just a few things...
Monday, November 24, 2008
- You should have received your marked 1st project back in email.  if you have not, please let us know.  project #2 and the CVs will arrive soon.  again, please let us know if you have sent them in,
clustering etc.
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
- wednesday we will be using ALL of your saved material from last class and whatever you have generated since then, especially the INTERVIEW.
- we will be using an exercise called CLUSTERING or MIND
artist statements
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
-    REMEMBER to bring materials to class for exercises/development of Artist Statements.
    - lots of paper or a sketchbook or notebook or just loose
    - pencils, sharpies, markers
this week
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Susan Gold/Smith will be with us on Wednesday.  she will talk about legal issues for artists.  the copyright and legal landscape has been changing radically for artists in recent years.  legal
be on time !
Monday, October 20, 2008
we have guests on wednesday.  representatives from various art organizations will be here to talk about how they operate, what they do, who they do it for and how it all fits together to
    Important announcements regarding class, reminders and changes will be added below.
     please check here early in the week, so that you will have information you need before class on wednesday.  new entries will be dated on day they are entered, so anything dated before the next class may be relevant.
27-490    F08           4th year seminar