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Dr. Lynda D. Corkum B.A., M.A. (Drake), B.Ed. (Windsor), Ph.D. (Toronto)

Lynda Corkum is a Professor at the University of Windsor. She is the former Associate Dean of Science and Past-President of the International Association for Great Lakes Research. Lynda is an aquatic ecologist who studies the behaviour and ecology of freshwater fishes and life history strategies of the burrowing mayfly, Hexagenia. Her particular interest is on the behaviour of the invasive round goby.

Bill Glass
Ph.D. Candidate

Bill joined the Corkum Lab in 2007. His research involves radio tracking of spotted gar, a species designated as threatened under SARA, in order to determine home range and critical habitat. He will also conduct growth and aging of the population. His field work was conducted in Rondeau Bay during the summers of 2007, 2008 and 2009. Bill is co-supervised by Dr. Nicholas Mandrak.

Ellen Green
M.Sc. Candidate

Ellen joined the Corkum lab in 2007. She conducted her undergraduate thesis on the shifts in dominance of two species of Hexagenia (burrowing mayflies) after their recolonization of the western basin of Lake Erie. She is now investigating the relationships between their aquatic life stages. Ellen is co-supervised by Dr. Jan Ciborowski.

Kristina Wantola
M.Sc. Candidate

Kristina joined the lab in 2011. She is examining the fanning patterns of male round gobies using particle image velicimetry.  She will be investigating communication between males and females.

Gianfranco Grande
Honours Thesis Student

Gianfranco joined the Corkum Lab in 2011. He is styudying various morphological and environmental factors affecting round goby pectoral and tail fanning rates and the implications of these rates in terms of the individual's fitness.

Lauren Steckle
Research Assistant

Lauren joined the Corkum Lab in 2011. She is assisting in the research on urine excretion and the change in water conductivity as well as the fanning rates of male round gobies using particle image velocimetry.

Shannon Card
Research Assistant

Shannon joined the Corkum Lab in 2010. She assisted on the research on burrowing mayfly species in 2010 and is currently working on morphological features in relation to pectoral and tail fanning rates in male round gobies.

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