Page 4 The Retirees' Newsletter

The Retirees's Association ( Faculty, Librarian, Administrator), University of Windsor, Windsor, Ont. Canada

Vol X III, No. 1, March 2003

Association News

Lawson Named To Order Of Ontario

Douglas Lawson, past chair of the University of Windsor's Board of Governors was one of 25 Ontarians named to the Order of Ontario.
Lawson is a Windsor lawyer who first hired Premier Ernie Eves in 1971 as an articling student at the McTague law firm. In addition to his service with the university, he is actively involved in many community organizations such as the Ontario Arts Council, the Art Gallery of Windsor and Enwin Utilities Ltd.

New International Exchange

Program To Support Social Justice

The Department of Sociology and Anthropology, University of Windsor is participating in a student exchange involving seven other Canadian universities and five universities in the European Union. The exchange program is titled "Social Justice and Human Rights in an Era of Globalization: Learning from One Another".

The project will focus on efforts in Canada and in European Union countries to attain a higher degree of social justice and human rights. Human Justice and Criminology undergraduate and graduate students can apply to study at one of the five European universities for either one or two semesters.

Canadian universities involved in the program with Windsor include: Regina, St. Thomas, Montreal, Winnipeg, Simon Fraser and Ottawa. Participating European universities are located in Belgium, Spain, Germany, France and England.

The Newsletter

The Retirees' Newsletter is put out by the Faculty, Librarian Administrator Retirees' Association of the University of Windsor, four times per year: -- in March, June, September and December.

Its main purpose is to inform our retirees on matters of direct interest to them ­ such as their pensions, benefits, association activities, etc. and, equally, to provide a channel for retirees to keep in touch with each other and with outside groups, including the Faculty Association and the University.

The Newsletter welcomes from readers their comments, arguments, contributions and creative work.

Editor Datta Pillay

Send items for inclusion, to

Datta Pillay,

4015 Villa Borghese,

Windsor, ON. N9G 2K3.

Tel: (519) 972-1247

Fax:(519) 972- 8304

OR: Use his email address: pillay@

Retirements in 2003 - Faculty and Staff

Faculty - 17

Harold Atkinson -Mathematics & Statistics

Ian Bushnell - Law

Raymond Daly - Psychology

Joseph R. DeAngelis - Visual Arts

John Ditsky - English

Sheila Dresen - Nursing

Michael J. Dufresne - Biological Sciences

Edward Glass - Physics

Forrest C. Hansen - Social Work

Purna N. Kaloni - Mathematics & Statistics

Ljubo Majhanovich - Classical Languages

William Miller - Electrical & Computer Engineering

Alfe Morgan - Business Administration

Janice Titiev - Classical Languages

Daniel Watt - Mechanical Engineering

Chi. S Wong - Mathematics & Statistics

H. Dale Woodyard - Psychology

Staff - 12

Roxanne Bell - Physical Plant

Lucille Cecillon - Telecommunications

Luigi DiModugno - Physical Plant

Gary Fields - Physical Plant

Nanda Gamage - Leddy Library

Adelaide Gaudario - Leddy Library

Ruby Johnson -Physical Plant

Mickey Milanis - Food & Hospitality

Dennis Murphy - Energy Conversion

Carol Pageau - Leddy Library

Julie West - Mathematics & Statistics

Iain Baxter Named to Receive

Order of Canada

In addition to being named an Officer of the Order Of Canada recently, Visual Arts Professor Emeritus Iain Baxter has traveled to France, was a guest lecturer, collaborated on several books and is beginning a book project of his own.
Renne's Le FRAC Bretagne Museum of Contemporary Art has acquired seven of his artworks for their collection.
The Vancouver Art Gallery has acquired 14 Baxter art works for their permanent collection and the Iain Baxter archives have now been installed in the Art Gallery of Ontario Archives Collection.

Baxter was a Visiting Artist in the Visual Arts department of Mount Allison University in November. He was a guest lecturer and artist in residence at the Toledo Art School in Ohio and Southern Illinois University in Carbondale.
Recently Baxter became the first recipient of a Senior Research Fellowship from the Visual Arts area of the Canada Council for the Arts. The award will support his work on a major book covering his 40-year art practice.

What's Inside

P 1. Spring General Meeting, President's Message

P 2. Campus News

P 3. Campus News

P 4. Campus News

P 5. Letter to President Ross Paul

P 6. Letter to President Ross Paul

P 7. 8, Membership News

P 9 Association News & Editorial

P 10, 11, 12, 13 & 14 Membership List