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Readings & Texts For Core Seminar 2002

Readings related to various presentations may be placed on Reserve in the Lakehead Faculty of Education Library
Bentz, V. M. & Shapiro, J.J. (1998) Mindful Inquiry In Social Research. SAGE
Paperback ISBN 0761904093   List $39.95 US


Creswell, J. W. (1998). Qualitative Inquiry and Research Design, Choosing Among Five Traditions. Thousand Oaks CA: SAGE Publications.

ISBN 0-7619-0144-2

e-mail   order@sagepub.com


Hardcover (0761901434): September, 1997 $72.95 / Paperback (0761901442): September, 1997 $36.95

(Mine worked out to $68.00 in Canadian Funds)

Table Of Contents:

1. Introduction

2. Designing A Qualitative Study

3. Five Different Qualitative Studies

4. Five Qualitative Traditions of Inquiry

5. Philosophical and Theoretical Frameworks

6. Introducing and Focusing A Study

7. Data Collection

8. Data Analysis and Representation

9. Writing the Narrative Report

10. Standards of Quality and Verification

11. "Turning the Story" and Conclusions



Isaac, S. & Michael, W. B. (1995). Handbook In Research And Evaluation, (3rd Ed.). San Diego, CA: EdITS/Educational and Industrial Testing Services.

ISBN  0-912736-32-1

Mail: EdITS
P.O. Box 7234
San Diego, CA 92167
(619) 222-1666
Fax:(619) 226-1666
E-mail: edits@k-online.com


Price $26.25 (Remember these are $US Funds)