The road to success is not crowded. People are contantly looking for ways to take but our true mission lies in finding ways to give. With a giving attitude and a helping hand, our actions today could change the fate of the underpreviliged and the downtrodden. Your action can change a life. Please contact us to check for volunteer opportunities.
Without our volunteers our organization could not survive. We our forever indebted to you for your generosity. You have made the world a better place.

Spring 2004 - Canadian Volunteer Johanne Sabourin

Winter 2003 - Canadian Volunteers Amy Farkas & Christopher Formagin with Tad

2002 - Canadian Volunteer Norma Nidoff

December 1999-March 2000 Australian Volunteer Amy Stapleton

1998-1999 Canadian Volunteers Dan Boles & Maya Primorac

1999 Canadian Volunteers Fayez, Sholeh & Shajahan