Dr. Ciborowski's reserach deals with the ecology distribution and behaviour of aquatic invertebrates and influenced by natural and human-induced environmental stressors. He and students study stream and lake habitats in the Great Lakes basin, the Alberta foothills, and the Athabasca Oil Sands region of northeast Alberta. Ciborowski Lab Website
Dr. Jan Ciborowski
Professor, Dept. of Biological Sciences
University of Windsor
B.Sc, M.Sc (Toronto), Ph.D (Alberta)
Dr. Doucet's research interests fall broadly within the fields of evolutionary, behavioural and tropical ecology. She has focused primarily on the use of visual signals in sexual communication in birds. She has studied this topic from a variety of perspectives and across different evolutionary scales. Dr. Doucet is particularly interested in visual sensitivity, mechanisms of colour production, mechanisms of condition-dependent variation, the signal function of intraspecific variation in colour, and the evolution of colouration patterns. Doucet Lab Website
Dr. Stéphanie Doucet
Assitant Professor, Dept. of Biological Sciences
University of Windsor
B.Sc, M.Sc (Queens), Ph.D (Auburn)
Dr. Heath is studying dosage effects in chinook salmon, carotenoids in fish eggs, tropical reef fish, microsatellite development for use in evaluating invasive species; conducting a genetic and habitat investigation of the conservation status of coastal cutthroat and rainbow trout on Vancouver Island, BC and a microsatellite analysis of the life history of walleye/perch; and quantifying genotoxicity by examining the exprression of apoptotic genes and TUNEL in brown bullheads (Americus nebulous) from the Detroit River. Heath Lab Website
Dr. Daniel Heath
Professor, Dept. of Biological Sciences
University of Windsor
B.Sc, M.Sc (McGill), Ph.D (British Colombia)
Dr. Higgs' main research is the understand how animals detect sensory stimuli in their environment, how this information is processed and used to determine behaviours, and how sensory inferomation affects the ability of animals to survive with their environment. Higgs Lab Website
Dr. Dennis Higgs
Associate Professor, Dept. of Biological Sciences
University of Windsor
B.Sc (Michigan), M.Sc (Illinois), Ph.D (Texas)
Dr. Tim Johnson is a fisheries scientist with the Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources. Tim and Lynda have collaborated for several years to study the biology of the invasive fish the round goby. Tim, whose expertise is in bioenergetics models, has co-advised graduate students Vicotria Lee and Gayathri Sreedharan.
Dr. Timothy Johnson
Great Lakes Research Scientist,
B.Sc (Guelph), M.Sc (York), Ph.D (Wisconsin)
Dr. Li's research involves the identification of reproductive pheromones used by the round goby in Michigan waters where the survival of indigenous fishes is threatened. As well as the experimental determination of the function, preduction and release of a sea lamprey male pheromone. Li Lab Website
Dr. Weiming Li
Associate Professor, Dept. of Fisheries and Wildlife
Michigan State University
B.Sc, M.Sc (Shanghai), Ph.D (Minnesota)
Dr. Loeb's research involves a number of different projects in the traditional areas of synthetic organic, physical organic, coordination and organometallic chemistry. The unifying theme is supramolecular chemistry and the control of molecular function whether it in in solution, the solid-state or on a surface. Loeb Lab Website
Dr. Stephen Loeb
Professor, Dept. of Chemistry
University of Windsor
(H)B.Sc, Ph.D (Western Ontario)
Nick is a leading expert on the taxonomy of freshwater fishes and on fish species at risk. Collaborative projects with Lynda and draduate students include fish habitat associations in the Detroit River, the ecology and distribution of round goby and tubenose goby, and the ecology of the spotted gar, a fish species at risk.
Dr. Nick Mandrak
SARA/AIS Risk Assessment, Fisheries and Oceans Canada
B.Sc, M.Sc, Ph.D
Dr. A.P. (Sandy) Scott is a world class fish endocrinologist. Sandy has joined the "round goby team" to lend his experitse in identification of sex steroids in the male roung body. Sandy collaborates with both Lynda and Dr. Barbara Zielinski. Sandy spends several weeks in the Department of Biological Sciences at the University of Windsor conducting experiments and training students.
Dr. Alexander Scott
Center for Environment, Fisheries & Aquaculture Science
B.Sc, M.Sc, Ph.D (St. Andrews)
Dr. Zielinski's main research focus is to understand how the nervous system is organized through synaptic connections, and how the flow of information along this pathway can be elevated or suppressed. She and her students investigate the pathway of neurons that respond to pheromones that stimulate reproductive activity. Zielinski Lab Website
Dr. Barabra Zielinski
Professor, Dept. of Biological Sciences
University of Windsor
B.Sc, M.Sc (Waterloo), Ph.D (Manitoba)