Historical Framework

In the 1800's, some physicists noticed that a current could be obtained by shining light at a metallic surface under the right conditions. In this section, we take a look at the historical framework surrounding the observation of the experiments and early pioneers as well as Max Planck and his seemingly unrelated idea of quantized energy.

Turn the light on to see what happens.
<IMG SRC="graphics/animation.gif" WIDTH=457 HEIGHT=193 BORDER=0><BR>Using noembed
applet by Tim Brennan http://www-ed.fnal.gov/projects/photoe_lab/index.html

| Main Menu |
| Historical Framework | | Early Experimenters | | Planck and the Quanta |
| Einstein's Explanation | | The Photoelectric Effect | | Ramifications | | Applications |
| 1905-The miraculous year |
| About Einstein |
| About the authors |
| Links and References |
| Multimedia Information |