windsor intellectual property & information technology group

Oct. 8, 2004 Symposium at the University of Pennsylvania Law School

Does File Sharing Hurt Record Sales? An Economic Inquiry

Perhaps no current issue in intellectual property policy generates as much debate as the real effects of the rising use of internet-based,
peer-to-peer systems (P2P) that allow users to easily transfer ('share') digital files -- most especially music. Does P2P spell the
end of the music industry as we know it? Or does this new model of distribution foretell a resurgence for a troubled industry?

This symposium brings together the top economic minds working on this question, to present their -- often opposed -- current research. This
discussion will offer important insights into one of the major digital policy questions of our time.

Penn Program in Intellectual Property and Technology Law
Institute for Law & Economics
Penn Intellectual Propery Interest Group

Time & Place:
October 8 2004 (Friday)
2:00 to 5:30 PM
Penn Law School: Silverman Hall, Room 240A

Webcast Information

Felix Oberholzer, Harvard Business School
Joel Waldfogel, Wharton School of Business, University of Pennsylvania
Alejandro Zentner, University of Chicago


Gideon Parchomovsky, Penn Law
R. Polk Wagner, Penn Law

Schedule of Events:

2:00 - Welcome

2:00-2:50 - Piracy on the High C’s: Music Downloading,
Sales Displacement, and Social Welfare in a
Sample of College Students
Joel Waldfogel, University of Pennsylvania (Wharton)

2:50-3:00 - Break

3:00-3:50 - The Effect of File Sharing on Record Sales:
An Empirical Analysis
Felix Oberholzer, Harvard Business School

3:50-4:00 - Break

4:00-4:50 - Measuring the Effect of Music Downloads on Music Sales,
Alejandro Zentner, University of Chicago

4:50-5:30 - Panel Discussion & Conversation

R. Polk Wagner
University of Pennsylvania Law School

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