Cross Index Blastobacter
SuperSet Prokaryote, Eubacteria Budding and/or Appendaged Bacteria
Compare Prosthecate Bacteria: Ancalomicrobium adetum Asticcacaulis Caulobacter Dichotomicrobium thermohalophilum, Filomicrobium fusiforme, Hirschia baltica, Hyphomicrobium Hyphomonas, Labrys monachus , Pedomicrobium, Prosthecobacter fusiformis, Prosthecomicrobium, Stella, Verrucomicrobium spinosum

Non Prosthecate Bacteria Angulomicrobium tetraedrale Blastobacter Ensifer adherans,Gallionella ferrunginea Gemmiger formicilis, Nevskia ramosa, Seliberia stellata

Planctomycetales Planctomyces, Gemmata obscuriglobus , Isosphaera pallida, Pirelulla

Contrast Archaea


Morphology Blastobacter
Staining Gram- negative
Morphology Cells ovoid rods, wedge- or club-shaped, or pleomorphic, often slightly curved and occasionally branching. Cell poles rounded or slightly tapering on one pole. Cell size range: 0.5-1.0 x 1.0-4.5 (10) um
Motility may be motile (three species).
Specialized structures New cell formation and multiplication occur by a budding process on the free cell pole, subpolarly or even laterally. Young buds initially rod-shaped, ovoid, or spherical to oblong
Solid surface Colonies raised, mostly colourless, pale pink or yellow
Liquid Some strains produce large amounts of exopolymer. Grow in liquids as turbidity, pellicle or precipitate; three species form rosettes.


Growth Parameters Blastobacter
Tropism heterotrophic
Oxygen aerobic
pH Optimum pH: between 6.8 and 7.8.
Temperature mesophilic Temperature range for growth: 10-46`C
Requirements Some strains may fix CO2 reductively when grown on methanol or methylated amines Carbon and energy sources may be alcohols, sugars, organic acids or some amino acids. NH4+, NO3-, urea, peptones, yeast extracts or casein hydrolysates may be utilized as nitrogen source
Products Some strains reduce NO3- or NO2-. Nitrification activity has not been observed.
Enzymes Oxidase-, catalase- and peroxidase-positive
Unique features  


Genome Blastobacter
G+C Mol %  


Reference Blastobacter
First citation Zavarzin,G.A. 1961. Symbiotic culture of the new manganese-Oxidizing microorganism. Mikrobiologiya 30:393-395
The Prokaryotes  
Bergey's Systematatic p 1963 Y.A. Trotsenko, N.V. Doronina and P. Hirsch
Bergey's Determinative p 466