Odette Research Review - October 2013 - page 2

Issue 1
The subtitle of this newsletter – Leadership, Innovation and Social Responsibility – refers to key areas of research conducted by our faculty and
recognized in the School’s research strategy. These words also describe our faculty members’ position within their professions and community.
On occasion, the leadership and innovation of our faculty is recognized by their peers both within Odette and beyond.
Jagdish Pathak
Outstanding Researcher Award, Strategic and Emerging
Technology section, American Accounting Association
Alan J. Richardson
Hourglass Award, Academy of Accounting Historians
Jagdish Pathak
Accounting Professor Jagdish Pathak is
proud to be the first Canadian recipient of a
research award from the Strategic and
Emerging Technology section of the
American Accounting Association, but was
quick to credit the Odette School of Business
for providing a climate conducive to success.
Dr. Pathak received the 2013 Outstanding
Researcher Award from the association’s
Strategic and Emerging Technology section,
last week at its annual meeting in Anaheim,
California. The award, created in 1994, cites
Pathak for his extraordinary academic
achievements and leadership in research.
“I dedicated my plaque to Dean Allan
Conway for his support and impetus to
research,” says Pathak, who joined the
school’s faculty in 2002.
His research explores issues of fraud, e-
auditing, and has been employed by law
enforcement and insurance organizations. In
addition to his certified general accountant
designation, Pathak holds consultancies with
the World Bank and the US Presidential
Protection for the Department of Homeland
Alan J. Richardson
The Hourglass Award of the Academy of
Accounting Historians is presented annually
to an individual who has made a
demonstrable and significant contribution to
knowledge through research and publication
in accounting history. The 2012 Hourglass
Award to Alan J. Richardson recognizes his
contributions to accounting history spanning
four decades. He has made significant
contributions to our understanding of the
history of the accounting profession
including studies of the professionalization
process, the development of standard-
setting and the structure of the audit market.
He has also contributed to our understanding
of the evolution of cost accounting practices.
In recent years he has focused on the
development of cost accounting in an
international context notably publishing
work on the evolution of accounting in the
postal industry. His publications have been
recognized with best paper awards three
times (two in the Accounting Historians
Journal and once in Accounting History). His
work is notable for its methodological
diversity. His publications include traditional
narrative history, oral history, cliometrics,
and biographical research. He has also
published historical work in the marketing,
education and business history literature. In
addition to his publications, he has served on
the editorial boards of the three major
accounting history journals, co-edited a
organized the 6th World Congress of
Accounting Historians and served as a
trustee of the Academy of Accounting
External Recognition
This year’s
Odette Award Winners
Chris Fredette
, Odette New Researcher Award and
Jerry Sun
, Odette Award for Research Excellence (Honourable
mention, Francine Schlosser).
For more information about their work please see the conference presentation and publication listings below.
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