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Marks -- Educational Psychology-- 80-203 (01, 02,  04)


Check these links for Marks for your Section

Section 01

Section  02

Section 04

Section 06




Note: See Below for Kim's Feedback

In order to receive a mark within the A+  -   A range, ALL 4 brochures must demonstrate the following characteristics:

  1. Resources for teachers (As a practising teacher, would I be able to APPLY the information?)
  2. Overall design was easy to read (Do my brochures open without confusion?)
  3. Examples were provided for the information given
  4. Use of other resources (Did I go the extra mile and incorporate this into my brochure? Did I just copy and paste websites?)
  5. Excellent background information on the topic (Did I just jump right into the information?)
  6. Sensitive language for a brochure on a disability (Did I use child-first language? Did I use sensitive language to address the needs of children?)
  7. Included tips for teachers and strategies to use in the classroom
  8. Can be useful for both teachers or parents
  9. Not simply a summary of the information in the text or a word for word regurgitation of the textbook
  10. Perfect punctuation, grammar, spelling (Did I utilize spell check, did I have grammar mistakes??)
  11. Not a glossary of terms (Did I copy a lot of definitions with little tips, information, and applications?)
  12. All 4 brochures displayed a different format, design, creativity (Did I make an effort to create visual appealing brochures or use the same layout for all?)
  13. More than 3-4 subtopics on the chosen topic (Did I provide thorough information?)
  14. No errors in formatting (Words omitted from the edge, was the reader able to read graphs, visuals, charts, words)
  15. Did my brochures open in a logical sequence or was the reader confused when opening them?
  16. Use of a computer and not construction paper
  17. Did I provide age-specific applications
  18. Were my target grade/grades clear?
  19. Did I provide and follow up with age-appropriate tips and applications?
  20. Did I provide further readings/Internet sources for individuals who may want to take a further look into my topic?

Before requesting a description of the quality of work submitted, please take the time to self-evaluate the quality of your own work. After doing so, any further concerns may be addressed to

Thank You!




Preamble on Post-hoc Rubrics

If someone was asked to design a pet and a rubric was provided on what an evaluation team might be looking for, I suspect the type of pet designed would reflect attempts to capitalize on strengths and, thus, competing strengths.  This pet, we’ll call him Edsel, would likely have the ability to climb trees (front feet with claws), an opposable thumb, the humps of a camel, the tusks of an elephant, the antlers of an elk, the tail of kangaroo, or perhaps a beaver, or perhaps two tails (one of each), the back feet of a platypus to help with swimming, the blowhole of a whale, the teeth of a shark, the shell of a turtle, one eyes of an eagle, and a compound eye or two propitiously placed, the cunning of a fox, the intelligence of a rat, the speed of a cheetah, the face of a spaniel, the nose of hound, ... and  …the grave of the dinosaur.

The point is that rubrics can stifle creativity by forcing people to try to do too much. The propitious balance of a creative product should be internally driven rather than externally driven, elegant rather than convoluted, and creative rather than created. The post-hoc rubric facilitates judgment rather than determining judgment. It releases imagination, creativity, originality, and …professionals rather than technicians.  

So what does one look for in facilitating judgment?


Specifics (for Applied and Creative Projects)

A to A+

-Content tied to the textbook, and beyond the text at times...




-Content format

Error free (spelling and grammar)

Error free (technological, software and hardware glitches)







Teaches a topic (text-based) or construct relevant to educational psychology (textbook)

Invites learning of a topic or construct relevant to educational psychology (textbook)




Shows fluency and flexibility related to creativity

“The common-man” criterion. (Would a member of the general public say this creation was strikingly original, or creative, or impressive?)

Would a member of the teaching community say this creation was strikingly original, or creative, or impressive?


Quality looks indistinguishable from what might be marketed at a commercial level

Quality is unique


Use of internal resources: humour, music, writing, dialogue, wit, imagination, expertise, etc...

Use of external resources: people, software, texts, existing media, internet, experts, etc.


A-   To A

Missing one or two of the above markers.


B to B+

Missing several of the above markers but still showing creative or pedagogical merit.


B- To B

Missing multiple markers but still showing some merit.




Weak on all levels, or merit is suspect.