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      Rocket Equation
      Build Your Own

Build and Test a Model Rocket

This applet will allow you to simulate the design and launch of a model rocket. To build a stable rocket a few things must be considered: the dimensions, the materials, the payload and the engine. The way to tell if your choices of the above parameters is good for stability is by comparing the center of mass to the center of pressure. The center of mass is where the amount of mass above equals the amount of mass below, this is the point about which the rocket will rotate if it is pushed to one side or another. The center of pressure is the same as the center of mass, but it is where pressures balance instead of masses. The center of pressure must be below the center of mass. This will keep the rocket in stable flight, and prevent it from spinning out of control. To maximize the height of the rocket the lightest materials and largest rockets must be used while still keeping the center of mass must be kept above the center of pressure.

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© Ryan Murray, Rob Petro, Luc Serré, Yihan Tian, 2006, All Rights Reserved.