Experiential Education: A Path Towards Improving the Student Experience - page 18

researchproject that isdesigned, carriedout, andanalyzedby the students,withoversight by
theprofessors,withawritten report preparedafter the fieldcourse is complete.
InkeepingwithKolb’s (2014) EL cycle, students learnnot only
abstract concepts (e.g., by reviewing relevant ecological studies in
the literatureaheadof thecourse), but alsoengage inconcrete
experiences (e.g., identifyingbirds, plants, etc.), reflect andshare
observations, andcarryout experimental research in the field.
Reflection is facilitatedbymaintaininga fieldnotebook,
completionof an independent tropical ecology researchproject,
andparticipation inseminars and reflectionsession that occur at
theendof each fieldday.
Volunteer InternshipProgram(Community ServiceLearning, Co-curricular)
TheVolunteer InternshipProgram(VIP) offeredbyCareer&Employment Serviceswas
launched in1994, and thousandsof studentshavecycled through it since. TheVIP team
developsplacement opportunities (minimumof 40hours) at local non-profit andpublicly
fundedorganizations and facilitates amatchingprocess toassigneachVIPstudent toone. VIP
placements arenot observational–students takeona roleor project that allows themto
contribute to theorganization’smissionwhiledrawingupon their skill set and, often,
Thematchingprocess isdesignedso that studentshave input, but not full control, ofwhich role
theyarematchedwith, pushingmany studentsout of their comfort zone. Thecommunity
experience is complementedby robust programmingdeliveredby theVIP team, includingan
orientation, guided reflection,writtenassignments, presentationsession,workshops, and
feedback fromtheon-site supervisor. There isminimal, if any, interventionor direct
observationbyprogramstaff given that students andsupervisors areencouraged towork
together to resolveconflicts, andplacementmonitoring takesplaceoncampusor viaphoneor
Fiveestablished learningoutcomesdesigned toprovide studentswithnewknowledgeabout
themselves, their community, and theworldofworkareclearly communicatedand revisitedat
various touchpoints throughout theprogram. Amultimodal approach isused toguide
reflection, andeachassignment andactivity is connectedback tooneormoreestablished
learningoutcomes. Ina recent surveyof programalumni,many respondents indicated that
participating in theVIP increased their understandingof theWindsor/EssexCounty community
andgave themabetter understandingofworkplaceexpectations.
“My favouritepart of the coursewas beingable to seebiology rather than
readingabout it.” –Student testimonial
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