The Retirees' Newsletter Page 7

The Retirees's Association ( Faculty, Librarian, Administrator), University of Windsor, Windsor, Ont. Canada

Vol X III, No. 2, June 2003


Dr. Charles Fantazzi

For the past five years, Dr. Fantazzi has been the Thomas Hariot Distinguished Visiting Professor of Humanities, at the College of Arts and Sciences, East Carolina University. From May to December 2002, he was a Fellow at the Royal Flemish Academy in Brussels. In addition to these activities, he has completed three editions and translations of Erasmus; two of correspondence of Erasmus are in press; collected works of Erasmus in the University of Toronto Press. Congrats Charlie.

Crowell Speaks On Social Justice

Dr. George Crowell, professor in the former Department of Religious Studies, spoke on "Concern for Social Justice in the Present Crisis." at Bedford United Church, 3340 Sandwich Street, at 11:30 a.m. on Sunday, April 13. For more information call 250-6684.

Symons New Title: Iron Man of Senate

Professor Emeritus David Symons said good-bye to Senate after attending meetings for most of the past 22 years. And he did so with a smile. For many years, Dr. Symons served as representative of the former Geology department in the Faculty of Science. For the past 13 years, he has been a member of Senate in his capacity as Principal of Canterbury College, the Anglican Church of Canada affiliated college at the University of Windsor.

"I only missed a couple of years when I was on sabbatical, and there was a couple of years gap in the 80's," he said of his 22 years on the university's academic governing body.

5 Join Ranks of Professors Emeritus

Five professors retiring from the University of Windsor this year will continue to teach and add to the pool of knowledge as Professors Emeritus. They are Dr. Puma Kaloni and Dr. Chi Song Wong in Mathematics and Statistics, Dr. Bill Miller in Electrical and Computer Engineering, Dr. Dan Watt in Mechanical, Automotive and Materials Engineering, and Dr. Wai Lam in the Odette School of Business. The emeritus appointments have been approved by the Board of Governors. Dr. Lam's takes effect in July, the others in September.

The rank of professor emerita/emeritus is a privilege conferred on a faculty member who has retired or ceased employment at the university at a late career stage, normally at the rank of professor, and who has contributed significantly to the university in research, teaching, creative activity, or academic leadership.

Morgan Retires After 34 Years

at Business School

Alfie Morgan intends to continue with his community service after retirement. Dr. Morgan is committed to seeing small business entrepreneurs achieve success, and will continue to serve them through the Windsor Chamber of Commerce.

"I have a vision of starting master classes for small business owners where they can learn from senior entrepreneurs how to run a business efficiently and more profitably", says Morgan at an Odette School of Business faculty luncheon Friday in honour of his retirement. Beyond that he says, "I will stop to smell the roses more frequently and pause longer."

Dr. Morgan, originally known as Megeed Ragab, is retiring from the university after 34 years. He has not only been a valued teacher to many, and an active supporter of local business, he has also provided his expert comment on many occasions on Canadian -- US business issues to local news and national Canadian news media, CNN and other media in the United States.

Report from: John Meyer,

V.P. & Chair, Benefits/Pension Comm.

CURAC: A new national organization for "College & University Retirees Association of Canada" was officially approved and founded at the meeting in Halifax, N.S., May 25-27, 03. WUFA is one of the 22 founding member associations of retirees. A Constitution, objectives, structure, governance, have been approved by the assembly. A detailed report of the founding meeting is available on their web site = WWW.CURAC.CA.

I was pleased to be your representative at this meeting. Last year was an exploratory and initial organizational meeting held at the U. of Toronto and attended by Alan Metcalfe. WUFA membership approved of our affiliation with CURAC at its general meeting.

There are six regions identified with contact persons on the executive from those regions (Atlantic, Quebec, Ontario, Manitoba/Sask, Alberta, BC). The major concerns are health benefits and recognition of contributions of retirees. Some universities are just beginning to organize their retirees. I am pleased to report that WUFA is one of the earliest and most active of associations.

The first task to be initiated by CURAC is to identify and relate to health insurance carriers who might provide better group benefits at lower premiums due to volume. A subcommittee of three has been established and I have been appointed a member largely due to our previous work on comparison of benefits plans. The Executive (number 12) is cross-national in representation with one position vacant for a rep. from the college sector. The Executive is making a concerted effort to increase the number of member associations.

What's Inside

Page 1. President's Report

Page 2. Campus News

Page 3. Campus News

Page 4. Campus News

Page 5. Membership News

Page 6. Membership News

Page 7. Membership News

Page 8. Membership News

Page 9. Association News

Page 10. Editorial News