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Newsletter Editor's Column

By Jim Linton

Although this is only the second Newsletter published under my editorship, unfortunately it is also the last. I submitted my resignation prior to the Executive Committee meeting of July 24, 2002, at which it was accepted.

When I first volunteered for this position, I had only very recently retired and was really unaware of both the nature of my own personal retirement situation and the demands of the Newsletter editorship. Since then, the circumstances of both have become abundantly clear, and I find that they are not a compatible combination. (This "summer" issue's unintended and unanticipated late arrival is testament of that situation.) I feel bad that things have not worked out better, but am consoled by the words of our President, Alan Metcalfe, who, when speaking about our response to demands on us in our post-university appointment years, said: "We are, after all, retirees."

In the spirit of Yogi Berra's "deja vu all over again," the "new" Editor of the Newsletter will be the previous Editor, Datta Pillay. He deserves your active support, and you are encouraged to send him items of interest to include in these pages. It is also important to remind you that the publication of the Newsletter is supported financially by part of the modest annual dues you pay to be a member of WURA. If you have not yet paid your dues for 2002 ( or are unclear about your membership status), I would encourage you to contact WURA Treasurer, Phyllis Nolan, to address the situation.

I have enjoyed my brief term on the Executive Committee and have been impressed by the commitment and ability of my colleagues on it, as well as those of other WURA members who have volunteered to carry out specific assignments. The Committee members have been working hard on a number of issues crucial to all of us (including ways of expanding and improving communication between the Executive Committee and the WURA members­as well as non-member retirees). I recommend you provide them with all the encouragement and active support you can, and I wish them well in their endeavours.


Call for Nominations

The WURA Nominating Committee will shortly begin its work of reviewing and nominating candidates for possible openings and positions on the Executive Committee [President, Vice-president, Treasurer, Secretary, four Directors], and for WURA representative on Faculty association committees [WUFA Executive, Council, and Contract Committees]. Nominations and applications should be sent, by September 16, to Stan Cunningham (2277 Lincoln Rd., Windsor, N8W 2R3)

Inside this issue

Page 1. President's Report

Page 2. Campus News

Page 3. Campus News

Page 4. Association News

Page 5. Association News

Page 6. Association News

Page 7. Editorial News