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Brock Lakehead Western Windsor
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Ildiko Sonya Arlene



The area I am interested in researching is in the area of learning disabilities and adolescents. I would like to look at the effects of cognitive and metacognitive strategies with regards to information-processing of adolescents with a learning disability. The purpose of this research is to examine how effective is the Cognitive Credit Card (CCC) as a learning strategy instructional method for adolescents with a learning disability. This is a learning strategy instructional method that has been shown to be effective for helping design and implementing strategies such as memory, problem-solving, reasoning, organizing information, and self-monitoring. I would like to examine if this strategy will promote academic success and if so, to what extent.

The CCC is a credit card-sized laminated set of cognitive or metacognitive cues designed to elicit thinking about thinking as students attempt to learn or solve problems. These cognitive cues must contain little or no subject content matter; yet, they have to be specific enough that students can identify what the cues are for – usually accomplished by the heading or title. The CCC contains questioning prompts. For example, a CCC for finding the main idea sentence in a paragraph (writing) would look like this:

1. Why is the main idea sentence the most important sentence?

2. What is the main idea I want to write about

3. Do these ideas support my main idea?

4. How are my sentences connected to my main idea?

5. If I cover up the main idea sentence, does the paragraph make sense?


Edmunds, A. L. (1999). Cognitive credit card: acquiring learning strategies. Teaching Exceptional Children, 31(4), 68-73.

Edmunds, A. L. & Blair, K. (1999). Nova Scotia teacher's use of the cognitive credit card. ATEC Journal, 5(1), 7-13.