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"Guest" Presentations

These are sample presentations from the past that can give you some direction regarding various way to configure your presentation. If and when they are available the GO TO buttons beside the topic will be active and not "grayed-out." You are not expected to read the presentations or discuss them in a discussion thread. Peruse them for ideas. They are models. However, we do hope to activate one guest spot for actual discussion. Watch for the red button; that will be the topic for reading and discussion.
Samples Topic Link
Geri Mentorship (Assisting first-year at-risk university students by using Faculty of Education students as mentors).

Elena Distance Education (Attitudes to various components of on-line and web-based instruction).

Beth Empathy ("Intelligence" and the human-animal bond: Does pet owner ship lead to greater emotional intelligence?)

Guest Topic Link
















Link To Geri's Presentation
Link To Elena's Presentation
Beth's Abstract

            The nature of intelligence has long been regarded as an elusive construct.  Researchers and scientists have sought for decades to define intelligence according to a commonly held set of assumptions.  In fact, two major symposiums comprised of intelligence experts, held seventy years apart (Terman, 1921; Neisser et al., 1996), failed to reach a unified definition of intelligence and how it should be measured.  However, three intelligence paradigms are consistently acknowledged throughout intelligence literature: psychometric, Piagetian, and cognitive (Gardner, 1985; Neisser, 1979; Seigler & Richardson, 1982; Sternberg, 1985). 

Nonetheless, contemporary intelligent theorists (Gardner, 1984; Sternberg, 1985) have acknowledged that traditional definitions of intelligence omit considerations of practical, social, and personal abilities.  Accordingly, several have advanced their own theories of broad intelligences. Most recently, Salovey & Mayer (1990), building on Thorndike’s (1937) social intelligence theory and Gardner’s (1984) personal intelligences, have argued that these abilities, which they call Emotional Intelligence (EI) may be as important, if not more so, than traditional psychometric and cognitive aspects of intelligence. EI is comprised of self-awareness, management of emotions and relationships, self-motivation, and empathy.  The development of these skills ultimately leads to the accurate appraisal and expression of emotions, the effective regulation of emotions, and the ability to control emotions.

            Because EI is a relatively new theory, research into the factors that contribute to its development is sparse.  However, throughout the past two decades, researchers have determined that specific factors do indeed contribute to the development of prosocial behaviour in children (Ascione, 1996; Hyde, Kurdek, & Larson, 1983;).  One area that has warranted further research is the relationship between children and animals. Researchers have concluded that children who bond with their pets, especially dogs, demonstrate increased empathy, prosocial behaviour, sense of responsibility, and self-confidence than those who are less attached (Vivodic, Stetic, & Bratko, 1999; Wishon, 1987).  No studies, however, have examined whether pet ownership in childhood is correlated with abilities in adulthood to appraise, express, and utilize emotions intelligently. The working hypothesis for this study, therefore, is that dog ownership during childhood correlates with adults’ emotional intelligence.. 

Accordingly, the purpose of this study is to investigate whether or not university students who owned dogs as children are more emotionally intelligent than those who did not. Related aspects to be investigated include the age at which the dog was present, degree of attachment, continued ownership in adult life, and various demographic variables,

Unfortunately, the music in this PowerPoint presentation is unavailable in the download version. It is only available if you have a version on CD. Nevertheless, the content and format are clear and informative.









