VIEW - Fall 2011 - page 36

view . fall 2011
It was an outstanding year for members of the Toronto
Chapter organizing committee, as the
Robert J.
Humphrey Memorial Golf Tournament
$75,000 in support of student scholarships. The
tournament was held in June at the Blue Springs
Golf Club in Acton, Ont.
Humphrey, BComm ’70, founder of the tournament
and former CEO of Harry Rosen Inc., passed away in
2000. To honour his memory, Harry Rosen Inc. led the
way with a pledge of $25,000, presented by long-time
friend and colleague, Conrad Frejlich, vice-president
and CFO. The amount includes a match by the Ontario
government’s Trust for Student Support.
Grads Rick Shaban BHK ’80, LLB ’83, Don Johnston
BHK ’80, BEd ’81 Brian Toth BHK ’80, BEd ’81 and Don
Martin BHK ’80, BEd ’81, MEd ’97 bested the field with
the low round of the day.
Since its inception in 1994, the tournament has
raised more than $500,000 to support deserving students
through scholarships in the Faculty of Law, the Blue and
Gold athletics program, and the Odette School of Business.
Annual Alumni & Friends Golf Tournament
held August 8 at Essex Golf & Country Club in LaSalle,
Ont., was another huge success. One of the longest
standing and most popular Alumni Association traditions,
this year’s tournament added more than $20,000 to the
$106,000 raised during the past two years. The funds
will support the establishment of the Alumni Memorial
Scholarship. This year, Kieran Maddock became the first
recipient of the $800 annual scholarship. Maddock is a
third-year student in the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences.
“The support from our golfers and sponsors is
tremendous,” said Mike Bates BHK ’95, MBA ’04, chair
of the organizing committee. “We would like to thank
PCR Contractors as our lead sponsor, as well as all of the
people and businesses who sponsored a hole or donated
a prize.”
Congratulations to the winning foursome of Debra
Kennedy-Snider, Don Snider, Shawn O’Keefe and
Mary Lou Henderson.
Special thanks to
event organizers Hugh Sheldon
BA ’76, Ken Alexander BA ’87, LLB ’92, Rick Shaban, Peter
Neubauer LLB ’73, Michael Kaye MBA ’08, Graham Brown
BHK ’92, MHK ’96, and to the
event organizers
Mike Bates, Vince Bassman BComm ’70, Anna Godo
BASc ’86, MASc ’90, Jennifer Rooke BA ’02, LLB ’05,
Terry Fink, and members of the Alumni Affairs staff.
Congratulations to the winning foursome of the Windsor
Tournament: (left to right) Bob Henderson, Mary Lou Henderson,
Debra Kennedy-Snider and Don Snider.
President Alan Wildeman (middle) congratulates the winning
foursome of the R.J. Humphrey Memorial Tournament: (left to right)
Don Johnston, Brian Toth, Rick Shaban and Don Martin.
R.J. Humphrey Memorial Tournament organizers present a $75,000
cheque to the University: (left to right) Ken Alexander, Alan Wildeman,
Peter Neubauer, Conrad Fiderich, Sue Williams ’85, ’88, Susan Lester,
Michael Kaye and Rick Shaban.
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