Week 1
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Brock Lakehead Western Windsor
Colloquium Sitemap BrockWebCT Joint-PhD Website help@jointphdined.org
Resources   PhD Handbook WebCT Lakehead
(Jan 12)
Checking-In & Registration
Picking up the agenda/ Meeting old acquaintances/ Re-introducing one’s self/ Updating people on what you have been up to recently/ Checking out the facilities/ Checking out the equipment/ Social/ "Whine" and e-cheese!
What? Action? Why?
Register Send an e-mail to
It simulates registration and it let's us know you have arrived.
Pick up Your Agenda Check the WEB Site for:
Information on Modules
Information on Timelines
Sign-Up Time Slots
You want to see where you are going, what you are doing, when...
Meet Old Acquaintances
One conference this group presented at was Core 2001... .

What's new in peoples' lives?  Post something new in your life on the WebCT site.
What's new in your research trajectory? Post something new in your research on the WebCT site.

Remembering what people were working on and getting back "up to speed." 
e-mail (Connect with a few people.)
Making connections!
e-mail (Lodge a few complaints or concerns if you wish.)
Expressing concerns
e-Cheese Smile  
What is a Colloquium?
Colloquia Models
You must be communicating every week (with both instructors and your fellow students). That means you would be on-line for several hours each week reading materials on various specified Web Pages, reading discussion threads, contributing to discussion threads in thoughtful ways, using e-mail communications, chat rooms, sending attachments and so on. (Several hours each week). The scholarly quality of your communication is being evaluated. Be thoughtful, be critical, be clear, be concise...
You must post your research proposal to date, in a colloquium-friendly form. (You book a time slot. Send your request to morton@uwindsor.ca ). For types of posting see example.
You must submit three formal critiques of presentations you review (i.e., those in the time slot you sign up for.)  (Sign-up Page).
Discussion Threads and Chat rooms are housed on the Lakehead site at: WebCT Lakehead.
General information, timelines, updates, and so on, are housed on the following site:

Colloquium 2004


Last Year's Colloquium:

Colloquium 2003 

Students may point you to their personal Web Pages for relevant information.
Additional Readings
There is a link to various related readings each week that may or may not be activated. Check the "green button," or the hyperlink, on a page when you encounter it to see if there is a reading.  


The Colloquium Philosophy