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      Rocket Equation
      Build Your Own


Rocketry, or rocket science is the study of rockets, their flight and how they are propelled. Contrary to popular belief "it isn't Rocket Science".

This is a movie of the last launch of the Columbia

Almost the entire field of rocketry revolves around 1 single equation. The Rocket Equation is as simple or as hard as you want to make it, depending on how exact you want it to be. But everything in the field is a consequence of the relationship between mass and velocity in the rocket equation. To produce more efficient rockets you have to study what is making them go. The propellant used in a rocket determines how heavy the rocket can be, and how much fuel it has to use to achieve its goal. This section will introduce you to the rocket equation and propulsion, but first lead you through the history of rocketry and space travel, stopping to explore specific milestones like the V2 rocket, the Saturn V rocket, the Space Shuttle, and the Atlas V rocket. You will finish by applying your knowledge to build and simulate your own model rocket.

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© Ryan Murray, Rob Petro, Luc Serré, Yihan Tian, 2006, All Rights Reserved.