Cross Index Pedomicrobium
SuperSet Prokaryote, Eubacteria Budding and/or Appendaged Bacteria
Compare Prosthecate Bacteria: Ancalomicrobium adetum Asticcacaulis Caulobacter Dichotomicrobium thermohalophilum, Filomicrobium fusiforme, Hirschia baltica, Hyphomicrobium Hyphomonas, Labrys monachus , Pedomicrobium Prosthecobacter fusiformis, Prosthecomicrobium, Stella, Verrucomicrobium spinosum

Non Prosthecate Bacteria Angulomicrobium tetraedrale Blastobacter Ensifer adherans,Gallionella ferrunginea Gemmiger formicilis, Nevskia ramosa, Seliberia stellata

Planctomycetales Planctomyces, Gemmata obscuriglobus , Isosphaera pallida, Pirelulla

Contrast Archaea


Morphology Pedomicrobium
Staining Gram-negative, older cells variable
Morphology Oval or spherical cells, 0.4-2.0 x 0.4-2.5 um. Up to five or more hyphae (i.e. cellular outgrowths or prosthecae of constant diameter with reproductive function) are formed per cell body.
Motility Swarmer cells are motile by a single sub-polar flagellum Other stages of the cell cycle are nonmotile
Specialized structures Hyphae are 0.15-0.3 um in diameter. At least one hypha originates laterally; others may appear at the cell poles. Multiplication is by budding at the hyphal tips (mature buds either separate from the hyphae as uniflagellated swarmers or remain attached. Extracellular polymers can be stained with ruthenium red and sometimes are visible in India ink mounts as thick capsules around mother cells. Oxidized iron or manganese compounds or both are deposited on mother cells and also on hyphae. Resting stages are not known.. lack of vitamins results in pleomorphic cells which produce large granules of poly-B-hydroxybutyric acid
Solid surface Colonies are yellowish brown to dark brown, due to accumulated iron and manganese oxides


Growth Parameters Pedomicrobium
Tropism Chemoorganotrophic. Acetate, caproate or pyruvate are utilized as carbon sources.
Oxygen Aerobic
Requirements Protein digests such as yeast extract, peptone, casamino acids or soytone serve as nitrogen sources. Inorganic nitrogen compounds allow only poor growth of some strains. Slow and poor growth occurs on agar media with 0.1-1% fulvic acid iron sesquioxide complexes as sole carbon and nitrogen sources. Vitamin mixtures stimulate growth
Enzymes Catalase-positive (for catalase, test in absence of MnO2 and at neutral pH).
Unique features  


Genome Pedomicrobium
G+C Mol % 62-67 (Tm, Bd)


Reference Pedomicrobium
First citation Aristovskaya,T. V. 1961. Accumulatuin of iron in breakdown of organomineral humus complexes by microorganisms ( in Russian). Akad. Nauk. S.S.S.R. 136: 954-957
Emended Gebers, R. 1981. Enrichment, isolation and emended description of Pedomicrobium ferruginea Aristovskaya and Pedomicrobium manganicum Aristovskaya IJSB 31: 302-316.
The Prokaryotes p
Bergey's Systematatic p 1910 R. Gebers
Bergey's Determinative p 462