windsor intellectual property & information technology group
Comparative IP & Cyberlaw Symposium at the University of Ottawa

LtoR: Moderator Daniel Gervais,  Speaker Pam Samuelson - UC Berekeley, Margaret Ann Wilkinson - UWOThe University of Ottawa, Faculty of Law held a symposium on intellectual property and cyberlaw issues on October 3 and 4, 2003. The symposium brought together leading scholars from across Canada and the U.S. presenting new scholarship on a wide range of cutting edge issues including copyight, patents, e-commerce and Internet Law.

The symposium, under the direction of Prof. Michael Geist, examined a number of legal issues in copyright and patent law and heard from prominent thinkers and practitioners in the field including Pam Samuleson, Margaret Ann Wilkinson, Tereasa Scassa, Jessica Litman, Ann Bartow, Abraham Drassinower, Ruth Okediji, Robert Howell, Peggy Radin, Vincent Gautrais, Joel Reidenberg, Jennifer Chandler, Richard Gold, Jonathan Zittrain, Ian Kerr, Dan Hunter, Art Cockfield and Jonathan Weinberg. Representatives from Industry Canada and Canadian Heritage were also on hand to discuss recent Canadian government policy initiatives. Further details can be found at the University of Ottawa's Law & Technology Journal.

LtoR: Maryam Sodagar, Valarie Dillon, Vasil Shuhayev, Natalie Adams, Ryan Singh, Victor Choi, Telly LebedevValarie Dillon and Natalie Adams of MBM Marusyk Miller & Swain LLP set the tone for the group's stay in Ottawa by hosting WIPIT at their offices for a breakfast discussion with Victor Choi (Windsor '01) and Ryan Singh who gave us an insightful primer on current issues in copyright law over excellent coffee and danishes!

Six WIPIT student participants along with Prof. Sukanya Pillay attended the symposium. Our participation would not have been possible without the direction and support of Prof. Myra Tawfik and the Centre for Law and Innovation Policy. Special thanks also to Francine Herlehy, Director of Career Services at the University of Windsor, Faculty of Law.

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