Hybrid Vehicles |
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2) "The Emergence of Hybrid Vehicles" Alliance Bernstein, <> Accessed: March 23, 2007. [Back]
3) "Hybrid Electric Vehicles: What is a Hybrid Electric Vehicle?" U.S. Department of Energy Clean Cities Program, <> Accessed: March 20, 2007. [Back]
4) "Los Alamos National Laboratory News" Public Affairs Office, <
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5) "How Hyrbids Work" US Department of Energy, <> Accessed: March 18, 2007. [Back]
6) "Battery-Electric vs. Hybrid-Electric Vehicles" Rocky Mountain Institute, <> Accessed: March 20, 2007. [Back]
7) "Plug-in Hybrid Vehicles" Electric Drive Transportation Association, <> Accessed: March 20, 2007. [Back]
8) "Hybrid Cars Take To The Road" The Good Life Magazine, <> Accessed: March 20, 2007. [Back]
9) "Hybrid Car Gas Mileage Impact Calculator" <> Accessed: March 20, 2007. [Back]
Ethanol Fuels
1) “Environmental Benefits” Canadian Renewable Fuels Association, <> Accessed: March 16, 2007. [Back]
2) “Henry Ford and Fuel Ethanol” Canadian Renewable Fuels Association, <> Accessed: March 16, 2007. [Back]
3) Reel, Monte, “Brazil’s Road to Energy Independence” The Washington Post, August 20, 2006. <> [Back]4) “How Ethanol is Made” Renewable Fuels Association, <> Accessed: March 9, 2007. [Back]
5) Wang, Michael, “Updated Energy and Greenhouse Gas Emissions Results for Ethanol Fuels” The 15th International Symposium on Alcohol Fuels, September 26-28, 2005. [Back]
6) Wang, Michael, and Pantini, Dan, “Corn Based Ethanol Does Indeed Achieve Energy Benefits” Center for Transportation Research, Argonne National Laboratories, February 15, 2000. [Back]
7) Pimental, David, “Ethanol Fuels: Energy Balance, Economics and Environmental Impact are all Negative” Natural Resources Research, 17 (2), 127-134 (2003). [Back]
8) Niven, Robert K., “Ethanol in gasoline: environmental impacts and sustainability review article” Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 9 (2003) 535-555. [Back]
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10) Horkey, Lacey Rose, “Cellulosic Ethanol: Harvesting the Potential” Ethanol Today, October 2006. [Back]
11) "Knowledge about E85" US Department of Energy: FreedomCar and Vehicles
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13) "Alternative Fuels Data Center" US Department of Energy: Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy, <> Accessed: March 31, 2007. [Back]
Hydrogen Fuel Cell
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2) B. Feldman, “Hydrogen Fuel Cell Automobiles” Phys. Teach. 43, 492-495 (2005). [Back]
3) “Fuel Cell Stack Welding” Semiconductor International, <> Accessed: March 29, 2007. [Back]
4) "Natural Gas Reforming" Hydrogen, Fuel Cells & Infrastructure Technologies Program, US Department of Energy, <
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5) Harwood, Herring, Petrucci. General Chemistry. Prentice-Hall Inc. 1997 Pg. 423. [Back]
6) “Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Research” National Renewable Energy Laborator, <> Accessed: February 23, 2007. [Back]
7) “High Temperature Electrolysis” Wikipedia, <> Accessed: February 21, 2007. [Back]
8) Johanna Ivy, "Summary of Electrolytic Hydrogen Production" Milestone Report, National Renewable Energy Laboratory (2004). [Back]
9) George Thomas, “Overview of Storage Development”, US DOE Hydrogen Program 2000 Annual Review, (2000). [Back]
10) L. Schlapback and A. Zuttel, “Hydrogen-storage materials for mobile applications” Nature 414, 353-358 (2001). [Back]
11) Phil Danielson, “Choosing the right vacuum materials”, R&D Magazine, 2003. [Back]
12) J. F. Pelletier, et al, “Hydrogen desoprtion mechanism in MgH2-Nb nanocomposites” Phys. Rev. B 63, 052103 (2001). [Back]
13) "Paving the Way for the Hydrogen Future” Berkeley Lab, <> Accessed: March 8, 2007. [Back]
14) “Nanotechnology Applications in Hydrogen Storage” Nanopedia, <> Accessed: March 8, 2007. [Back]
Energy Comparison
1) "Alternative Fuels Data Center" US Department of Energy: Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy, <> Accessed: March 31, 2007. [Back]
2) “Car Chemistry: What’s the Deal With Octane Ratings?” American Chemical Society, <> Accessed: March 29, 2007. [Back]
Take A Poll
1) “Public Opinions on Hybrids 2005” US Department of Energy: Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy, <
2006_fcvt_fotw440.html>Accessed: April 5, 2007.
2) “Knowledge About E85” US Department of Energy: Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy, <
2006_fcvt_fotw441.html> Accessed: April 5, 2007.
3) “Best and Worst Fuel to Replace Gasoline” US Department of Energy: Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy, <
fotw459.html> Accessed: April 5, 2007.
4) “Opinions on Hydrogen Fueling Stations” US Department of Energy: Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy, <
2006_fcvt_fotw423.html> Accessed: April 5, 2007.
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