Page 2 The Retirees' Newsletter

The Retirees's Association ( Faculty, Librarian, Administrator), University of Windsor, Windsor, Ontario, Canada

Vol X III , No. 2, June 2003

Campus News

Windsor Ready to Welcome

Class of 2007

The University of Windsor is well prepared to welcome its largest ever first-year class this fall. History Professor Bruce Tucker, who has been acting as a special coordinator of preparations, provided an update of those activities for the Board of Governors.

Board Chair Chuck Wills paid tribute to the 114 faculty members including deans who took time to phone applicants. "I don't think we can thank these faculty members enough for this contribution. Speaking directly to a professor helps these young people understand their options, as they make one of the major decisions of their lives."

At this early stage the university already has a large number of confirmations for first-year placement and hundreds of those students have already registered for the classes they will attend this fall.

Dr. Tucker told the Board that the university will have hired 39 new professors this year in preparation for an estimated 4,500 students in first-year courses, which will swell total undergraduate enrolment to 11,500. He reminded the board of new programs designed to attract high calibre students, new education and residence buildings, and $2 million in teaching laboratory upgrades.

He noted that student support services to make the library and internet more accessible are being bolstered. And, a teaching support allocation is ready to provide the flexibility necessary in September in hiring additional sessional instructors as necessary.

University Strategic Plan

Taking New Shape

Ross Paul went out looking for lots of input from students, faculty, board members and the public when he began work on the next university strategic plan earlier this year, and he got what he was looking for. It's so much data, in fact, that he has had to move the release of the draft plan back a month.

"I have so much feedback on the white paper that it appears the plan will take a much different direction than the University of Windsor's current strategic blueprint, The Best of Both Worlds," President Ross Paul reported to the Board of Governors yesterday.

The draft document is now expected next month. This does not interfere with the next round of consultation, which is planned for September and October, he said. The final document is to be completed by year end, and will direct the university from 2004 through 2009.

"A great deal of pride in the university has been expressed in e-mails and in consultation meetings with faculty and students," the president said. "There has also been a confirmation on our access policy and our belief that output measures are more important than input measures. People know it's an uphill battle, but worth the efforts."

Six Honorary Degrees

Conferred At Spring Convocation

The University of Windsor conferred honorary degrees during Spring Convocation ceremonies in June 6 to 8 to the following six outstanding scholars and leaders who have made their mark in the world, and provided exemplary service and leadership to their community.

Buzz Hargrove, National President of the Canadian Auto Workers;

Tomson Highway, author and theatre artist;

Nancy Olivieri, medical researcher;

Harvey Strosberg, lawyer and legal reformer;

Vahid Tarokh, visionary mathematician; and

Moses Znaimer, innovator of cultural television programming.

Throne Speech Renews

Commitment to Universities

In the Ontario government speech from the Throne, the government reported that it will "take further measures to prepare students for a bright future" by increasing its annual investment in colleges and universities, but also promised to demand better accountability for results.
Thefull text is available at

The government said, that it has kept its commitment to students and parents that every willing and qualified student will find a space in a post-secondary institution "so they can find a rewarding career and go on to fulfil their dreams of a home and a family." The government has made significant investments in post secondary institutions to accommodate the increased enrolment coming this September. The speech reports that the government is investing $2.6 billion to create more than 135,000 new post-secondary student places and provided stability to colleges and universities through multi-year operating funding and will provide increase that funding by 21 per cent by 2005-06 over last year.

What's Inside

Page 1. President's Report

Page 2. Campus News

Page 3. Campus News

Page 4. Campus News

Page 5. Membership News

Page 6. Membership News

Page 7. Membership News

Page 8. Membership News

Page 9. Association News

Page 10. Editorial News