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          I don't have a bloated idea of my own importance or significance, but you might be interested to know who I am and where I am coming from concerning my interests and opinions (of which I have  great many)

Origins and background

         I was born in Pretoria, South Africa, five days before Elvis Presley (go figure -  the stars were in a VERY favourable conjunction during that week!).   I was born exactly nine months after the death of my great grandfather, President Freancis William Reitz.  Coincidence?  I think not.   My father was a lawyer (notary and conveyancer) and my mother a homemaker.  I come from a long line of notable ancestors originating in Germany, Netherlands, Norway and England (Yorkshire) and I am of mixed Afrikaner-English descent.  My grandfather, who was a member of Parliament, was once quoted in the paper as saying:  "My son is shortly to marry an English girl.  My grandchiuldren will be, neither English nor Dutch, but South African."  I have always taken great pride in that statement.   I went to Brooklyn School and Pretoria Boys High School.  I have one brother (younger) Martin, who became an engineer,  is now retired, and spends his time wind-surfing, participating in marathon bicycle races, and going on safari in Southern Africa.

        I married Blodwen Davies  from Caledon, Cape Province,  in 1961 and emigrated to Canada in July 1963.  I have two children: Philip, born 1969 and Simon born 1971.  They are still resident in Windsor, Ontario.  Timothy was born on September 6 1972, and died two days later.

     Divorced 1989.

     Married Joanne Rice 1991 (grew up in Concord, Mass.,  moved to Waterloo, Ont. and then toWindsor).
Cgherrydale Farm

Simon, Philip, Blodwen and me, Cherrydale Farm, near Goderich, Easter 1981

Carousel of Nations

Joanne and me, Carousel of Nations, Windsor, June 199

Philip and Simon
Philip and Simon join us for Thanksgiving dinner for the first time
on October 11  2004.  I could not get used to the fact that Philip looked like
a clone of me at that age.

Academic qualifications

     Got my B.A. in Psychology,  Sociology and Criminology at the University of Pretoria,  way back in  1958.

     Higher Certificate in Librarianship at the University of Cape Town, 1962.

     Masters degree in Library Science, University of Toronto, 1966.

     PhD course in Information Science, University of Western Ontario, 1986/87.

     Masters degree in English, University of Windsor, 1990.

     Miscellaneous courses in administrative studies,  human resource management, industrial relations and comunication studies at the University of Windsor  (where I learnt about the importance of maintaining a personal portfolio - which is therefore what this web page in essence is - so you have Dr. Tom Carney to thank for all this stuff!)

        Home Life

                                 Photo album
                                  Our cats

                 Other Activities
                          Family history
                          Into the New Millennium
                                        Reports and research papers
                  Miscellaneous interests

                                          Science fiction          

                     South African links

Created July 16 1996.  Last updated April 7 2005.  Want to know more?  Ask!  e-mail me at