Experiential Education: A Path Towards Improving the Student Experience - page 29

settingor simulatedwork setting (i.e., simulation lab), under the supervisionof anexperienced
registeredor licensedprofessional (e.g., preceptor),with theaimofmeeting theworkhour
requirements for professional licensure, certification, or registration (Sattler&Peters, 2012).
For example: FacultyofNursing, IntegrativePracticuminPrimaryHealthCare (63-595); Faculty
of Education, PracticeTeaching (80-499); andSchool of SocialWork, FieldPracticum(47-473).
Publicationor ConferencePresentation:
Presenting, publishing, or contributing towards a
pieceof original scholarlywork tocoveyknowledge, foster engagement, andstimulatepublic
discourse in thecommunityat large.
An inquiryor investigationconductedbya student thatmakes anoriginal
intellectual or creativecontribution to thediscipline (Council forUndergraduateResearch,
2012). For example: Facultyof Science, Department of Biological Science, Undergraduate
Research inBiology (55-420)
International studyorworkwithin thediscipline for at least oneacademic
term. For example: Student Exchange (see:
or International co-
operativeeducation (SchaefflerGroup, Germany).
Paid, not for credit, on-campus student jobs. For example:
MITACS internships, student libraryassistants.
Co-curricular on-campusnon-work:
Student government programsor student clubor
leadershippositions that provide learningopportunities for students. Paidor unpaid. Not for
credit. For example, Involvement instudent clubs.
CommunityServiceLearning (co-curricular):
Co-curricular CSLexperiencesdiffer fromcourse-
basedCSL in that students engaged inco-curricular CSL are
not enrolled
course. Studentswork inpartnershipwitha community-basedorganization toapply
disciplinaryknowledge toaddress identifiedcommunityneedsor global issues. In theabsence
of thecoursecontent andcontext fromwhich todraw, participants arepurposefully supported
by staff toapplydisciplinaryknowledge relevant to their courseof study incommunity settings
and to takepart in intentional reflectionon theexperience. For example, UWindsor’s
Volunteer InternshipProgram(VIP) and theDevelopingTeachersPartnership.
Supervised, short-term, unpaid, andnon-credit experience inaworkplace focused
onskill acquisition inaprofessional fieldof study. Typical placement durationof one to two
weeks. Externships aredesigned toprovide studentswithanopportunity for networking,
career exposureandexploration. For example:UnionGas
Likeanexternship,where students learnabout a job, including skills,
educational requirement,workenvironment, and lifestyleassociatedwitha career, by
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