The Retirees' Newsletter Page 5

The Retirees's Association ( Faculty, Librarian, Administrator), University of Windsor, Windsor, Canada

Vol XII I, No. 2, June 2003

Membership News

Minutes of the Spring General Meeting held on April 15, 2003 at 2:00 p.m. in Hoffman Auditorium, IONA College

Members Present: J.Black, B. Chandler, K. Chatterjee, E.Crowley, S. Cunningham, B. Ferraro, G. Fracus, W. Fraser, J. Gregor, E. Habib, J. Hackett, F. Holuj, J. Huschilt, W. Innerd, H. Janzen, N. King, B. Kroeker, B.McGarvey, J. Malone, M. Matthew, M. Mehta, A. Metcalfe, J. Meyer, H. Moore, B. Morgan, G. Olafson, D. Pillay, K. Pryke, D. Purushotham,, I. Rappe, S. Selby, K. Sridhar, M. Starets, W. Youdelis

1. Minutes of the Fall General Meeting, Oct 16, 2003. Moved and seconded to approve the minutes. Carried.

2. Business arising from the minutes: None

3. Correspondence: None

4. Remarks by President Ross Paul: Dr. Paul said he would go right to the point - the letter from the WURA Executive Committee. While every year the frustration grows, there is a commitment to discuss issues. Some are daunting, e.g., the cost arising from opting in and out of Green Shield. One point is strongly made - retirees concerns are not in the forefront when the chips are down. How to address this? He said he went through the issues one by one with R. LaCivita and E. Harbottle. He then mentioned the Senate Committee on Retirees - and that he was disappointed on the outcome on mandatory retirement. The need for academics will be worse in five years. The next strategic plan will be presented as a discussion paper in May followed by consultation with finalization in November. It will not be the same quality product as earlier, with the cut backs, etc.

Retirees are a growing group and should be strengthened. Regarding the six items [in the letter] he said he will meet, go through them, and come back to be accountable [to the retirees]. He can't raise expectations, but he said he will deal with each issue honestly and openly. He is sorry it has taken so long, but said that is not a good excuse. A question was raised if the Trust Fund exists. He replied that they have met two or three times and brought in a consultant for information, but it is not in any form. Another question was raised on pensions. He was asked if it would make more sense to represent ourselves. He said that would have to be accepted by both sides. Dr. Paul was thanked for his remarks.

5. Remarks by Brian Brown, President of WUFA: B. Brown thanked the group for inviting him and by his own admission said he had not prepared very much for this. He mentioned two things to note - the retirement dinner and the WUFA-WURA pre-retirement seminar, and two major things - the UofW at the bottom of the list in McLeans, and that he met with Dr. Paul and R. LaCivita regarding WURA concerns. He said R. LaCivita would fill us in on the Trust Fund Committee. He was asked about the Faculty Association Pension and Benefits Committee.

6. Remarks by Rita LaCivita, Human Resources: She said she is honored to be before us and thanked D. Pillay, G. Olafson and A. Metcalfe for their assistance and the number of issues they have raised which are valid points to address. She mentioned the pre-retirement seminar and said in the future they are planning one on post-retirement. The Green Shield premium did not go up this year. She remarked that " we want you to feel good" e.g., the Retirees' dinner, and there are new people at HR to get answers for you. Question: Some retirees live in the U.S. Has anything been done with Green Shield in conjunction with medicare? In the U.S., all you have is the 50% dental and you do not have what is covered by OHIP. It was mentioned that the retirees want the pension performance results available every quarter.

7. Remarks by Cheryl Paglione, Human Resources: She was was pleased to be here as Pension and Benefits Manager and appreciated the support and mentoring of G. Olafson, A. Metcalfe and D. Pillay. She is aware the need to enhance communication and is proposing a post-retirement seminar- a lunch and learn - to provide information relevant and useful, along with agencies to help retirees. Her main focus is the learning curve now, and she appreciates the support of the University. She wants to expedite the Pension and Benefit information, repeating that the retirees are not forgotten.

There was a question from the floor that the CPP and the Minimum Guarantee are not integrated. She will provide an analysis of the pension plan, quarterly returns, materials with overviews, and answers retirees want. Regarding the amalgamation of University Pension and Benefit Plans - she said there are ten plans on campus and each has been negotiated. The union groups do not want to give up anything. If all the plans were integrated it would be a cadillac plan and no one could afford to negotiate with Green Shield to maintain costs.

8. Remarks by Aase Cuthbert, Student Awards: There is $60,736 in the Retirees' Bursary fund. Applicants numbered 111 this year and there were three awards of $1,000. She announced there is a new web search engine for scholarship seekers.

9. President's report: A. Metcalfe said his report in the newsletter to the members was negative. The trust fund and the D7 committee are so far just promises. As soon as money is involved, it is over. The administration appears serious anyway to sit down with us. We shall be cautiously optimistic. It will be a slow process. The past history is not that good. The executive is discussing alternatives. The proposal to appoint a retiree to the negotiating committee was brought to the Association and tabled. WUFA is against a member on the negotiating team. The WUFA President and WUFA Executive are not accountable and will do nothing. There is lack of support from both the Faculty Association and the Administration, but the Faculty Association is the greater failure. McMaster went to court and the pension surplus money was redistributed to all retirees.

10. Treasure's Interim report: October 1, 2002 - April 15, 2003

Opening balance (September 30, 2002) $2.036.27

Membership Fees (2002-2003) $3,118.88


1. Printing $1,141.24

1. Postage $ 73.82

1. Supplies $ 27.28

1. General meeting $ 70.00

1. Miscellaneous Expenses $ 110.00

1. Retirees Dinner $ 459.81

Sub-Total $ 1,182.65

Balance on hand $ 3,272.50

Norman King, Treasurer

What's Inside

Page 1. President's Report

Page 2. Campus News

Page 3. Campus News

Page 4. Campus News

Page 5. Membership News

Page 6. Membership News

Page 7. Membership News

Page 8. Membership News

Page 9. Association News

Page 10. Editorial News