The Retirees' Newsletter
The Bi-Monthly Publication of the Retirees' Association (Faculty, Librarian, Administrator)
The University of Windsor, Windsor, Ontario, Canada N9B 3P4
Vol VIII, No. 3, June 1998
Issue # 28

First Published in July 1991
Editor : Datta Pillay

Retirees' Annual Picnic

Sunday, August 9th, 2.00 p.m.

At Jean and Bob Chandler's Residence
2888 Glenwood Ave

Not on the River, Not on the Lake

But there is a pool
Bring your bathing suits

Bring your own beverages(alcohol/pop)- Food

Will Provide Barbecue Grills, Ice, Coffee/Tea, and Paper Plates, Plastic Glasses and Cutlery

We need Four or Five Volunteers each for Salads and Desserts

Nominal Fee:
$ 2.00 per person for minor costs

Phone by August 5th: John LaGaipa, 966-2350 or Bob Chandler, 969-4118

Directions: Turn into Glenwood Avenue from Grand Marais West. Glenwood Ave is between Huron Church Road and Dominion Blvd.
or phone Bob Chandler for directions.

What's Inside

P 1. Installation of President Ross Paul & Picnic

P 2. Strategic Planning Paper

P 3. News - Computer USER ID Charges

P 4. News - Retirees Response to item 3

P 5. Association News-Contract Negotiations

P 6. Special Pension Report

P 7. Special Pension Report / Membership Fees

P 8. Retirees Glimpse

P 9. Membership News

P 10. Editor's Page

Dr Ross Paul Installed as the Fifth President of the University of Windsor

At an impressive ceremony during the Sixty-Eighth Convocation of the University of Windsor, on Saturday June 4, 1998 at 10.00 a.m. the Chancellor Dr. Frederic L.. R. Jackman, administered the oath of office.

Dr Paul, President-Designate was escorted by the Vice-President, Administration and Finance and the Executive Dean of Graduate Studies and Research to the podium. The Chair of the Board of Governors asked the Chancellor to Install the President.

The Chancellor addressed the President-Designate as follows;

"Do you, Ross Paul, pledge yourself to perform the duties of the President of the University of Windsor as prescribed by law and by the statutes of the University and do you promise to defend the rules and promote the welfare of the University and members thereof?"

The President-designate responded - " I do so promise"

The Vice President and Executive Dean robed the President-designate.

The Chancellor installed the President with the following words:

"In the name of the University of Windsor I now install you, Ross Paul in the Office of President and Vice-Chancellor of the University of Windsor with the authority and charge you with the responsibilities pertaining to that Office"

The Beadle then invited guest representatives from other institutions to convey their greetings to the President.

The Chancellor invited President Paul to address Convocation.

Dr. Paul had a simple message for the graduating students. To be successful in life, you must never stop learning or listening. "The degree that you receive today will work if you see it as a beginning" he told them, "if it represents for you new skills, a new curiosity, a new tolerance, new passions, new friendships, new networks and especially a new openness to ideas and ways of looking at the world".

He should know. He's taken his own advice. This is evident in the major position paper he released to the University community, two days before his installation as President. (See page 2)

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