or 519-971-3606
cjammd at

Cassandra Caverhill - Program Director
office hours
monday - friday : 10:00 AM - 5:00 PM
519-253-3000 ext.2526
or 519-971-3606
progcjam at

CJAM Board of Directors

Theresa Leslie - President - theresal at
Angela Desjardins - Treasurer - angeladesjardins at
Craig Brannagan- Legal Advisor - Murad Erzinclioglou - i_am_murad at
Farah Barakat - farah_1234 at
Dale Jacobs - djacobs at
Jonathan Nehmetallah - john.nehmetallah at

Fax: 971-3605
News Dept: phone 519.253.3000 extension 2524/ email news at

Concert Listings


Adam Fox

Snail Mail

University of Windsor/CJAM 91.5
401 Sunset Ave.
Windsor, Ontario
N9B 3P4
Music Submission Guidelines: We do not add CD singles with less than 4 original tracks or samplers for upcoming albums. We'd much rather wait for the full-length. No exceptions!

Please do not send MP3's attached to emails or requests to listen to your music online.

Please try to keep bios and extra packaging to a minimum. Let the music speak for itself. If you're going to include any form of bribery, our Music Director likes candy.

Take a look at our weekly charts for an example of what we play. Better yet, listen to some of our programming!

Once we receive your submission, we try to review it within two weeks or less, but this may change during peak submission periods. Email is the best way to conduct follow-up inquires about the status of your submission. When music is added to the on-air library, it generally remains there for a couple months, and is available for tracking . Following its stay in the on-air library, music is then moved to our archival library where it remains available for years. If we choose to reject a submission, we will still try to give it to the programmer who might be most interested in playing it, but it will not be available for tracking.

We cannot guarantee airplay, as our programmers ultimately decide the content of their programs. However, if you are aware of particular special interest programs that may be interested in your music once we have accepted it, feel free to let us know via email and that information will be passed along to them. Otherwise, please do not harass programmers to play your music.