Experiential Education: A Path Towards Improving the Student Experience - page 17

Simplyengaging ina simulatedscenariodoesnot
guarantee student learning. Eachsimulation
scenario includes adebriefing component,which
provides studentswithanopportunity to reflect on
their assessments, clinical decision-makingability,
feelings, communicationbehaviours andnursing
Armedwith theknowledgegained following the
simulationscenarioanddebriefing, it ishoped that
studentswill improve their practiceandsafely care
for patients in theclinical arena in the future.
TheEditingandPublishingPracticumclasses give students atUWindsor anopportunity towork
withBlackMossPress, oneof theoldest literarypresses in thecountry. In this real-world
environment, studentsworkwithwell-establishedauthors fromall over Canada toedit, design,
layout,market, andproduce twovolumesof creativework. Thesebooks arepublished inApril
at a launch that brings inmore than300people. This is theonly courseof its kind inCanada
where studentsworkdirectlywithanestablishedpublishing firmandproducebooks at theend
of that internship.
Students acquire skills in this course inworking ina teamenvironment,makingdynamic
presentations and learning the fundamentalsofmarketingusing socialmedia in termsof
selling, putting together press kits and teachingkits, andorganizingamajor literaryevent.
Tropical Ecologyof CostaRica (FieldStudy)
Fieldcourses are recognizedas rich learningenvironments for students, providingopportunities
for students togainhands-onandauthenticexperiences (Elkins&Elkins 2007; Healey&
Jenkins, 2000;McLaughlin&Johnson2006), and theyare typically transformative for biology
students given the immersiveandhands-on-natureof thesecourses. Oneexampleof a field
course,whichalso includes a studyabroadelement, is the“Tropical Ecologyof CostaRica” field
coursedesignedand runbyDrs. DanMennill andStephanieDoucet (Biological Sciences).
During this 2-week immersive fieldexperience, students learnabout theecologyof the region,
undertakework carriedout by fieldbiologists, andcommunicate thiswork toa larger audience,
contributing to thebodyof ecological knowledgewhiledevelopingand integratingavarietyof
cognitive, technical, hands-on, andanalytical skills. Studyingabroad, living in fieldcourse
quarters amongother people, andworkingwithin regionsof rainforests inCostaRicaprovidea
uniquechance for a student tooperate innewsocial,work, and learning settings.
Thecourse focusesonbuilding skills andknowledge inorganismal identificationby carryingout
anecological studywithinCostaRica’s tropical ecosystems andculminates inan independent
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