Early registration fee is $425.00 US. This includes the welcome
reception, morning and afternoon coffee breaks and the Symposium
banquet. A book of abstracts and the published proceedings will
also be included in the registration fee.
We now offer secure on-line register through our website. You
will also be able to print off the registration page and fax or
mail it to the Symposium Coordinator.
If you would like to register online please follow this link Online
Online registration is available for Internet Explorer 4.0 or
later, Netscape 4.0 or later (Netscape 6 not supported). Earlier
versions may not work - they give the (incorrect) error message
that there is a problem with our database.
Alternatively, you may download the
registration form in PDF format.
You will need Adobe Acrobat Reader see the file. Follow this
to download the latest version.