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Centre for Innovation Law and Policy - Student Publication Grants

The Centre for Innovation Law & Policy is an academic centre devoted to the study of law and policy related to innovation and technology. The Centre is located at the University of Toronto Faculty of Law, but a number of its programs involve all six of Ontario's law schools. The Centre's province-wide activities are administered by the Centre's Academic Coordinating Committee, which includes representatives from each Ontario law school.

The Centre has established a Research Fund from which Student Publication Grants will be made to support the publication of research papers written by students in the area of innovation law and policy. Through this fund, the Centre will award a total of up to $20,000 each year to students enrolled at any of Ontario's six law schools. Summary information regarding the grants is set out below. A Grants Guide that contains complete information, together with the required application form, can be downloaded in PDF format at under the heading "Grants and Fellowships".

Description and Eligibility: The Centre will award up to Ten Student Publication Grants of between $2,000 and $4,000 each year. The objective of the Student Publication Grants is to encourage students who have produced excellent research papers as part of their course work to invest additional time to ensure that the papers are in publishable form. LL.B., LL.M. and S.J.D./D.Jur. students are eligible to submit papers for grants. Full-length LL.M or doctoral theses should not be submitted, but applications to excerpt chapters or other portions of such theses and produce stand-alone papers will be considered. In order to be eligible, an application must be sponsored by a faculty member who has reviewed and recommends the research paper or the thesis to be excerpted.

The standard amount for Student Publication Grants is $2,000. However, larger amounts to a maximum of $4,000 may be awarded in the case of larger projects or where necessary to defray costs incurred by the applicant to present her or his paper at a conference or similar event.

Eligible Research Topics: Student Publication Grants will be made to support publication of student papers in the field of innovation law and policy, which, for these purposes, is considered to encompass all law and policy that affects, or is affected by, innovation or technological change. Electronic commerce and banking, telecommunications, other aspects of the Internet, intellectual property, biotechnology and the financing of innovative ventures are examples of eligible subject areas.

Requirements Relating to Funded Projects: Recipients of Student Publication Grants will be required to revise their papers, or excerpt their theses, to produce a publishable version of their research within three months of receiving notice of their grant. This version must be submitted to the sponsoring faculty member for review and will be included in the Centre's Working Paper Series. Final papers must be produced within the following two months. Final papers may be published in the publication of the author's choice, provided that, where possible, the Centre will also make the final paper available on its web-site.

Applications and Adjudication: Applications must be received by May 14, 2004. Application forms can be downloaded directed from the Centre here. (PDF format)

Inquiries: Inquiries should be directed to Carol Oblak, Administrator, Centre for Innovation Law and Policy (416) 978-3724;

2004 Grants\Student Publication Grant (Announcement) Oct.24, 2003 Centre for Innovation Law and Policy

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