Privacy and

PIPEDA sounds like a mythical creature, but the Personal Information Protection and Electronics Document Act (the “Act”) is slowly becoming a part of our daily lives. Unlike the Privacy Act and the Access to Information Act, PIPEDA compels any organization engaged in commercial activity to establish a privacy policy so that consumers will know in advance how their personal information will be collected, used and disclosed.

PIPEDA was brought into force in three stages. The first part of the Act was in force on January 1, 2001 and applies to federally-regulated works or undertakings engaged in commercial activity. The second phase, in force in January 1, 2002 applies to personal health information that is collected, used or disclosed by federally-regulated works or undertakings. The third and final phase has been in force since January 1, 2004 and it expands the Act to apply to all organizations engaged in commercial activity.

PIPEDA operates in each province that does not have “substantially similar legislation.” Since December 2004 the Federal Government has deemed the privacy legislation in Quebec, Alberta and British Columbia as “substantially similar” to PIPEDA. Accordingly PIPDEA is not enforceable on local provincial businesses in those provinces but it will remain in effect as it relates to federal works and undertakings.

In 2004, Ontario enacted the Personal Health Information Protection Act (PHIPA) to establish rules for the collection, use and disclosure of personal information related to health care. PHIPA also provides individuals a right to access, correct or amend their personal health information held by health organizations and to provide individuals with a method to resolve complaints for contravention’s under the Act. The Federal government has not reviewed PHIPA to see if it meets the “substantially similar” criteria. If PHIPA is declared substantially similar to PIPEDA, then it will replace PIPEDA insofar as it relates to health information.


for businesses
and organizations


Impact of PIPEDA
On cross-border