Experiential Education: A Path Towards Improving the Student Experience - page 38-39

Experiential learningprovidesour studentswith the
opportunity tocombineacademic learningwithpractical
experienceboth insideandoutside theclassroom. The
purposeful engagement of students to“learn through
doing”and the facilitationof reflectioncanbe life-changing.
Insights gained fromthe resultsof this surveywill beused
by theProvost’s TaskForceonExperiential Education
(PTFEE) to identifybest practices, challenges, andbarriers
tocraft recommendations toexpand theseenriching
activitiesonour campus.
Wewould like tothank the319 individuals, out of 1,061
invited,who tookvaluable timeout of their busy schedule
toprovide their perspectives aroundexperiential andwork-
integrated learningat theUniversityofWindsor.
Wewould like tothankpast andcurrentmembersof the
PTFEEalongwith theOfficesof theRegistrar, Institutional
Analysis, and theResearchEthicsBoard for their adviceand
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